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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. A couple from a great early 90s Aussie band called "Killing Time". They were set for big things, but two things happened. Firstly, due to legal reasons they had to change their name to "Mantissa", which is a shit name. Secondly, Grunge. The sound quality in the videos isn't the best, so I've posted clips with better sound quality. I've also posted the videos (there's two for "Dream Alone", strangely), just to emphasize how FUCKING HOT!!! the Bass player was. I don't know what she's doing now, but Fuck me, she was hot. Best hair flickers in the business BTW. There was a time when I could do that.
  2. Pentakill - Lightbringer. A great little project with an interesting history featuring Jorn Lande.
  3. Jimmy Barnes - Waitin' For the Heartache. One from '87 off Jimmy's best album. Produced by Jonathan Cain, Mike Stone and Desmond Child. Very polished as you'd expect. This album was his big crack at the US market, featuring heaps of guests including Neal Schon amongst many others. Great album and big down here, but I don't think he achieved the success in the US he was hoping for.
  4. Hey, good natured ribbing is one thing, but I would never say something as hurtful as that.
  5. Well, no surprises there. I think you've misspelt it though.
  6. Helloween - Soul Survivor. He's ok, but I'm not the biggest fan of Andi Deris' voice, I really love this track though. Killer intro.
  7. Hair Force One - Saturday Night. A great little EP from these guys.
  8. Lou Gramm - I'll Know When It's Over. Two killer solo albums. I really could listen to this guy all day.
  9. I posted this in another thread, but I may as well post it here. It's a shame, but I can kind of understand Janet's hostility. According to this video and indeed from the girl's themselves regarding the birth of Vixen, It was Janet's baby from the start and she recruited all of them.
  10. He's been around for a while. A lot of writing credits as well. I'm glad he decided to do this one himself. It smashes the "Chicago" version.
  11. Agree 100% about NJ. I love it but those tracks you mentioned are definite fillers.
  12. "Edge" is a killer track, but I love "Wanted" as well. I have noticed that there doesn't seem to be much love for "Wanted" around here. It surprises me.
  13. I reckon even if you've written the song, if someone has performed it before, then it's a cover.
  14. Yeah, I'll definitely check it out and it may very well be great. I just read about it on Blabbermouth and it sounds cool, but...It's that old question again of why they wouldn't just start a new project. Good luck to Roxy and Share. It's great that they are recording again, but it's not "Vixen". I know it's an established "brand", but whenever this happens it's an obvious cash grab.
  15. Darkstone


    I may have over reacted to some of your comments, but just remember, it's all in the delivery mate. I'm not gonna change your mind and you're not gonna change mine and that's cool. I'll try to pull MY head in, in future.
  16. Well there you go. I completely missed that "If Love Should Go" was on the Streets debut. That makes seven covers/updates across both albums and counting.
  17. "Son of a Loaded Gun" appears on the Eyes "Full Moon" disc, but it's not on youtube. Then there's this one from '85.
  18. I reckon AOR needs a genre specific thread of it's own. Again, another umbrella term, but still very distinct. This album was a completely random pick up for me and responsible for a great memory Back in the day I picked this up in a bargain bin that contained multiple copies for $5 each (JB, Doggy). I was with my cousin and a mate who were both into this music also. We all decided it was worth the risk at that price, so we all got a copy. It was one of the rare times we ALL came back from buyings CDs happy.
  19. Firewind - Breaking the Silence. Another one for today to kick things off. Beyond great Greek Metal with the Legend that is Gus G. Enough said. End of.
  20. I'm just imagining someone in court facing several counts of enthusiasm.
  21. I'll check him out. I don't know if you've seen my "Razorfist - Metal Mythos" thread, but he's got some killer ones. Probably the best I've seen.
  22. I agree. The second one is my favourite.... just.
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