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WOW! Gridiron is actually watchable to us foreigners!


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Mate, I would give you that if you're playing soccer on a normal level. Professional soccer is getting as bad as NFL with all the penalities due to every poofter and his ass-puppet taking a dive when a foot nears a ball. The game (which admittedly is very fun to play yourself) has been completely ruined by the pussies that play the sport professionally.


Agree wholeheartedly with that, although would like to edit it slightly thus:

"The game (which admittedly is very fun to play yourself) has been completely ruined by the pussies that play the sport professionally and earn a f*cking ridiculous amount of money for doing so."


Money is killing the game at grass roots level, professional football is about money and little else these days, the fans don't matter at all. Still love the game itself though.


The same is true of all sports though. The stakes involved have really spoilt the entertainment levels IMO. Seriously, I'm a big tennis fan but having to sit through that Federer/Murray match on Sunday was painful - it was dull & Murray couldn't make a game of it as he was like a deer caught-in-the-headlights.

I don't think the same can be said about every sport. Obviously I can't speak for every sport either, but to me, soccer is by far the most noticable. The difference between playing the sport and watching the sport is by far the most dramatic of any sport. As I've said before, I grew up playing soccer for about 10 years of my younger days, but I actually truly despise watching it because of the pieces of shit that play it professionally.


As for tennis, I agree that Federer's dominance of the sport can be seen as dull and boring, but there are some truly excellent male players out there at the moment. Murray did never stand a chance, but even though it was only three sets I thought it was a pretty decent contest. There were far better games in the tournament (Roddick vs Gonzales was excellent, and Tsonga vs that little Argentinian or wherever he was from, for instance) but I don't think you can say as a whole that tennis is too bad. Well, at least not men's tennis. Don't get me started on the standard of women's tennis these days.


And Geoff, I didnt say Rugby didnt have strategy, American Football, is 1 half strategy, where rugby is much more free flowing contact! that's what the boring part is to you, football is on offense, trying to get past 1 defense, by not just being more physical, but being smarter! get what im saying? they really are nothing alike at all! really!! nothingn alike!

Yeah mate, we definitely agree on that. The games are nothing at all alike. :)

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There is one sport, where the athletes play harder then any other sport I know, College Basketball, if you watch those kids play, then you see what they end up becoming in the NBA, I believe they may be the hardest most passionate athletes to play any sport on the planet!


Did you guys hear about the new Basketball League being formed, it's supposedly an all white league? they were talking about it on the radio here today, in Salt Lake City, I didnt know if it was a joke or what, but it's dead serious! they want basketball to be played with fundamentals, and all that basketball originally was, not what, "its been made into" that's racist, im shooting off a couple emails to Al and Jesse as we speak, we will cut this off right at the head!

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Thats just because they havent played Rugby or Football! I cant stand any sport that your not aloud to use your hands! sorry! to aggravating, like I said,"PICK IT UP ALREADY" Christ!!!


And Geoff, I didnt say Rugby didnt have strategy, American Football, is 1 half strategy, where rugby is much more free flowing contact! that's what the boring part is to you, football is on offense, trying to get past 1 defense, by not just being more physical, but being smarter! get what im saying? they really are nothing alike at all! really!! nothingn alike!


I hope not to cause offence, but I think with that comment you are massively missing the point (again)!!!


It's just all about opinions, some of us love football and some love other sports. No one is right or wrong. I love some American sports, although I find basketball one of the most tedious sports there is. One team gets the ball, they score. The other team gets the ball, they score. etc, etc. Occasionally, one team gets the ball and doesn't score, but it only happens quite rarely. But as I say, different strokes...

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Thats just because they havent played Rugby or Football! I cant stand any sport that your not aloud to use your hands! sorry! to aggravating, like I said,"PICK IT UP ALREADY" Christ!!!


And Geoff, I didnt say Rugby didnt have strategy, American Football, is 1 half strategy, where rugby is much more free flowing contact! that's what the boring part is to you, football is on offense, trying to get past 1 defense, by not just being more physical, but being smarter! get what im saying? they really are nothing alike at all! really!! nothingn alike!


