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wanna go for a swim in Australia?


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Man that's huge! I didn't think hammerheads ever got anywhere near that size. I bet I'd still beat him in a fight.

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Great googely-moogely. Other than koala bears, is there any wildlife in Australia that isn't lethal? I mean geez, you guys seem to have the market cornered on crocodiles, scorpions, snakes, sharks, and God knows what else. Haha.

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Great googely-moogely. Other than koala bears, is there any wildlife in Australia that isn't lethal? I mean geez, you guys seem to have the market cornered on crocodiles, scorpions, snakes, sharks, and God knows what else. Haha.

These three of my faves are only lethal if being awesome is considered lethal:












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there was a story in the news about 1-2 weeks ago about a guy being viciously attacked by a wombat.



A wombat attacked a man in the state of Victoria, Australia, injuring him so badly that he had to be sent to hospital.


Bonnie Malkin in Sydney

Published: 11:13AM BST 06 Apr 2010


On the list of Australia's most dangerous animals, the wombat does not feature highly Photo: PA

Bruce Kringle, 60, was stepping out of his caravan in the rural town of Flowerdale, when he felt something attack his leg.


In an assault that lasted 20 minutes, the wombat brought him to the ground before climbing onto Mr Kringle's chest to continue the attack.


Luckily, Mr Kringle was able to reach for a nearby axe and kill the animal.


Mr Kringle, who survived the Black Saturday bush fires in 2009 and is in the process of rebuilding his home, was treated at the scene by paramedics and transferred to hospital where last night he was in a stable condition.


Paramedics said he had suffered puncture wounds to his arms and legs.


Wombat experts have described the attack as "highly unusual".


On the list of Australia's most dangerous animals, the wombat does not feature highly.


The furry marsupials, which resemble badgers, are known for their cute and cuddly looks, and are considered one of the more docile native creatures in the country.


Geoff McLure, a spokesman from the Department of Sustainability and the Environment, said the wombat was probably suffering from mange, which could make it irritable and violent.


"It probably saw the man as a threat and rushed at him," Mr McLure said.


"If it had mange, it would have been suffering a great deal and would be very intolerant to human interference."


While wombats might look benign, they are strong, he warned.


"They can be quite big, and can move quickly," he said.


"But it's not known that they will push the attack to where they would physically attack someone."

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there was a story in the news about 1-2 weeks ago about a guy being viciously attacked by a wombat.



A wombat attacked a man in the state of Victoria, Australia, injuring him so badly that he had to be sent to hospital.


Bonnie Malkin in Sydney

Published: 11:13AM BST 06 Apr 2010


On the list of Australia's most dangerous animals, the wombat does not feature highly Photo: PA

Bruce Kringle, 60, was stepping out of his caravan in the rural town of Flowerdale, when he felt something attack his leg.


In an assault that lasted 20 minutes, the wombat brought him to the ground before climbing onto Mr Kringle's chest to continue the attack.


Luckily, Mr Kringle was able to reach for a nearby axe and kill the animal.


Mr Kringle, who survived the Black Saturday bush fires in 2009 and is in the process of rebuilding his home, was treated at the scene by paramedics and transferred to hospital where last night he was in a stable condition.


Paramedics said he had suffered puncture wounds to his arms and legs.


Wombat experts have described the attack as "highly unusual".


On the list of Australia's most dangerous animals, the wombat does not feature highly.


The furry marsupials, which resemble badgers, are known for their cute and cuddly looks, and are considered one of the more docile native creatures in the country.


Geoff McLure, a spokesman from the Department of Sustainability and the Environment, said the wombat was probably suffering from mange, which could make it irritable and violent.


"It probably saw the man as a threat and rushed at him," Mr McLure said.


"If it had mange, it would have been suffering a great deal and would be very intolerant to human interference."


While wombats might look benign, they are strong, he warned.


"They can be quite big, and can move quickly," he said.


"But it's not known that they will push the attack to where they would physically attack someone."

Haha. I remember that whuss... uh, guy. Seriously, if I got attacked by a wombat I'd keep it quiet and just let the wounds heal themselves. It'd be like coming home from a day's work only to be attacked by this:


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Haha. I remember that whuss... uh, guy. Seriously, if I got attacked by a wombat I'd keep it quiet and just let the wounds heal themselves. It'd be like coming home from a day's work only to be attacked by this:




good choice geoff

How come yours is a red x? Where's this little munchkin:


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Massive shark ! But it would be a lot better off still alive than being dead and a tourist attraction ! (for fuck's sake ...! -_- )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really don't like the Box jelly fishes you over there. And they are so hard to see. Why does animals like that have to exist?

Yeah, good call. Box Jellyfish, by far, would be one of the creatures I'd least like to ever meet in my life. Them and stone fish. Both seem very unappealing. I'd take the shark over them anyday.

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If you survive the sharks, jellyfish and all those other nasty things in the water down here in Australia, look at the size of the seagulls that are waiting for you when you get out of it :lol:



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