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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. martinsane


    Hahaha! Do you know what your username means in Swedish? It is intentional, isnĀ“t it? Well let us know Stephan, just to save me from googling it... And my disc is enroute, but I keep forgeting to ask Joseph about buying details...
  2. AMAZING across the board!! Can't wait to hear it.
  3. Oh yes, that is great stuff! Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Can't go wrong with Barrom Boogie from Y&T.
  5. Have you read 'Lunar Park?' I've loved everything else I've read from him, and ordered 'Imperial Bedrooms' for delivery soon. I love his writing style, but the problem with 'Lunar Park' was that it was so normal, for lack of a better word. I much prefer reading thinking, 'wtf?' rather than picking out exactly what happens next at every turn in 'Lunar Park.' Love his work... just not that one. I got you and that is one of the reasons I like BEE and yes I have read Lunar Park and rather enjoyed it, but again I am a fanboy. Let me know what you think of Glamorama. Good read, definately out there and very Ellis-esque.
  6. Shame about that BEE Geoff. That guy could write the ingredients on cereal boxes and i'd enjoy it... Recently finished: Breathless by Dean Koontz. A real page turner up until the end. Anyone familiar with Patricia Cornwell will understand. Currently plowing through Cell by Steve King, yea I've given him enough of my $$$ to be on 1/2 name basis. Good read so far. Course who doesn't love a good zombie-esque book?
  7. There was a song? Hey Pete don't you get a royalty or at least the strippers phone number for them using your old bands name? I know the spelling is different, but still...
  8. I LOVE IT!! I'd buy it on that picture alone. It's not that I don't like it it's just that that was the last thing I was expecting when I opened this thread. Not on my top20 texas metal and not unknown! I'd buy it only for that anthem which is in my top50 favorite tracks : Here's the great compilation which introduced them to me and sic transit gloria mundi... Thanks KOS. Unknown to me anyway. :)Could you send me a list of all the albums you have so I can start looking for them too.
  9. Would that be Stacey Dash? If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha. Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. *****NSFW**** http://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox&rls=com.yahoo%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=1067&bih=448&site=search&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=stacey+dash+nude&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq= I know! That Playboy spread she did was uh, nice! Oh and Keith after doing a little digging turns out being a bitch may be backfiring on her. As it turns out she is twice divorced with kids from both. Both the exes have restraining orders filed against them for obviously having enough of her being a bitch and trying to knock it out of her... Still would eat the corn out of her poop if she asked me too...
  10. No shit!Now that is ironic. I am so surprised by what I am reading around the net today. So many detractors to those of us that are happy that a day of reconing has come for not only 9/11. by remember when this douche bombed the trade centers in 1993? I hope that aside from Bin and his kin that we don't stop and take the whole flippin' clan out. Again, I'm doing a happy dance in my head, just saddened by the number of folks that can't be supportive of one small victory for justice and man/woman kind.
  11. She graduated a year or two ahead of me, so she's not in my yearbook. I only had one class with her (an art class when I was a freshman, if memory serves) and she was just very unpleasant to be around. Ditto for her brother Darien, who's some kind of bigwig in the hip-hop recording business now...he was an utter douchebag too. Figures that they're both makin' mad benjaminz now while the rest of us "little people" who stayed behind are barely scrapin' by. I guess the old saying is true, nice guys *do* finish last... We do and I was referring to your yearbook photo. Sorry I couldn't even type it without laughing. I would assume she was still appealing to ogle though. Watched Daybreakers again. Nice little movie.
  12. Would that be Stacey Dash? If so, quick true story: She went to my high school (she was in the class ahead of me) for a year or two before she went off to Hollywood. Hot as hell, yes, but even then she was an airhead uber-beeyatch. When I saw her a few years later in "Clueless" playing an... airhead uber-beeyatch, I sez "Well, hey, perfect role for her," hahaha. Sometime after she got famous she dissed our town in an interview, saying something to the effect of how we're so close to Manhattan and all its wonders, yet everyone who lives there is a simpleton who'd rather hang out at the Mall. Well excuuuuuuuse us, Princess. Tis the one I was/am referring too. And she is so frickin' hot she can be an ubber bitch! I sure as hell would sit back and take it like a man/slave/doormat thing. Break out that yearbook photo would ya'. Kind of funny how some actors are best at acting like their true self.
