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LOST - Season 6 Thread


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I thought I would begin a list of all the questions I have involving the show and check them off as they get answered. (If they get answered???) Feel free to add your own questions and answers...


1. What is the smoke monster?


2. Who or what is Jacob?


3. Who are the Others and how did they become caretakers of the island?


4. What exactly IS the island?


5. Why is Hugo's nickname "Hurley"?


6. What's the deal with the numbers?


7. Is Claire dead?


8. Why do dead people keep showing up, especially Christian?



Man, this show is so confusing...but I can't stop watching! :hammer:


We should find out the answers to all of these questions soon, I hope. :tumbsup:


I am beginning to think that Daniel Fairiday(SP?) is Jacob.

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I thought I would begin a list of all the questions I have involving the show and check them off as they get answered. (If they get answered???) Feel free to add your own questions and answers...


1. What is the smoke monster?


2. Who or what is Jacob?


3. Who are the Others and how did they become caretakers of the island?


4. What exactly IS the island?


5. Why is Hugo's nickname "Hurley"?


6. What's the deal with the numbers?


7. Is Claire dead?


8. Why do dead people keep showing up, especially Christian?



Man, this show is so confusing...but I can't stop watching! :hammer:


We should find out the answers to all of these questions soon, I hope. :tumbsup:


I am beginning to think that Daniel Fairiday(SP?) is Jacob.


Hmmmmmmmm... :popcorn:

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I thought I would begin a list of all the questions I have involving the show and check them off as they get answered. (If they get answered???) Feel free to add your own questions and answers...


1. What is the smoke monster?


2. Who or what is Jacob?


3. Who are the Others and how did they become caretakers of the island?


4. What exactly IS the island?


5. Why is Hugo's nickname "Hurley"?


6. What's the deal with the numbers?


7. Is Claire dead?


8. Why do dead people keep showing up, especially Christian?



Man, this show is so confusing...but I can't stop watching! :hammer:


We should find out the answers to all of these questions soon, I hope. :tumbsup:


I am beginning to think that Daniel Fairiday(SP?) is Jacob.


Hmmmmmmmm... :popcorn:


Wow I guess that would make a lot of sense.

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I thought I would begin a list of all the questions I have involving the show and check them off as they get answered. (If they get answered???) Feel free to add your own questions and answers...


1. What is the smoke monster?


2. Who or what is Jacob?


3. Who are the Others and how did they become caretakers of the island?


4. What exactly IS the island?


5. Why is Hugo's nickname "Hurley"?


6. What's the deal with the numbers?


7. Is Claire dead?


8. Why do dead people keep showing up, especially Christian?



Man, this show is so confusing...but I can't stop watching! :hammer:



I'll give them a shot


1. A cloud of nanites...

2. An alien

3. Abductees

4. A spaceship

5. I'm pretty sure this one was answered...but damned if I can remember...

6. The numbers point to the location in space that the aliens came from...

7. No one dies on this island...

8. See answer 7...



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Here's a couple more questions:


9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?

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Here's a couple more questions:


9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?



The submarine worked fine for the Others until the island was moved, once it was moved they needed Eloise to find the island again......

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I guess with Locke showing up in Tunisia explained why that Dharma Polar Bear was there when Charlotte found it.


So who is it that Ben kills to get so bloody?

I've heard it could be Penny so that would give Desmond a reason to return the Island.

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Here's a couple more questions:


9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?



The submarine worked fine for the Others until the island was moved, once it was moved they needed Eloise to find the island again......


That doesn't account for the fact that Eloise points out that the reason the Oceanic survivors were never found was because the island kept moving while they were on it...



By the way, I just found out Eloise's last name is spelled "Hawkins" and that she is probably the same person as "Ellie", the young girl with the gun who escorts Daniel (her son?) to the Jughead bomb.

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Here's a couple more questions:


9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?



The submarine worked fine for the Others until the island was moved, once it was moved they needed Eloise to find the island again......


That doesn't account for the fact that Eloise points out that the reason the Oceanic survivors were never found was because the island kept moving while they were on it...


I don't remember Eloise saying that but then again there are a lot of details in this show that I can't recall......an alternative answer may be that they have lost communication with the island, wasn't the radio shack/tower destroyed.?

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Here's a couple more questions:


9. Why would Eloise Hawking have John Locke's suicide note?


10. (From my wife, Jimbette) If it takes a complicated equation known only to Eloise to find the island, then what use was the submarine to the Others, and how did they manage to come and go (once with Julia) as they pleased?



The submarine worked fine for the Others until the island was moved, once it was moved they needed Eloise to find the island again......


That doesn't account for the fact that Eloise points out that the reason the Oceanic survivors were never found was because the island kept moving while they were on it...


I don't remember Eloise saying that but then again there are a lot of details in this show that I can't recall......an alternative answer may be that they have lost communication with the island, wasn't the radio shack/tower destroyed.?


Dude, I know exactly what you mean. Watching this show sometimes feels like cramming for an exam. :doh:

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, this show just gets more and more interesting!


There is a spoiler question below regarding Sayid and Ben so beware:



























I thought that Fariday said that the past could not be changed? So I assume either Sayed's gunshot did not kill young Ben, or Ben has been dead the whole time. That might explain why John Locke is now back and ready to be the Others' leader, because he is "dead" too...any thoughts on that?


And does anyone have an aspirin?