I hope not to cause offence, but I think with that comment you are massively missing the point (again)!!!


It's just all about opinions, some of us love football and some love other sports. No one is right or wrong. I love some American sports, although I find basketball one of the most tedious sports there is. One team gets the ball, they score. The other team gets the ball, they score. etc, etc. Occasionally, one team gets the ball and doesn't score, but it only happens quite rarely. But as I say, different strokes...

And don't forget the 895 time-outs between each team scoring in basketball. ;)

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The absolute best part of this discussion, you ask. No one is talking about (or more importantly, SHOWING) this:






Sorry guys. Back to your discussion. I just figured folks needed reminding of what's really important in life. :tumbsup:

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The absolute best part of this discussion, you ask. No one is talking about (or more importantly, SHOWING) this:






Sorry guys. Back to your discussion. I just figured folks needed reminding of what's really important in life. :tumbsup:



I have absolutely ZERO interest in this, whatsoever!!! Id just as soon watch these chicks get banged, or porn, then watch them half naked, attempting to play a skilled sport! or even better Id rather watch them on the sideline with pom poms, during a real football game!!

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The absolute best part of this discussion, you ask. No one is talking about (or more importantly, SHOWING) this:






Sorry guys. Back to your discussion. I just figured folks needed reminding of what's really important in life. :tumbsup:


Is there even one woman in the stands? :lol:

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The absolute best part of this discussion, you ask. No one is talking about (or more importantly, SHOWING) this:






Sorry guys. Back to your discussion. I just figured folks needed reminding of what's really important in life. :tumbsup:


Is there even one woman in the stands? :lol:


There's stands in the picture? :tumbsup:


Hey folks, I'm not saying this is a legit sport. I'm not saying it's as good as porn. I'm just saying, I'm an equal opportunity gawker. I enjoy it for what it's worth. If you can't do that, it's cool. Some of us do. Some of us just enjoy every moment of awesomeness to which we can be exposed. It makes life better. dancingpenis.gif

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  • 3 years later...

I missed this discussion! Im bored as fuck, lets write a script shall we? one we can fit right into a major sporting event seen on TV. here is my script.


Now a word from our sponsors....


(Fade in, Male and Female rock climbing,-Scene Cut Into: 2 Males on ocean wind surfing Fade Out to Actor)


- IN - Actor 1: Hi! you know 3 years ago when my doctor told me I was positive for genital herpes, it's like he was talking in slow motion, nothing else he said even registered, my life as I knew it was finished. - OUT -


- IN - Actress 2: But I was completely wrong, I didnt have to let Herpes take over my life(cut to insert shot of 4 people skydiving) - OUT -


- IN - Actor 1: Because I didnt know about HERP-X, with HERP-X, Ive found a new way of life. - OUT -


- IN - Actor 3: (Insert shot of Male and Female Para-gliding)Because with HERP-X, ive not only found a new way of life. - OUT -


- IN - Actress 2: I found a better way of life, and just because I have genital herpes, doesnt mean I have to stop living. - OUT -


- IN - Actor 3: It means with HERP-X, Ive found a new way of life, a better way of life - OUT -


- IN - Actors 1,2, & 3 Group shot: Because HERP-X, gave us back our lifes, and now our lifes are beyond what we ever dreamed - OUT -


- IN - Voice Over Actor: Use only as directed, do not use during flare up, if you experience any side effects such as dry eyes, nausea, hot flashes, cold flashes, runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, backaches, diarrhea, vomiting, jondis, rectal itching, increased flare ups, dryness, cracking, swelling, bleeding from sores, blood in your stool, blood in your urine, vaginal or penil dishcarge, rectal discharge, anal bleeding, puss in your urine, puss in your stool, large soggy boils around your genitals or in your anal canal, yeast infections, urinary track infections, foul and\or malodorous smelling odors coming from your genital or anal regions, uncontrollable itching around the genital region, numbness or complete loss of feeling in your genital region, stroke, blood clots, thrombosis, gang green, leprosy, I.B.S. strange or unusual fluids flowing from your genital region, or uncontrolled sneezing, discontinue use and contact your physician immediately. - OUT -


Now back to the game!

