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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Funny you bring this up as I just schooled my sprites after last Sundays game on how cool the original version of this song is and we toured a good many Joan Jett classics...my daughter is now a big fan!
  2. The Dictator was in fact funny and damn right I can't wait to go to Costco and get a "bale" of pot, cause we all know Costco deals in bulk. Get your government approved GMO weed!
  3. Well put akin to my refernce to which STD you'd rather have. Cheers!
  4. Man every time I see this I think we will see some Punky Brewster photo's...
  5. My thoughts exactly. A choice between 2 bads, hmmmm let's see syphalis or ghonorhea??? Mitt is a chump anyway so more power to Obama.
  6. Just had a few minutes to view the "Sanpaper" track and I like it a lot. Still wish they'd throw a cover or 2 in from time to time as the first Fozzy is an instant classic!
  7. Jason Aldean Some song about a dirt road and George Jones...
  8. Up way too damn early, no need for the alarm as we out West "fell back" or set our clocks back an hour for daylight savings time...
  9. Your parents must have been crazy to name you mtlmessiah... Welcome!
  10. i see the potential for some serious fun with your town's welcome sign... can't let Chardon, OH have all the fun... And this is brilliant on the lighter side of things. Out this way as kids/teenagers we always had fun with this towns welcome to sign: Bothell...
  11. Timing is impeccable as it is currently Movember. I don't know if it is followed outside of Washington, but apparently November is the time to grow a great big ole Rolly Finger on your upper lip... Excellent to see some more East siders checking in, Master Junkie, Zzzz. Glad to hear aside fom the power outage you all are fairing well-ish. Anyone hear from Pete? And not to sound stupid, but any one else out that way need to check in? The news out West is covered with this "Superstorm Sandy" news and the images are depressing as all hell.
  12. Oh snap I neglected to think about Master Fry and if memory serves zrock is out that way... I hope we get updates from everyone out East soon.
  13. Bullocks, so I download this fucking Apple software and the damn link still opens in Windows and I can't copy the damn link or save it to open it with the QT. FUDGESICLES!
  14. No tune this morn as the headphones escaped my noodle yet again...
  15. Glad to hear from you my East coast brutha! ANd super happy that your house didn't do a Wizard Of Oz. One down and a few more peeps to check in and all will be right again. Take care Keith and take good care of the clan too and I will echo your generator sentiments, I got one and after last winters 5 days without juice it certainly paid for itself.
  16. I can't stand "radio", same fucking songs over and over and over! Me too and I ONLY listen to it in that breif 30 seconds when I am being ripped from slumber... This morning I was on the local country station, but haven't a clue of the song that woke me.
  17. Let's hope they can still incorperate some of the original cast while they are still alive and kicking.
  18. Wanted to get this up, especially after seeing some of the footage on the news over the past few days. Looks really bad. As mentioned, many well wishes and positive vibes heading back East to the east siders. Again, I can't stress enough my concern for you guys. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you all.
  19. Was just beginning/continueing to worry about some of our East coast brethren, Keith, Junkie, etc... (sorry typing fast) I HOPE YOU ALL ARE FARING WELL! Updates please.
  20. Bummer can't play this one as Windows Media Player does not recognize the codex???
  21. The player isn't playing anything for me either...
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