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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I'm certainly curious, simply loved No Man's Land...
  2. DEFINATELY need that Perennial... If it was still available I'd highly recommend the Warryor cd. Just killer. They have recently renamed and released a disc under the name Black Tora.
  3. ..I'd go there on Holiday!! If it was porn lesbians, yeah I'd be there. If it was real life lesbians... yeah, I'd probably give it a miss. Anyway, yeah I'd agree with all you said, Nick. The Mardi Gras parade here has always destroyed me as I think the exact same thing as you - imagine the uproar over a parade that celebrated being hetrosexual. Ridiculous. The basic problem with the world these days is that there's a pathetic selection of people who's hobby / job actually appears to be creating an issue out of something which has never been an issue throughout the history of mankind. These people need to die savagely. Take that theme even one step further and show pride in the fact that your white. Not with any contempt for any other race mind you, just be proud of the fact your you. May as well tattoo the SS and swastika on your forehead...
  4. The first thing that popped into my head upon reading this is, hell 90% of the folks up here in Seattle drive bllind already. The majority is so oblivious to anyone or anything around them, they may as well be blind...maybe everyone should get this kind of assistance.
  5. I'll speak for Geoff and say that Perennial cd is AMAZING!!! I have had the vinyl and tape for ever and can't wait to get the cd. Buy it now and you will be blown away. If the track "You're The Ones" doesn't blow you out of the water you have zero taste in quality rock n roll!
  6. I have not seen the advert, but the whole premise of it sounds "offensive" to me... Obviously in society we have been known to use words out of context, like in the original post "That's so gay." Using the word gay as a negative. What gets me is the word gay has nothiong to do with homosexuality it means happy. Here is the guts of the word "gay": gay   /geɪ/ Show Spelled [gey] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb –adjective 1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. 2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments. 3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season. 4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies. 5. homosexual. 6. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization. –noun 7. a homosexual person, especially a male. –adverb 8. in a gay manner. Use gay in a Sentence See images of gay Search gay on the Web -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Origin: 1275–1325; 1950–55 for def. 5; Middle English gai < Old French < Germanic; compare Old High German gāhi fast, sudden —Related forms gay·ness, noun non·gay, adjective qua·si-gay, adjective —Synonyms 1. gleeful, jovial, glad, joyous, happy, cheerful, sprightly, blithe, airy, light-hearted; vivacious, frolicsome, sportive, hilarious. Gay, jolly, joyful, merry describe a happy or light-hearted mood. Gay suggests a lightness of heart or liveliness of mood that is openly manifested: when hearts were young and gay. Jolly indicates a good-humored, natural, expansive gaiety of mood or disposition: a jolly crowd at a party. Joyful suggests gladness, happiness, rejoicing: joyful over the good news. Merry is often interchangeable with gay : a merry disposition; a merry party; it suggests, even more than the latter, convivial animated enjoyment. 2. brilliant. —Antonyms 1. unhappy, mournful. —Usage note In addition to its original and continuing senses of “merry, lively” and “bright or showy,” gay has had various senses dealing with sexual conduct since the 17th century. A gay woman was a prostitute, a gay man a womanizer, a gay house a brothel. This sexual world included homosexuals too, and gay as an adjective meaning “homosexual” goes back at least to the early 1900s. After World War II, as social attitudes toward sexuality began to change, gay was applied openly by homosexuals to themselves, first as an adjective and later as a noun. Today, the noun often designates only a male homosexual: gays and lesbians. The word has ceased to be slang and is not used disparagingly. Homosexual as a noun is sometimes used only in reference to a male. Only rcently has the word turned toward a descriptive for homosexual males. WHY?? Fucking people I tell you.
  7. martinsane


