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Everything posted by Geoff

  1. Definitely a lot of Bad City in some of those songs. I was digging that first song, until the chorus lyrics. Yuck. Too much for me. Second song is better. The song title line in the chorus is quite underwhelming, but otherwise a good tune and not too overbearing, lyrically. Bad City vibe not quite as strong in the third song, which is my least favourite of the three. Kind of wish he'd spent his time in prison in better ways than gospel brainwash, lol, but here's hoping he can make music without overbearing religious tones. As for why he went to prison, here's as much detail as I assume you'll ever get about the situation; https://www.illinoiscourts.gov/Resources/ff8b03b6-6c11-4291-ae70-60e2b7ef40a3/4120481_R23.pdf Sounds like he's actually probably been out for several years now? Possibly as far back as 2019? With time served, maybe 2018?
  2. The thing I don't understand is that you heard 'Danger' and didn't feel inclined to find out more. If I ever hear a song like that I need to hear everything that band has ever recorded. Unless you didn't really dig it, in which case your pre-ordered disappointment may be well warranted.
  3. Apparently he’s not up to it, vocally, anymore and had allegedly given the band his blessing. But of course I agree 100%. Blessing or not, Lenny always was and could only ever be the voice of Kingdom Come.
  4. I’d highly recommend ‘Five wicked ways.’ Pretty easily one of my all time favourite albums from an Aussie band. Top 5 for sure.
  5. Man, sad new about these guys which I'd missed at the time; On March 26, 2022, lead singer Keaton Pierce died at the age of 31 due to complications brought on by acute pancreatitis. Incredibly sad... so, so young. R.I.P. Here's a short video from the other two guys in the band, speaking about the new album, 'For Keeps,' which is due for release on 8th of March 2024; https://www.google.com/search?q=too+close+to+touch+for+keeps&oq=too+close+to+touch+for+keeps&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQIxgnMgYIAhBFGEAyDAgDECMYJxiABBiKBTIPCAQQLhhDGNQCGIAEGIoFMg8IBRAuGEMY1AIYgAQYigUyDAgGEC4YQxiABBiKBTIMCAcQLhhDGIAEGIoF0gEIMzgwNmowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:0acef5e2,vid:3KMqxrolEUE,st:0 So to me it sounds like it's a collection of unreleased recordings from throughout the years brought all together as a final offering from the band. I can only assume that some of this was probably recorded for what would have been their next album/EP when Keaton passed? Either way, this'll be the last we hear of this band, sadly, so looks a must to me. Here's a recently released track from it - every bit as good as anything else they've recorded. Such an incredibly consistent band; And after going down a bit of a rabbit hole today, I got fixated on what is arguably the most emotive tune I may have ever heard. Last song on their album, 'Haven't Been Myself.' Amazed I never pinpointed this at the time - maybe because I blacked out with sadness every time I heard it... but what a song;
  6. I was just checking out of some of the opening bands at Glamfest before I head out there next week, trying to time which train to catch. Looks like I'll be aiming to get there for the first band that I might mention later on (Shotgun Mistress and Ablaze seem pretty decent). But the one band that captured my attention most of all is this one - Department Of Gloom. Terrible band name (and far as I can tell with after a few samples, not representative of the music) and imagery, but when I checked out a couple of the tunes I was happy to hear it's actually sounding pretty good. Very interested to check it out. And the hook? It features Leeno Dee (bass and it looks like a fair share of the lead vocals) and Phil Bowley (guitar), both from Candy Harlots. I remember my mate (a student of Bowley) had an EP of a band that Phil Bowley was in a few years ago , with similar imagery, but I'd not heard of this one. Sounds well worth checking out; https://departmentofgloom.bandcamp.com/album/department-of-gloom
  7. Forget the song, what are the lotto numbers, my man??!! I'll check this out, once I fire up my time machine.
  8. Was the Grand album not released where all y'all at? Two very nice albums from Grand and Striker, a great EP from The Darkest Moment, and very decent albums from Emil Bulls, Dead By April, Notorious and Revolution Saints... not to mention, album of the year released in early March by The Broken View. As noted, I think most starts of years are always slow, but I don't think this too abnormally slow... I don't think? Maybe it is, but it's not completely bare.
  9. I just heard the breakdown/solo section in ‘Blood Magic’ and my balls splattered all over the car. Like Glen said, album is just huge and it’s as if they’re saying “I dare you not to dig this.” Only a few songs in, but sounds massive in every way.
  10. I took it as the latter, but I guess only he knows? Unless he’s mentioned it somewhere and everyone else knows too. But yeah, I agree, a true heavy hitter. The likelihood of a pop punk band going more “pop” and atmospheric in time is far more than one in every two. It’s basically a given. Some you lose completely, like a Paramore, but some come back. Was it Against The Current that returned to their earlier sound? There’s a definite pattern in the genre/s, but as long as the music stays good I’m along for the ride.