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I missed this discussion! Im bored as fuck, lets write a script shall we? one we can fit right into a major sporting event seen on TV. here is my script.


Now a word from our sponsors....


(Fade in, Male and Female rock climbing,-Scene Cut Into: 2 Males on ocean wind surfing Fade Out to Actor)


- IN - Actor 1: Hi! you know 3 years ago when my doctor told me I was positive for genital herpes, it's like he was talking in slow motion, nothing else he said even registered, my life as I knew it was finished. - OUT -


- IN - Actress 2: But I was completely wrong, I didnt have to let Herpes take over my life(cut to insert shot of 4 people skydiving) - OUT -


- IN - Actor 1: Because I didnt know about HERP-X, with HERP-X, Ive found a new way of life. - OUT -


- IN - Actor 3: (Insert shot of Male and Female Para-gliding)Because with HERP-X, ive not only found a new way of life. - OUT -


- IN - Actress 2: I found a better way of life, and just because I have genital herpes, doesnt mean I have to stop living. - OUT -


- IN - Actor 3: It means with HERP-X, Ive found a new way of life, a better way of life - OUT -


- IN - Actors 1,2, & 3 Group shot: Because HERP-X, gave us back our lifes, and now our lifes are beyond what we ever dreamed - OUT -


- IN - Voice Over Actor: Use only as directed, do not use during flare up, if you experience any side effects such as dry eyes, nausea, hot flashes, cold flashes, runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, backaches, diarrhea, vomiting, jondis, rectal itching, increased flare ups, dryness, cracking, swelling, bleeding from sores, blood in your stool, blood in your urine, vaginal or penil dishcarge, rectal discharge, anal bleeding, puss in your urine, puss in your stool, large soggy boils around your genitals or in your anal canal, yeast infections, urinary track infections, foul and\or malodorous smelling odors coming from your genital or anal regions, uncontrollable itching around the genital region, numbness or complete loss of feeling in your genital region, stroke, blood clots, thrombosis, gang green, leprosy, I.B.S. strange or unusual fluids flowing from your genital region, or uncontrolled sneezing, discontinue use and contact your physician immediately. - OUT -


Now back to the game!


Just when you thought Cody couldn't get any madder ... ;)


You've excelled yourself here, mate. Would be a funny / mental advert to have during a sports event ... the guys from PR at HERP-X might be in touch any time now...


BTW, "Puss in my stool? F*** me! I ate a cat?"



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I missed this discussion! Im bored as fuck, lets write a script shall we? one we can fit right into a major sporting event seen on TV. here is my script.


Now a word from our sponsors....


(Fade in, Male and Female rock climbing,-Scene Cut Into: 2 Males on ocean wind surfing Fade Out to Actor)


- IN - Actor 1: Hi! you know 3 years ago when my doctor told me I was positive for genital herpes, it's like he was talking in slow motion, nothing else he said even registered, my life as I knew it was finished. - OUT -


- IN - Actress 2: But I was completely wrong, I didnt have to let Herpes take over my life(cut to insert shot of 4 people skydiving) - OUT -


- IN - Actor 1: Because I didnt know about HERP-X, with HERP-X, Ive found a new way of life. - OUT -


- IN - Actor 3: (Insert shot of Male and Female Para-gliding)Because with HERP-X, ive not only found a new way of life. - OUT -


- IN - Actress 2: I found a better way of life, and just because I have genital herpes, doesnt mean I have to stop living. - OUT -


- IN - Actor 3: It means with HERP-X, Ive found a new way of life, a better way of life - OUT -


- IN - Actors 1,2, & 3 Group shot: Because HERP-X, gave us back our lifes, and now our lifes are beyond what we ever dreamed - OUT -