    Well Jeffrey, looks like the Steelers rolled over so GB could be champs. Man it just pains me when a good team plays like poop... I told you they scare me when they play, its either destroy the opponent or play catch up. Oh well. 21 points off of turnovers and GB still only wins by 6. Anyway congrats to GB on their victory and of course the same to you Jeff.
  8. Nice, too bad it wasn't true...
  9. Johnny Dangerously "I am handicapped, I'm psychotic."
  10. A few made their wayup from our 51st state Puerto Rico: Blacklace-Unlaced/Get It While It's Hot (2002 Re-iss) Kruiz-1 (2007 Re-Iss) Steeler-S/T Rulin' The Earth (2 on 1) ANd from elsewhere: The Doors-Live At Felt Forum NY (6cd) Bill Hicks-Live At Oxford (2cd) (TRADE FODDER) David Cross-Bigger ANd Blackerer George Lopez-Tall, Dark & Chicano Asia-Omega (This is for Gebbia!) Black Label Society-Order Of The Black That Handsome Devil-A City Dressed In Dynamite The Steve Miller Band-Bingo! Megadeth-Youthanasia (Re-Iss) Everclear-In A Different Light Eyes Of Eden-Faith The Phantom Of The Opera-Soundtrack (2cd) Aerosmith-Gold (2CD) The Sword-Gods Of The Earth Built To Spill-You In Reverse Metallica-Orgullo, Pasion, Y Gloria Tres Noches En La Cuidad De Mexico (2cd/1dvd) Nirvana-Live In Reading 1992 (cd/dvd)
  11. Agreed. That would be awesome! Instead everyone shows up to work on Monday looking like zombies. Steinhope the comedian says who's time better to recover on yours or your bosses... We will keep it small, the wife and kids, some snacks and I'm sure a lot of yelling at the TV. I will also be cherry picking from Jeff's trade list so he can get my cd's in the mail right away on Monday morning...
  12. What a stinker that one is. I recently picked it up for $1.00 and felt ripped off. Have you spun it yet..? Can I have it?
  13. A great trade from France, Thanks G!!! The Black Zombie Procession-Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest Facehugger-Red Hot & Steamy Full Circle-Negative Leviathan-Riddles Questions Poetry & Outrage Eternal Night-"Heavens'Kingdom Will Be Yours" Eternity X-The Edge Sortilage-Metamorhose Pump-Breakdown To Breakthrough Manigance-D' Un Autre Sang Manigance-Ange Ou Demon Manigance-"Memoires...live" Destiny's End-Transition Anguish-Symmetry Tarantula-Light Beyond The Dark Tarantula-Dream Maker
  14. Huey rocks and does so alot better and harder than a good many bands on HH. I'd add him in a second...
  15. martinsane


    Last week there were news "theories" that the mob figures Pittsburgh will win so they have skewed it by initially betting tons of money on the Packers. The effect was Vegas moving the Packers to win by a few points. THen the mob plans to bet even more money late in the week on Pittsburgh. I have no clue if that could be true or not...how much money would you have to bet in order to change the odds? Anyway, I think this game should be a "pickem". I think the Packers are playing well, match up well and have every chance to win this game but I'm not sure why they are favored on a neutral field. Moving the line happens all the time in Vegas. Besides groups, like the Mob, there are single individuals who have enough money to move the lines at casinos. * It's not a matter of playing "nice".. it's a matter of playing fair. * You are in Washington state.. you know what happened to the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Poor officiating does not equate to referring to Big Ben as a rapist though pal, he did not officiate the game, Ben and company just were on the possitive side of some poor officiating, let's not forget that the 2 possitive/poor calls that helped Pitt, should not overshadow the 3 that went the way of the Seahawks. Once those "bad" calls are set aside the Seahawks got beat, Plain and simple, which happens endlessly in the NFL... Hell just thinking back to a few weeks ago when Hines Ward got a personal foul called on him in the Baltimore game when he was on the receiving end of the walloping. I remember a Jets game when Seattle with Dennis Erickson at the helm played a playoff game in NY and Vinnie "super cheat" Testiverte scored a touchdown by being tackled on the 2 tard line... Pitt is a damn good football team, which they consistently prove week after week in the regular season and let's not forget the schooling they gave to Arizona in that Superbowl. I know you being a rabid Ravens and Cardinals fan would have animosity towards Pitt, thats a big rivalvry, but every game has winners and losers and just like in the play offs Baltimore came to Heinz feild and got beat. Just like New Orleans came to Seattle and got schooled and then Seattle went to Chicago and got walloped.... And Jeff, I agree that GB are playing their best football this year, I also think Pitt is as well, which will make for an epic game. I said earlier about Pitt, if they play on cylinders GB will get pummeled, if they play a game like they did against NY then it will be closer.
  16. Did not see any of them, Tora Tora would have been a lot of fun I'm sure...and of course Badlands=
  17. Yes. Yes it is, now where the hell is album number 2??? Looks like they are still pushing the debut, but there is a new song, Barrel Of A Gun, up on their Myspace page and it is a good one. EndeverafteR
  18. Your welcome Sefan and thank you for these... btw: let me know how you like that Dead Letters disc. Parasite City-Minstreals Creed Skylark-The Princess Day Eddie O'Jeda-Axes 2 Axes Joe Hasselvander-Road Kill/Lady Killers Angel Witch-Screemin' & Bleedin' The Grammers-MKIII Hellcity 13-S/T Naked-Double Down Reckless Love-Cool Edition Stone-Stonage 2.0 Sandalinas-Fly To The Sun Jeff Watson-Around The Sun Leverage-Tides Shiva-Continuance Silver Seraph-S/T White Skull-La Era Oscura And from elsewhre: Endeverafter-Kiss Or Kill (why have I never heard this before. GREAT RECORD!) Here After-The Lines We Draw EP Hurt-Volume 1 Queen-News Of The World
  19. martinsane