  13. I LOVE IT!! I'd buy it on that picture alone. It's not that I don't like it it's just that that was the last thing I was expecting when I opened this thread. I hear ya. I wonder where KOS digs these oddballs up from. Whats in the water over there that has them radar in on this stuff? Guys like an encyclopedia of all things metal-ish...
  14. My wife and I both laughed at Lindsay Lohan playing a meth-head bimbo ... art imitating life, or vice versa? Michelle Rodriguez was WAY hotter than LL in this flick (in my book anyway). LL was much better lookin' 5 years ago before all of her, errr, "troubles" began. Agreed, she has aged poorly, which is silly to say for someone barely a quarter of a century old.. SHe's still worthy of a throw though. In I Know WHo Killed Me she was definatley smokin'. And definately Michelle was on her a game in Machette. On topic: I Could Never Be Your Woman. Which at first glance I assumed would be chick flick hell, but was actually pretty frickin' funny. Michelle Phiffer is aging well and her daughter in the movie can sing some amusing parody style tunes. "Isn't It Moronic" being quite entertaining. Also has that light eyed black girl from Clueless who is still way to hot for her own good...
  15. I LOVE IT!! I'd buy it on that picture alone.
  16. Agreed and Linsay Lohan and Michelle Rodriguez were definately worthy...
  17. Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins. Pretty darn humorous and that Martin Lawrence, "He's so crazy."
  18. Those songs sound amazing... just sent an email. I hope this offer is still valid. Just up your street musically mate I just ordered the 'Choreography Sucks' disc and the offer for both seems to be still ok. I didn't see it first time around, otherwise I would have ordered both together. Yeah, it was actually your first spins commentary that made me check this out. Sounds wonderful. I will say that Julian has already got back to me and although the CDs have gone up in price he was more than willing to maintain that deal price for me. Goes without saying that I ordered the CDs (can't wait to get them!), so a big thanks to Jez, Terry and especially Julian for your respective hands in my purchase. Glad I could help Geoff. ANd I'm also glad you guys are digging Julian's music. He is such a talent and by speaking to him he is more than just a muscian he's a fan of the genre as well and always excited to talk music and such. Wish I was over his way so I could meet up for a show or 2 and a good plate of taco's.
  19. martinsane


    Just received word from Rock Hart that he has the cd's in his hot little hands and the official release date will be May 17th!! I am awaiting his response to get further details on how they will be available... Man I can't wait to get mine!
  20. For me most of the solo Doro stuff is a little light, she is remedying that with Warrior Soul, Fight and Fear No Evil, but the earlier Self Titled release from 1990 and the few others around that time are very light and fluffy. The 2000's are better for her in getting back to a more Warlock-like feel in her music. The Warlock releases are far superior to her solo work imho. Favorites are: Triumph and Agony, True As Steel and Hellbound...
  21. Thanks guys for the comments and I know WOW on all fronts. Oh and Geoff the repair shop said I had another $5,000 to go?! WHich in my math is the price of the rig off the lot. Toyota Corperate phoned and will be phoning again in the next 3-5 days to determine wether or not in the next 30 days it warrants a feild inspection... The body shop is making the repairs, or started them yesterday, basically just ordering the parts and the tech after really digging into the car was shocked I was standing there unharmed. I quote: "On the rear quarter panel, which needs replacing, both outer and inner, which means the impact had to have been monsterous to fold up that inner panel." SO in about 15 days I should have the car back and then it goes up for sale to be replaced by who knows what, but certainly something safer and older and cheaper. Can't afford any of this at the moment. And Wes, seems from my research this steering issue is in the 2009-2010 Corolla, Corolla/Matrix, Scion's. I have not dug into the 2011's, couldn't afford one of those anyway. It appears the issue is not present in the 2008 and older models. Seems they aren't privilaged to this groundbreaking (and backbreakin) EPS technology... More to come I'm sure.
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