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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-



it is just one of the many pleasures of being on the planet for a certain amount of years...even I, WF, bow down to some peeps that have graced this earth longer than I. It is an aquired thing. nothing personal, just the way i see it. And i do have to give you a gold sticker for STUDY on histoy and on politics.


thanks :)


i can respect that, i mean for instance.....i could never know what it would be like to be a Jewish person in the second world war, or to be black in the 19th Century, i could never appreciate the weight of those situations no matter how much i read up on it, or even something as simple as following a band in the 80s waiting for albums to be released and seeing them live in their prime.....but something like this where everything you guys experienced was through text or news reports or whatever, i dont see any difference between readign about these things now, and 20 years ago


re-reading my post, it could have come off as abit snotty, in which case ill apologize now....ive grown up since last year :lol: that shits behind me now :P

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-



it is just one of the many pleasures of being on the planet for a certain amount of years...even I, WF, bow down to some peeps that have graced this earth longer than I. It is an aquired thing. nothing personal, just the way i see it. And i do have to give you a gold sticker for STUDY on histoy and on politics.


thanks :)


i can respect that, i mean for instance.....i could never know what it would be like to be a Jewish person in the second world war, or to be black in the 19th Century, i could never appreciate the weight of those situations no matter how much i read up on it, or even something as simple as following a band in the 80s waiting for albums to be released and seeing them live in their prime.....but something like this where everything you guys experienced was through text or news reports or whatever, i dont see any difference between readign about these things now, and 20 years ago


re-reading my post, it could have come off as abit snotty, in which case ill apologize now....ive grown up since last year :lol: that shits behind me now :P


you are learning.


I have to disagree with one thing tho. alot of those newsy events......for instance, the Challenger exploding in 84, I watched that happen with the rest of the world.

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SR86 -- you weren't even born when Reagan was in office and you were still fillin' yer diapers while Clinton was in there.


Just sayin'. :whistle:



thank you for saving me a rant keef. Backed.


aw come on, cut me some slack here....think about it, the stuff you guys know about Reagan and Clinton was printed in the papers right? which was then put in the history books, which i read


there is absolutely no reason that you guys should have more authority on the subject than me, facts are facts....i just learnt them 20 years later.....i fail to see what difference being around at the time makes...


you dont have to have been alive during a particular time to have an opinion of someone...


like i said earlier, most americans recognize that Lincoln was great and Coolidge was not, right? so why cant i decide that i dont like Reagan?


maybe someone will agree with me -_-



it is just one of the many pleasures of being on the planet for a certain amount of years...even I, WF, bow down to some peeps that have graced this earth longer than I. It is an aquired thing. nothing personal, just the way i see it. And i do have to give you a gold sticker for STUDY on histoy and on politics.


thanks :)


i can respect that, i mean for instance.....i could never know what it would be like to be a Jewish person in the second world war, or to be black in the 19th Century, i could never appreciate the weight of those situations no matter how much i read up on it, or even something as simple as following a band in the 80s waiting for albums to be released and seeing them live in their prime.....but something like this where everything you guys experienced was through text or news reports or whatever, i dont see any difference between readign about these things now, and 20 years ago


re-reading my post, it could have come off as abit snotty, in which case ill apologize now....ive grown up since last year :lol: that shits behind me now :P



you are learning. Now go get your elders a case of beer from the fridge :nyanya:


yes ma'am!!



































uh, will that be the Ale or the Lager?

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I have to disagree with one thing tho. alot of those newsy events......for instance, the Challenger exploding in 84, I watched that happen with the rest of the world.


oh yeah things like obviously i cant understand the weight of aswell as you or my parents who also saw it happen live, just as my nephew wont understand the weight of 911.....but political decisions on the other hand (which is ofcourse what kicked this off) are something that is generally unchanged over the years...


if anything, it means that i can look back on his presidency as a whole and formulate a clear and concise opinion because all of the facts are laid out infront of me, whereas if you were around at the time you had to wait for the 8 year term to unfold (it was a double term wasnt it?)

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I have to disagree with one thing tho. alot of those newsy events......for instance, the Challenger exploding in 84, I watched that happen with the rest of the world.


oh yeah things like obviously i cant understand the weight of aswell as you or my parents who also saw it happen live, just as my nephew wont understand the weight of 911.....but political decisions on the other hand (which is ofcourse what kicked this off) are something that is generally unchanged over the years...


if anything, it means that i can look back on his presidency as a whole and formulate a clear and concise opinion because all of the facts are laid out infront of me, whereas if you were around at the time you had to wait for the 8 year term to unfold (it was a double term wasnt it?)






Now go get the beer. ;)

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Well I've seen a few recessions come and go, I still remember the power cuts in the 70's during the 'three day week'


i was only about 2 at the time so i cant really remember it....but it was pretty tough for our family, i dont know if thats because dad was a musician at a time where there was no work or if there was an all round recession, but i do know that Blair did somethng that meant we could get back on our feet, something to do with house repossesions i think :unsure:


Since when were you 2 during the 70's?


Blair became PM in the 90's!

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for instance, the Challenger exploding in 84, I watched that happen with the rest of the world.


The Challenger exploded in '86, Widda. Not '84.


Just sayin'. :P

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for instance, the Challenger exploding in 84, I watched that happen with the rest of the world.


The Challenger exploded in '86, Widda. Not '84.


Just sayin'. :P



Which proves my point that i am old and have that privledge, cuz i can' fuckin remember anything :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Do you guys seriously think he's worse than Bush?? :unsure:


my thoughts exactly....you could do alot worse according to history....Bush Sr and Jr, Nixon, Reagan, Taft and the worst of all IMO, Calvin Coolidge


maybe its cause i grew up in england, but i dont understand why he seems so unpopular on here....i was vouching for him....


he's the everyday man like us...he's a pot smoking comic book nerd, no false images in that aspect

Did you really just include Ronald Reagan in that list of worst presidents?? :yikes:



I don't recall.

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500 lb bucket of KFC...

YUMMO! Now KFC - there's something we can actually do something about. Like eating it all...

Extra crispy...and you can wash it all down with a 40 :chug:


Wow. Nice to see racism lives free at HH. How proud you must all be to have such outstanding, open-minded, and tolerant members here. Ain't nothin' Metal about racial division. Oops, maybe too deep of a concept. I guess I won't wander outside the trading forum again. 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 iyf/uya

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
500 lb bucket of KFC...

YUMMO! Now KFC - there's something we can actually do something about. Like eating it all...

Extra crispy...and you can wash it all down with a 40 :chug:


Wow. Nice to see racism lives free at HH. How proud you must all be to have such outstanding, open-minded, and tolerant members here. Ain't nothin' Metal about racial division. Oops, maybe too deep of a concept. I guess I won't wander outside the trading forum again. 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 iyf/uya

Get freakin' real! "Tongue-in-cheek"...if you're that sensitive get some thicker skin or don't read my f**king posts.

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500 lb bucket of KFC...

YUMMO! Now KFC - there's something we can actually do something about. Like eating it all...

Extra crispy...and you can wash it all down with a 40 :chug:


Wow. Nice to see racism lives free at HH. How proud you must all be to have such outstanding, open-minded, and tolerant members here. Ain't nothin' Metal about racial division. Oops, maybe too deep of a concept. I guess I won't wander outside the trading forum again. 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 iyf/uya

Get freakin' real! "Tongue-in-cheek"...if you're that sensitive get some thicker skin or don't read my f**king posts.


Your obviously an expert on skin. Go burn a cross.



And you have no idea of my heritage. If I am offended, I will fucking say something about it. Is that "thin-skinned"?

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