  11. This one’s getting pretty out there, but generally speaking their music videos are pretty decent. It’s all about the songs for me, though. That’s all you really need to hear.
  12. I had a feeling as I was typing it there was probably some modern band with a half decent attempt. I also had Skillet in my head too, but haven’t bothered to check. New song sounds pretty bad, but maybe at least a (bad) attempt at something a little more “anthemic.”
  13. Oh wow, very cool. I really hope this a beauty. Awesome to have new music so soon after the first one was finally made available to a wider audience.
  14. Yeah, me too. Dominium is definitely not my cup of tea in any way - I can definitely imagine having nightmares about it... but nothing to do with the horror theme ( ) - to each their own, of course, though. I definitely hear everything I dislike about Kissin' Dynamite mixed in with, yep, I can even hear the parts of Robby Valentine I don't like too. Not sure who Powerwolf are, but I'm assuming some kind of power metal? Very theatrical indeed, which is the polar opposite of what I seek, but good luck to 'em. Looks like they just picked up a bunch of new fans. But the Cyhra one actually sounds bloody good and I'll be checking this album out asap.
  15. There will be a day when someone other than Ponen and I realise how exceptional this band is, and on that day I don't want to be accused of holding out on y'all future fans, so they dropped another short film oh whoops I mean song on Friday. I obviously absolutely love these guys, but as musicians, I really don't think they're doing themselves any favours, lol. I do understand it, though. As a confessed groupie, I have watched all their podcasts and these guys are essentially film makers, who also happen to have a love for music, on the side. They've even said on this podcast that if it came down to a future career in film, OR a future career in music, they'd go with film. Here's hoping they can keep both passions fuelled, because they are far too good at music to fade into obscurity. Anyway, here's the new song, with the video continuing on from a previous storyline from their previous most recent release. For anyone just interested in the song, it kicks in at 8min (!!) and is a stunner. Chills during the opening verse on first listen for this guy;
  16. They're nice words and there's a lot of truth to it. I'm sure I said something to this tune in the past, but if Jon wants to create the shit that's been dished out on the last few Bon Jovi albums, I genuinely have no issue at all with that. His life, his choice. But his name is Jon Bon Jovi. If he releases that kind of stuff as solo albums, anyone who's interested is still going to take notice and having been down that route before, I wish he'd just done that; released this recent stuff as a solo artist. And then, if his fellow band members want to be noticed and put some guitars on an album, sure enough, fire up the Bon Jovi engine again. I have no idea what the new album will sound like, but assuming it does have some guitars again, I remain extremely cautiously optimistic that it'll be at least worth a listen. Something that can't be said for the last few.
  17. I tend to think it would still have been massive and that the cover wouldn’t really have changed sales, but who knows? I just think that album with those songs was going to get thoroughly purchased, regardless of the cover. I wonder if the cover model spent a lot of her life in the what could have been zone. I wonder what her life and career was like compared to what it might have been if that was the only version of the album.
  18. There's no chance anyone - let alone modern day Bon Jovi - are going to make a good song called 'Legendary,' so I've already written that one off. But here's hoping there's better stuff on the album.
  19. Just had a quick look in my archives and although I can't remember it too well off the top of my head, it looks like I actually quite liked 'The Circle' too. Especially a few tunes. Nice. I definitely didn't enjoy 'What about now' onwards, though.
  20. Pretty decent. Gotta say, still definitely sounds like Talisman. I wonder if there'll be a new album to follow. Wouldn't hate that idea.
  21. Absolutely 0% chance of anything like their first five and anyone who expects that would be a pure madman. I also don't believe there'd be anyone who expects that. But 25 years is a broad brushstroke. 'Crush' had a couple of cool songs, as did 'Bounce,' with 'The Distance' being a highly regarded BJ track... by myself, at least. 'Have a Nice Day' is easily their best album since 'These Days' are a far more than decent album. I even really love a couple of songs on 'Lost Highway' too... and had no idea Dann Huff produced so much of that album. After that it's not so pretty, but it's definitely not 25 years of absolute shit. Congratulations. Making sense makes sense.
  22. I have to admit that kind of excites me. They can’t continue dishing out output in the style of their recent releases, tarnishing an absolutely brilliant legacy. It must end at some point. Not hoping or expecting anything like their 80s albums, but they released plenty of great songs from ‘These Days’ until ‘Lost highway,’ admittedly less with each release. But they proved there was life after the 80s in the Bon Jovi camp. Hoping they can recapture some faint piece of that. Though, without Sambora it’s not really “proper” Bon Jovi, is it?
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