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Wow, this show just gets more and more interesting!


There is a spoiler question below regarding Sayid and Ben so beware:



























I thought that Fariday said that the past could not be changed? So I assume either Sayed's gunshot did not kill young Ben, or Ben has been dead the whole time. That might explain why John Locke is now back and ready to be the Others' leader, because he is "dead" too...any thoughts on that?


And does anyone have an aspirin?



I forgot about Fairaday saying that so this could be even more interesting.


Was I the only one that was hoping that Sayid would should young benjamin? :tumbsup:

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Wow, this show just gets more and more interesting!


There is a spoiler question below regarding Sayid and Ben so beware:


It should be interesting to see how they explain the 'time' consequences of killing young Ben......

























I thought that Fariday said that the past could not be changed? So I assume either Sayed's gunshot did not kill young Ben, or Ben has been dead the whole time. That might explain why John Locke is now back and ready to be the Others' leader, because he is "dead" too...any thoughts on that?


And does anyone have an aspirin?



I forgot about Fairaday saying that so this could be even more interesting.


Was I the only one that was hoping that Sayid would should young benjamin? :tumbsup:

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Wow, this show just gets more and more interesting!


There is a spoiler question below regarding Sayid and Ben so beware:



























I thought that Fariday said that the past could not be changed? So I assume either Sayed's gunshot did not kill young Ben, or Ben has been dead the whole time. That might explain why John Locke is now back and ready to be the Others' leader, because he is "dead" too...any thoughts on that?


And does anyone have an aspirin?



I forgot about Fairaday saying that so this could be even more interesting.


Was I the only one that was hoping that Sayid would should young benjamin? :tumbsup:




It should be interesting to see how they explain the 'time' consequences of killing young Ben.....

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  • 1 month later...



Holy Shit!!!!!! :yikes:


What a f#@king finale.

No other show does a season finale like Lost IMO and for the 5th season in a row they haven't let us down.


So Locke isn't Locke but is Jacob's enemy. The real Locke is dead.

And Jacob seemed to direct every main character to the island from the beginning.


Is Julliette alive or did the bomb go off and everyone is dead or did all never happen?


That scene between Julliette and Sawyer when she was falling was the biggest tear jerker scene in the history of the show.


Did dropping the bomb in the station cause the problem or did it fix it?



My only dissapointments were no explanation as to where Claire is, what the deal with Christian being on the island is and I was hoping for an appearance by Charlie.

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I caught the finale last night and have to say it rocked!


The bit about Locke confused the hell out of me - I guess the 'false' Locke is that geyser with the beard who was at the beginning of the show - whoever he is?? & why would he need Ben to kill Jacob?


The biggest mystery for me is Richard. What's his role and why does ne never age. & now that Jacobs dead will he age and die??!


Did the bomb go off or was it the magnetic surge?? Not sure. If the bomb did go off is it that which destroys that massive statue and leaves just a foot? Surely the bomb couldnt have gone off cos then the island would be uninhabitable due to radiation??!


One thing I do know is that Kate is still a sex bomb. Man that arse :headbanger:


Great show, shame there's only one season to go.

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This has to be the one of the best written shows to ever grace the small screen.....BG being the only other one that comes to mind.....fantastic finale.....it will be interesting to see how they end this show next season....and I'm sure I'll miss the show as much as I miss BG.....

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This has to be the one of the best written shows to ever grace the small screen.....BG being the only other one that comes to mind.....fantastic finale.....it will be interesting to see how they end this show next season....and I'm sure I'll miss the show as much as I miss BG.....


If by BG you mean Battlestar Galactica.......then backed 100% - that was an awesome show.


(24 as well me thinks.............)

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So, has the smoke monster taken on the form of Locke? that is why it took on the form of Ben's daughter and told him to do everything Locke say's to do? that is how Jack's dad is being seen on the island? does the smoke monster represent evil while Jacobe represent's good and that is why "locke" needed Ben to kill Jacob because good and evil can't kill each other. that is the loope hole "Locke" found??? I think the bomb did not go off. I think when Jacob died the island did something, maybe flashed in time again.

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So, has the smoke monster taken on the form of Locke? that is why it took on the form of Ben's daughter and told him to do everything Locke say's to do? that is how Jack's dad is being seen on the island? does the smoke monster represent evil while Jacobe represent's good and that is why "locke" needed Ben to kill Jacob because good and evil can't kill each other. that is the loope hole "Locke" found??? I think the bomb did not go off. I think when Jacob died the island did something, maybe flashed in time again.


I believe you are right on all of the above points.


Either way Elizabeth Mitchell doesn't appear to be back for next season unless it's in a small role since she will be on the remake of the series of "V" premiering on ABC next spring.

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  • 8 months later...
It's back. tonight and I'm glad they are showing a recap of the series to remind me of some stuff i probably have forgotten


Can't wait either.


I was reading a recap blog on the last season finale to remind myself of stuff I had forgotten about.

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It's on right now... but I'm recording it cuz my wife is at her cousin's and won't be back till about 9:30. We're both home tomorrow so we'll probably watch it in the PM while the young'in is napping.

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It's on right now... but I'm recording it cuz my wife is at her cousin's and won't be back till about 9:30. We're both home tomorrow so we'll probably watch it in the PM while the young'in is napping.


I'll do my best to not email you a bunch of spoilers before you watch it.

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