    Just saw on the local news that GB is a 3 point favorite... Dave, play nice.
  20. Love that Dennis Leary quote and I've been known to use it, to my wife's dismay, quite regularly... For me this is a toughie, I've seen some GREAT bands in both arena venues and clubs. Best "arena" show/band probably Judas Priest. Hell of an impressive stage show, saw them on Defenders of the Faith (great White opened this show supporting theur Stick It release) and the Turbo (Dokken and someone else...) tours and a close second with Dio doing the Killing The Dragon tour (kings X opened and Hammerfall was on the bill but did a no show). Best "club" show/band would be a toss up between quite a few: Saigon Kick, The Lizard tour in a micro dive, EZO supporting Fire Fire also in a small bar, Enuff Z Nuff on the Para phenalia tour in a tiny tiny Chinese restaraunts bar, War Babies, Alice N Chains, Metal Church supporting Blessing in a tiny little bar and Kings X every time I see them in a micro club of late they are truly stellar showmen... So many good shows James.
  21. martinsane


    Don't get me wrong Jeff, I do love me some Packers, have been going out of my way not to inadvertently wear a Packers t-shirtlast week and this. Course I love me the Steelers a lot lot more. If Pitt wasn't in the game I'd be for GB for sure, but that said, I think Pitt is going to go into the big game with every intention of dominating. They are playing some of there best football this year, even with some key players injured and playing or just plain out. Troy P has not been as threatening this year and has been nursing an achillies injury, fortunately he is practicing currently, so he will play. I am so amped about Sunday, I can hardly wait for kick off. Either way the game is going to be a great one, but I still feel that the Steelers are going in more than ready and they are going to play the level of ball they played in the first half against NY. Of course I anticipate they will carry that level throught the 2nd half as well.
  22. martinsane


    Don't get me wrong Jeff, I do love me some Packers, have been going out of my way not to inadvertently wear a Packers t-shirtlast week and this. Course I love me the Steelers a lot lot more. If Pitt wasn't in the game I'd be for GB for sure, but that said, I think Pitt is going to go into the big game with every intention of dominating. They are playing some of there best football this year, even with some key players injured and playing or just plain out. Troy P has not been as threatening this year and has been nursing an achillies injury, fortunately he is practicing currently, so he will play. I am so amped about Sunday, I can hardly wait for kick off. Either way the game is going to be a great one, but I still feel that the Steelers are going in more than ready and they are going to play the level of ball they played in the first half against NY. Of course I anticipate they will carry that level throught the 2nd half as well.
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