- IN - Voice Over Actor: Use only as directed, do not use during flare up, if you experience any side effects such as dry eyes, nausea, hot flashes, cold flashes, runny nose, watery eyes, headaches, backaches, diarrhea, vomiting, jondis, rectal itching, increased flare ups, dryness, cracking, swelling, bleeding from sores, blood in your stool, blood in your urine, vaginal or penil dishcarge, rectal discharge, anal bleeding, puss in your urine, puss in your stool, large soggy boils around your genitals or in your anal canal, yeast infections, urinary track infections, foul and\or malodorous smelling odors coming from your genital or anal regions, uncontrollable itching around the genital region, numbness or complete loss of feeling in your genital region, stroke, blood clots, thrombosis, gang green, leprosy, I.B.S. strange or unusual fluids flowing from your genital region, or uncontrolled sneezing, discontinue use and contact your physician immediately. - OUT -


Now back to the game!


Just when you thought Cody couldn't get any madder ... ;)


You've excelled yourself here, mate. Would be a funny / mental advert to have during a sports event ... the guys from PR at HERP-X might be in touch any time now...


BTW, "Puss in my stool? F*** me! I ate a cat?"





James my good man, thank you for the words, if you meant them kind, or not, but I would like to bring to your attention(not that I know), but when the PR guy from HerpX contacts me, I will not only be in complete shock, I will also be in complete wealth, as to my knowledge, and to my credit, the mighty drug giant, and Herpes remedy, HERP-X! was sadly, and not shockingly dropped this morning, on the spot, in front of my computer, on the fly, by a pathetic, bored, Irish Douche bag, who was writing a fake script, for a fake herpes commercial, that originally aired, during an unknown game, with 2 nameless teams battling it out, in an unknown sport, which even major games, by unknown teams, in unknown leagues, even pull a killer commercial slot for it, I was hoping it would spark up some innovative commercial scripts to air during my phony broadcast, so anyone that has some spare time(and I mean it when I say SPARE) pull down an idea, and open it up, write us out a script for your fake commercial, it's gotta be a fake product, one you made up yourself, and blast us out a script, im dying to see some of your ideas, if any of you participate, I know your all rolling your eyes, mumbling (god codys fucking gay) right before you circle your mouse arrow towards the big X in the upper corner, but it would be hilarious if you chimed in, so James Eagle I AM THE CEO, AND SOLE STAKE OWNER OF THE MIGHTY HERP-X!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)

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Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...

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Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...



Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... :whistle:

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Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...



Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... :whistle:




If only we could re-introduce some of Ancient Rome's more popular entertainments and have Rooney, et al, take part ....

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  • My Little Pony



Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...



Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... :whistle:



I believe that would be 'Leagvs.'

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Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...



Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... :whistle:



I believe that would be 'Leagvs.'




Correct spelling aside, I'd pay good money to see Rooney, Lampard, etc. fight it out in an arena with lions and/or armed men with nothing to lose ... well, I say 'fight it out' ... what I mean is 'get torn to pieces by' ...

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Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...



Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... :whistle:



I believe that would be 'Leagvs.'




Correct spelling aside, I'd pay good money to see Rooney, Lampard, etc. fight it out in an arena with lions and/or armed men with nothing to lose ... well, I say 'fight it out' ... what I mean is 'get torn to pieces by' ...



Rooney = yes.

Balotelli = definitely.

Anyone from Man City = absolutely.


I'd let Lampard off. He's probably earnt a pardon.

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Cody's rather brilliant idea for an advert has given me more joy and entertainment than Premier Leagus football EVER could! :)



*League* ... stoopid fingers ...



Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... :whistle:



I believe that would be 'Leagvs.'




Correct spelling aside, I'd pay good money to see Rooney, Lampard, etc. fight it out in an arena with lions and/or armed men with nothing to lose ... well, I say 'fight it out' ... what I mean is 'get torn to pieces by' ...



Rooney = yes.

Balotelli = definitely.

Anyone from Man City = absolutely.


I'd let Lampard off. He's probably earnt a pardon.




Really? Okay, I'll swap him for that utter **** Terry ...

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