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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. "Georgie porgy puddin' n pie. Jerked off in his girlfriends eye. When that eye was good and shut. Georgie fucked that 1 eyed slut".
  2. AIC closed every show it seemed with either Suffragette City or Hanoi's Taxi Driver and during those it was always a who's who of local musicians onstage singing backups (including your truly). I had a tape that had these songs and King of the Cats but someone lifted it back in 1990 ish, seems it was a blend of both of these comps, but no We Die Young as that wasn't a song yet, but I do remember when they started playing and when they recorded a demo of We Die Young when I was at the Art Institute. Queen of the Rodeo was always a fun and favorite.
  3. Saw this shirt on FB marketplace and in doing some light Googling have come up empty handed. Obviously curious as they look cool and all. Is anyone familiar with them?
  4. Ahhh well there you go. One that leapt to mind and because they were local to me and saw them in all their incarnations and at this house party or that show back in the day is Alice in Chains. They went from Faster Pussycat/Hanoi Rocks flavored to super heavy as we all know. Layne's voice still sends shivers. RIP Layne and Mike.
  5. Fabulous a "load bearing face".
  6. Wildside is another that went from Skid Row clone to goodness knows what the 2nd album was.
  7. Looks like a blast and manual trannies are overrated, unless I had an F1 McLaren or a Porsche. That dash and all the computer options looks like a frickin Davinci Code. And 12 speakers, woah, I bet it bumps a bit.
  8. Funny, but a little true. So tell us all about her. I see a big ole 5 liter badge on the fender but what else makes her tick? And do new Mustangs have cd players?
  9. Regarding the Mr Big I would guess those MQA-CD and SACD type releases are tailored to their Asian market as I bet Mr Big have a much more substantial fan base their than in Amerka. As for all the reissues v remaster v ??? that is a sticky wicket for certain. Seb Bach posted a video recently where he was listening to the latest re-iss/remaster of Slave to the Grind and he was comparing it to the old vinyl he had and the new issue was really compressed and tiny and they made no reference to where the source of the remaster came from so again it was suspect and sounded so.
  10. And I bet you are going or getting 100 smiles an hour.
  11. Good on you for treating yourself. She looks like she might perk up if you treat her nice.
  12. Some nice picks. Jez w/the Kim Mitchel and Russ w/D'Generation... For me its easy: Metal Church-S/T Warrior Soul-Drugs, God & the New Republic (but i'd settle for Last Decade Dead Century) Enuff Z' Nuff-1985 (whaat?) Spread Eagle-S/T Kix-Cool Kids And if I was lucky like others and Dice Clay and had an opportunity for "2 boxes": Junkyard-S/T Dweezil Zappa-Confessions Ruth Ruth-Laughing Gallery The Lemons-Marvel Y&T-In Rock We Trust
  13. FuZZrd have dropped their 3rd single Life Turned Black. This one is nice and heavy, well done fellas.
  14. If you read the topic real fast it says Cody is "In Love With KIP Winger". Which makes sense and there is no shame in smoking pole, you go girl/guy/they/them/theirs... With regards to the 5 pack of whores, yes. Some a little more yes but in honor of Captain Kirk "who am I to say no to a girl with 3 tits or polka dots? Just wouldn't be gentlmenly"...
  15. I find I have to click on the notification button (bell) to see if there is anything there. Also noticed that closing and reopening will sometimes show a red number, but not always and certainly random and unreliable. Sorry no solution, just same issue as yourself.
  16. Seeing the title I thought this was a cover of the superior (and sexy af) Jessica Andrews version, nope and thankfully so.
  17. Good night. I have been saying for almost 2 years now, nothing is going to change until some calamitous event transpires, This video is sad. Not that groups want to protect themselves etc, but that things have escalated to this point. Instantly reminded me of this.
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