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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. That is awesome. "Heckin' best". lol Missed this and now have to go watch it as it looks to be worth a watch or 2.
  2. Been trying to watch a "scary" movie per night in honor of October, but have been failing. But I have watched a couple handfuls and some REALLY shitty k level films. So over the past couple weeks I have seen: Free Guy Mean Man-Chris Holmes documentary. Too Late-Comedy horror centered around comedians and an old timer comic that is actually some kind of monster that eats folks. Behind The Sightings-Found footage/shaky cam movie, centered around those creepy clown sightings from a handful of years ago and what the precocious couple discover in their hunt. 13 Fanboy-Oh my. Movie centered around the Friday the 13th b tier actors and their fans. Some stalking and murders set up the movie and it is fine but ends real poorly. The Curse of Humpty Dumpty-An OK possessed doll/mental illness centered film. Effects and kills are OK and the doll is creepy af. Halloween Kills-Great installment in the franchise with nostalgia galore. The Empire Strikes Back in the latest Halloween trilogy that started with Halloween 2018 and with a part 3 coming soon. Don't Breathe 2-Not as cool as the first one but still a solid sequel with a weird plot twist. VHS 94-Meh. This franchise is trying far to hard now. The stories aren't bad, the wrap around was dumb, but I guess I am not the audience anymore for these. Chompy & The Girls-This one was kind of cool. Trippy, think Repo Man, not as awesome but still a solid story, weird but not bad weird and repeat watchable for sure. Bad Candy-One of those anthology films with a coupe radio DJ's telling "scary" stories. Very dumb with an equally dumb wraparound story. For Madmen Only The Stories of Del Close-This was wild. Worthy of a watch for certain.
  3. Agreed agreed. Binged hard on seasons 1 & 2. Excellent show and been anxiously awaiting more.
  4. Keeping with the glam band theme I always liked the name Snatch Happy. So much so that in 1990 I spelled it out in Christmas tree lights on the living room wall.
  5. martinsane


    True regarding the CHeatriots and I rather don't believe that either of those 2 have ever had one inkling of any issues attracting the attentions of a bevy of suitors. Hell to be the monkey in the middle I'll buy them both houses...
  6. martinsane


    Sorry she is sick. She is stunning for whatever that is worth and sharing 10 minutes of her time would certainly make my days.
  7. Love is anything but a strong word when discussing LB. Got turned onto them way back in high school, my buddy picked up the Murderous Metal Roadshow and that was it for me. I nabbed the Roadshow, Love You to Pieces and Give 'Em the Ax immediately and haven't stopped. So much so that I even had to buy that Starwood off shoot Lizzy did. Drew the band logo on the back of my 2nd battle vest and then another buddy cut himself one night and kept wiping his hands on it. It looked fucking rad so we kept at it not letting the cut stop bleeding for hours (we were trashed) and the next week at school some cheerleader had to have it (see metal heads influencing and warping minds way back) so I sold it to her for like $40 bux, a good chunk of change and we drank for a days on that scratch. FINALLY got to see him live and literally lost my shit meeting him.
  8. LOL ew. As for the cover its fine/harmless/ whatever. Is it me or should this band have spelt their name "Def Ratt"?
  9. That is a lot in that box, sounds like a grip of live show and rando stuff that is of no importance to me. You'd think limiting the run and getting the band to sign a 1 sheet would be cooler than the laminates but? AND this particular record is right up there with Load or Reload or that Lou Reed record or St Anger as being pure garbo. Why not do a Kill Em All or Ride mega box set? Oh cuz song copyright, makes sense don't want to give more $ to Mustaine, Burton or Diamond Head. Sorry but I will pass and agree with DP, cant imagine you'd even open it let alone listen to the stuff.
  10. Hopefully in those oversized boxes. Boy I miss that corner of the video store...
  11. Just got a new phone and haven't populated it just yet as I am lazy and AccuRadio works fine for whatever tickles me. B4 that I am more of an album guy than just a song guy so, I had the S/T and The Dark from Metal Church so Metal Church had the most songs on my phone.
  12. That was my introduction, the band sent me the EP, it is a solid one and the tunes are re-purposed on the full length. Very good band imho and that song is infectious. And that Dorothy is top shelf and I like her voice, but prefer her jump suit...
  13. Welcome Sophia. Thanks for sharing. Have to ask, can I have that copy of the CD you mentioned.
  14. martinsane

    NFL 21

    2 t's hatting. I know not of Aarons sexy time preferences.
  15. martinsane

    NFL 21

    The new season started Thursday with the Tompa B'rady BUcc's eaking out a win thanks to Dallas' fg kicker leaving at least 7 if not 10 points on the table, but that's pretty standard Dallas. Weekend #1 of a 17 game season has been awesome! Of note The 'Taints and THE Jameis Winston studding up and ass hating Aaron Rodgers. And of course the most hated franchise in the NFL, my Pittsburgh Steelers, goes to Buffalo and hands the monumentally favored Bills there ass. Stairway to seven for #7! Let's frickin' go!
  16. martinsane


    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/federal-workers-vaccine-mandate-prompts-confusion-as-the-government-struggles-to-return-to-offices/ar-AAOjuK1 For those millions of civil servants that toil away for zero appreciation and make a less than fair wage (compared to the private sector) but do see a tick above average regarding benefits, now they get to be required to get a shot (AGAIN THIS IS NOT A VACCINATION BY DEFINITION!!!!) or lose their employment. SLIPPERY SLOPE. As many mentioned, this is going to get very ugly very quickly.
  17. Yep. Not as frequently as I used to. Not a fan of the way the site is managed (but that is another story). The last one I did from earlier this year was the new solo Steve Whiteman release You're Welcome.
  18. Yep. It is my introduction to and my favorite recording the boys did/done. Got it from the band waaay back in December of 2013. My review from February of 2014 https://sleazeroxx.com/reviews/station-wired/
  19. Nice was just going to post that and yes a photo book with some stories but you get 4 cd's as well. Also this:
  20. Good night. Now that is a hype video. Take my $ Tom.
  21. Yes currently in Washington/Oregon (I live in Washington, work in Oregon) both states have mandated everyone wear masks anywhere in public. Be it stores or on the street.
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