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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. martinsane


    Yet comforting like a nice pair of......................................................................titties, BOOM! Full circle baby. Brooke anyone?
  2. martinsane


    And genderless, which is equally fantastic.
  3. "never in a million years thought i'd hit the jackpot" he says. Funny. These platforms are so dumb. I watch I guy review underground cinema or stuff that is pretty obscure and violent and sexy and usually European and he quips that he can't show a clip or talk to much about certain topics, yet the ENTIRE MOVIE he is talking about is, what ???, POSTED ON YOUTUBE! Right he can't show a screen shot of the film that is on the damn platform IN ITS ENTIRITY without getting demonitized and having his video returned for edits. Goofy.
  4. martinsane


    Well done, that Sabrina is worthy as well.
  5. martinsane


    Is a chick with a dick gay? or bi? Or straight if he/she has a solid tuck?
  6. martinsane


    He could do much worse. Cody talks tuff, but he is a very sensitive lover.
  7. martinsane


    That is killer. Hook a brother up since I am a socially challenged social mediate. Damn she is a s foxy as foxy can be.
  8. martinsane


    Agreed and if I was a single guy with no impact on anyone but myself I'd be out licking shopping cart handles and making out with the street campers. But I don't want my son or daughter being at any form of risk, just cuz I didn't mask up or shook someone's hand after they just barfed a COVID variant into it and then I brought that home. With work, the mandatory shot will come. You can smell it in the air. Out west there are numerous establishments that won't admit unshot people, hell even sporting events, so no Seahawks or Mariners, Sounders (or Timbers) or even the new Kraken pro hockey team for those that made their choice, a choice which is still the individuals choice.
  9. martinsane


    Elbow bumping is the new reach around, shhh don't tell anyone.
  10. martinsane


    That is the path, get the shot or some form of "regular" testing. I already get the stink eye from coworkers cuz I never stopped wearing my mask and elbow bumping even when things "opened back up" for a hot minute and that is without anyone knowing my status (I don't advertise it as its nobodies beeswax either way) yet the "assumption" was not. I wonder how those who chose not to get poked will be biased against as they get tested regularly... And Auslander, I have a co-worker that did just that, got his whole family shot up as they are his folks caregivers. I hope it works out.
  11. martinsane


    Out on the west coast, Washington State, we are in full chin deep pandemic/situation critical mode again. Masks mandates are back in full effect, cases are through the roof as are deaths AND the target is on the anti-"vaxers" backs. Even though THERE IS NO VACCINE!!! The COVID shots have NO COVID IN THEM! PLEASE stop calling the shot a vaccination it just brings down the bell curve (This statement is general in nature and not focused at you CTS or anyone else in particular, just a global comment). Aside, there is now serious talks of issuing vaccination mandates for not only government workers (state and federal), and health care professionals, but everyone across the board. This will be insane as mandating a trial drug, yep not even fully vetted that NO ONE knows of any short or long term effects, but that takes the f out of freedom if you don't have a choice or the choice is forced upon you.
  12. martinsane


    I will look for it. And damn the more I leer at her she is wikkid stunning and that Carly Simon mouth good night.
  13. Yea that is the thing about that picture is, as we know, the media will spin something out of control. As you said they both could have went in hot and that photo happened while the 2 men got their bearings, shook hands, saluted, circle jerked and enjoyed a nice burrito.
  14. martinsane


    Not from anywhere remotely close to Victoria but I see 2 fine reasons to obsess about her...
  15. Not so sure it was a fuck you, just a cultural thing, so Trump went with the military salute, which is a sign of respect and the Chinese military man (sorry not even a care to who he is) went with the western salutation, the hand shake. Each attempting to show respect, which is not a show of weakness. As for presidents saluting it is stated that no civilian, even retired military should "salute" as that is an active military thing. President Reagan started doing it as a sign of respect (and awkwardness at the servicemen/women who would salute him for ever, which is a thing as the the president is the "commander in chief" and the salute is as mentioned is a form of respect to that position.)
  16. martinsane


    That is a mighty fine obsession. I think I'll join you.
  17. He spits wise this is for certain. Has anyone seen him do an interview? Is he as thought provoking in the real world as he is in his music. ? Regardless I like him, but he's to logically so the masses won't get it.
  18. martinsane


    Absolutely nothing wrong with titties. From thumb sprainers to a pirates dream (sunken chest) they are all alright by me.
  19. Agree, the inclusion of Pete shouldn't even be a thought as it should just be. And yes this is by far my favorite DL record and my intro to the band. Then came Pyro and then backwards to On Thorough.
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