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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Mustang Sally. This Killer track may be more Rythym and Blues than pure Blues, but it still qualifies. Back in '91, the movie "The Commitments" and the soundtrack were huge down here and obviously in the UK. Not sure if it was popular elsewhere. Andrew Strong was only 18 or 19 when he recorded this and was touted as the next big thing. He's done fuck all since. It's a shame because he was tremendously talented. His cover is a great homage, not as good as the original which is Epic, but it's close. On a side note, there's been a huge influx of "Mustangs" on the road in Australia lately. Hopefully some are owned by chicks named Sally. There has to be at least one surely.
  2. It's all about the "left" with you, isn't it.
  3. Darkstone


    Just continue checking in manually mate. You could put anything down. Not having a smart phone is probably very smart, ironically. I try to avoid it if I can. I check in at work and some other locations like Bunnings (major Aussie hardware store). At Bunnings they actually ask to see your phone to make sure you've checked in. That is insane. A police officer needs a warrant to look at my phone FFS. The big problem of checking in is that if somebody who went to my supermarket at the same time I was there tests positive, then I have to isolate and miss work for two weeks. It's full on. A couple of plasterer mates of mine were on a major site where someone tested positive. They had to get tested and isolate for 14 days. During that period they had regular phone calls making sure they were home and one at home visit with an inspector accompanied by a member of the Australian Army no less.
  4. Nice one mate. Great album. I always thought this track in particular had an early "Danger Danger" vibe.
  5. Darkstone


    Yeah, I'm gonna hold out for as long as I can. The possible restrictions won't phase me, but the work eligibility might be a hurdle to high for me. As i've mentioned before, we do a lot of work on Government sites. I'm not anti vax per say, I'm anti this vax, but down the track I may not have a choice and not having a choice about it is one of, if not THE biggest thing I have a problem with. Essentially being blackmailed into it. As for the bet, I don't think I would take it. I may very well lose. We'll see.
  6. I didn't realize he was still broadcasting. Credibility is a very important, if not THE most important thing in journalism.
  7. This video from 10 years ago featuring buskers performing D.A.D.'s "Sleeping My Day Away", randomly popped up in my recommendations. This is the definition of talent.
  8. Melodic Metal ballads don't get any better than this. I'm a huge W.A.S.P. fan, but even if you're not, you have to recognize that this track is Brilliant.
  9. Darkstone


    100%. Don't worry, amongst themselves. They're worse than we are.
  10. Darkstone


    Thats what makes her so special. I've seen a million tits, but I haven't seen hers. That goes for every woman BTW.
  11. Darkstone


    I'm not 100% percent sure how to post images, so I'll just type a name and hopefully someone can help me out. Holly Willoughby. The UK guys now what I'm talking about. AS HOT AS FUCK!!!
  12. I dunno, maybe "Guardians" was the term used for the white people in charge of the reservations. In that case, fair enough.
  13. Speaking of "Guardians". I heard that Washington in the NFL are now going to be known as the "Washington Guardians". Is that shit true?
  14. Checking out some of the Para Olympics. Good on them, God bless them and God love them, but I have to say, I find some of it difficult to watch. There was one event I saw on the weekend however that had me enthralled. "Midget Shot Put". I think the IOC should consider a dedicated midget Olympics. Could you imagine midget pole vault, hurdles, long or high jump? It would be a ratings bonanza.
  15. Hopefully he'll edit out the offending parts and re post. If he does, then I'll re post it here.
  16. It looks like it. A shame, it was a good one.
  17. No love for an hilarious 3 part joke consisting of 3 lines spanning 3 comments? That's comedy Gold! Nice one Darkstone.
  18. What were you wearing?
  19. What did the donkey look like?
  20. What did the chick look like?
  21. That's true and once again I have to preface this comment with "I love ya mate", but you do tend to respond to them the most. You're very much an instigator/agitator. Are you sure you're not an Aussie? That being said, your musical tastes are impeccable and at the end of the day, that's what it's all about here. What's that old quote? Something like... "I disapprove of what you say. But I will defend to the Death your right to.... ROCK ON!"
  22. This could be his best one so far. It's a long one. A forty minute video featuring "Warlock" and "Doro", but do yourself a favour. My God, was there anything hotter than Doro back in the day? Actually, forget "back in the day", I'd quite happily give her one now! Actually, when it comes to Doro, forget now, I'm not ruling out necrophilia. I've also posted the "All We Are" video. THE BEST VIDEO EVER FUCKING MADE!!!!!!
  23. Can't say I've ever heard of "Runners". I've heard of Paul Norton. He had a lot of commercial success in 1990 with this one The amount of Aussie talent mentioned above is impressive, so I'm interested, but that track isn't really doing it for me.
  24. You've just proven yourself a true Aussie. That rebellious streak and anti authority attitude is what got us here in the first place mate! I agree with you about the current state of play, but I feel we're turning a corner. The State Premiers have had their little "power trips", but I'm encouraged by what I'm hearing from the Federal Government lately. Not praising Scomo in any way, he should have pulled rank a long time ago.
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