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Since Obama took office


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Somebody tell me if I'm the one going sideways, we have a horrid recession, muslims want us extinct, people in other countrys are playing with nukes, and bringing in drugs and disease, and our piece of shit attorny generals in Spain trying to figure out how to prosecute Bush, were worried about dumping water on these shitbags faces when they cut are heads off, were releasing military classified documents, WHAT THE FUCKS HAPPENING IN MY COUNTRY? 0obama just reinstated a Bi country gun treaty so goverments of other countrys know who has guns in our country! am I over reacting here? Geoff, can you show me and my daughter and girlfriend around if we move there?

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I can't own a gun anyway, but everybody in my family does? and I believe in it 100%, its true if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns,it just seems to me the least of what they need to be worried about at the moment, if this shit keeps up, I'm gonna have to get a gun! or move to Oz

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I can't own a gun anyway, but everybody in my family does? and I believe in it 100%, its true if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns,it just seems to me the least of what they need to be worried about at the moment, if this shit keeps up, I'm gonna have to get a gun! or move to Oz



You're gonna have to move to a third world country if you want more lax gun control, the U.S. already has the best gun laws in the West......here in Canada it is easier to buy a gun illegally rather than legally.....

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Uhh... most of the stuff in your rant started way before Obama was elected....

lol, yeah, since when have muslims not wanted us all dead, that recession was well on it's way before Derrick Obama and those fuckwits all over the world have been playing with their nukes forever. Sorry mate, not sure Derrick Obama's done any of this, but yeah, I can show you around Australia if you want. ;)

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Uhh... most of the stuff in your rant started way before Obama was elected....



...what he said.

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The "great" Ronald Reagan (aka Mr.Amnesty for illegal mexicans) that many hold in an almost god-like regard...yeah what a freakin' dip shit he was.He opened up the flood gates for illegal alien migration,after he did that there was no stoppin' 'em...then came millions across and if all goes according to plan O'bum'a will legalize 'em all! He's got the votes in the house and senate,something sh*thead Bush J.R. didn't have the last time around.

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I can show you around Australia if you want.

How? By taking him to a gay bar?

No. Gay bars.

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So eric holder was in Spain trying to prosecute Bush before Obama took office? they closed Guantonamo before he took office? they released all our interogation techniqus before he took office? its not Obama, its his piece of shit cabinet, and Geoff recomeneded the Meat Locker, he said it was the best in Oz!

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So eric holder was in Spain trying to prosecute Bush before Obama took office? they closed Guantonamo before he took office? they released all our interogation techniqus before he took office? its not Obama, its his piece of shit cabinet, and Geoff recomeneded the Meat Locker, he said it was the best in Oz!

Correct me if I am wrong but Dan said MOST, not all. And I prefer to give Obama more than a few months to make mistakes or make good decisions for our country. The shitstorm that Bush left was IMMENSE. Let's see anyone clean that up in 3 1/2 months.

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I know I know everybody loves Obama, and he is to his credit trying to establish good ties with countrys, so I guess my gripes not so much with him, but look I'm not republican nor democrat, I see Napolitano and Clinton blaming the usa for the drug war going on at the border, not Mexico! Eric Holder(who is the worst of the worst)ordering the release of our militarys interogation methods, the way I was raise is that is treason, the reason we haven't whiped ass and brought our men and women(my stepbrother and 2 cousins) home, is because we have to do everything politically correct, our military shouldn't have to worry or second guess when in the heat of combat, what are we going to do with the pissed off muslims from Guantonimo? none of their own countrys want them back! oh I guess just fly them to JFK and give them each $200 and say sorry for the trouble, have a nice day, all this shit seems counter productive, and this has all happened in the"3 months" since Obamas taken office.

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