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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. This one is a GREAT album!!! One of my faves of 2012!! Been a bit since I posted any new discs, but here is a few new acquisitions over the past month: China-S/T Tigertailz-Bezerk 2.0 Tigertailz-Wazbones Tigertailz-Young and Crazy Keel-Lay Down The Law Keel-The Right To Rock Helter Skelter-Welcome To THe World Of Helter Skelter Tsar-Tsar (1995 Skycastle Records) Edge Of Attack-S/T Marauder-Machinist Brian Hunsaker-Across The Galaxy Edgar Winter-Mission Earth Redsea-Blood Collapsing Lungs-Colorblind The Ends-Concrete Dissappointment Test Icicles-Boa VS Python 3 Dueces-Dueces Wild 24 Hour Church Of Beer-Sacrelicious Sky Blue Mind-S/T Arcade-S/T (Indie Christian Pop Rock ala Paula Abdul from 1989) River City People-Say Something Good Joey Ramone-"..Ya Know?" Rush-Clockwork Angels Wednesday 13-Skeletons
  2. Just finished book 5 in the Percy Jackson series The Last Olympian. My duaghter and I were reading them together and they are really good. Currently ripping through Aloha From Hell: A Sandman Slim Novel by Richard Kadrey. Quality reading.
  3. That was awesome. That's one sunshine sticker for you...
  4. Damn I pooched this.... Maybe next year. My favorite album of 2012 was Julian Angels Beautiful Beast-California Suntan oh and Hart-The Conquerer too! If anyone cares.
  5. So Dave are you going? Might be your only chance to see your boys in the big shoe...
  6. ANother country/pop tune about a fella telling his lady friend how she "makes his speakers go boom boom"....??
  7. I have 2 cd's from her and both seemed much more rock/pop, not that the new SRV approach is bad, just why? She is cute too.
  8. Done and done. Wow Paul you sure are knockin' out of the park on both of those pages. Thanks for the kick arse tunage btw! Terry
  9. Some random, unknown to me country diddy, got to find a rock station...
  10. Love it! I've actually never seen this. I'll have to check it out this weekend. Just finished this, and now I'm wondering why I hadn't seen this fourteen years ago. Good stuff! ANd Sigourney Weaver is tasty as a blonde, course the cleavage doesn't hurt...does it??? Sanctum-Meh.
  11. i recall someone saying during the hype of episode 1 fourteen years ago, "they could show 2 hours of george lucas' hairy butt and it would still beat titanic' Just keep re-packaging the holy trilogy every 10 years with some extra 2 seconds of unseen footage and we will keep buying them...
  12. The last thing anyone needs come the end of Superbowl Sunday is to hear a sermon from Ray "I found God after killing some guys" Lewis. He is a Horrible Horrible person and should not be allowed to "influence" anyone and or should not be rewarded for being a douche. That said, despite my unparralleled hatred for all things Ravens, they will win the game to the nations chagrin, just so Lewis can go out on his high horse. If there truly is a God and not just the one Ray Lewis gets all lathered up about the Niners will do to the Ravens what the Seahawks did to them and blow them out I'd say 45 to 3.
  13. I was wondering the same thing. Unless it was one of the post-fame, touring-in-bowling-alleys lineups I'm pretty sure he was never a member of Quiet Riot. Blame the yutz at Cleopatra Records who drafted this press release, I guess. Totally unrelated note, I love this part: Translation: "He can't play this shit live" And when was "Robert Sarzo" ever any good? I know many people LOVE Hurricane, but that band truly did suck. And I know Blotzer is a sorry drummer, but I don;t think Wright can "Rock"enfield out either... Just saying. I did not see the other Ryche when they played in Seattle over the summer, but consensus is they were AMAZING!
  14. Saw The Watch and I gotto say it was pretty darn good. Vince Vaughn is a stud and funny when he's acting like himself, but what is Ben Stillers appeal???????? I don;t get it.
  15. It is but it is an older song also on their full length from 09 entitled Rise Of The Tora... Which btw is a full 11 songs of bliss! It too has some crossover/carryover from there Warryor self titled album.
  16. Who wouldn't want a shot at directing this! It is garaunteed box office gold no matter who directs it... I am however scepticle/concerned about the writer...
  17. Over the past few nights watched: The Hunger Games: Yes I still have a penis and the movie was pretty forgetable which is a shame as the book was a fair read in the vain of the Lottery... John Carter: Quite a good film, for a Disney blockbuster. Tons of CGI and action, imagine if INdiana Jones did Stargate... Project X: Just a no brainer about a high school loser who throws an "epic" party. Pretty funny and entertaining.
  18. This morning was Honeybee by that "The Voice" guy, Blake Shelton. Sory for killing ya brother, just gotta lay it out there sometimes and this seperation sure has made me grow as a parent, husband and person in general.
  19. Thats some solid research and a few good leads... Reminds me of my endless search and zero success with the Simon Steele material from Decline of Western Civ. film.
  20. Terry.. Is it dinner time on the West Coast yet..? .... Man, I tell ya, eating puke is gross, eating your own puke is supremely gross, but having the Ravens in the superbowl is the worstest thing ever. No wait, there is one worster thing, having a "Battle of the Baugh's"! Yes I made that up for both the brothers Harbaugh... However.... GO 9'ers!!!!! If Ray Lewis gets a ring the world will in fact stop on its axis and we will all die a thousand deaths.
  21. I'm sorry to hear that, Terry. How's the transition been going, by the way? Thanks for asking. One week down, many to go... Just got back "home" to Portland after being home for a 3 dayer and man being home with the wife and kids is where its at. I missed them so so so very much and leaving this afternoon was again tougher than anything I've ever done, ever. I know it will get better and its temporary, but fudgecicles is it ever a bear to be away from your family. On topic, no wake ups this weekend, aside from the absolute pleasure of having my son and daughter shaking me awake to go make pancakes. :)
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