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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Sharon O'Neill - Maxine. Another classic Aussie track (technically she's a kiwi) from '83 that i've posted before, but it should be in this thread.
  2. I may be on my own here and I usually save these threads for older classic albums, but here's a couple of recent debut plus follow up albums that I love. It's a great name considering the band consists of Phil Campbell, his three sons and killer Vocalist Neil Starr. Their style is hard to define. Definitely Hard Rock with Sleaze elements and a touch of Modern Rock. Hard/Modern/Sleaze? Whatever it is, I like it. Maybe they're not "all killer" albums, but there's not really a bad track on either of them. "Into the Dark" and "Waves" are Epic tracks IMO.
  3. Is this new? Where did he get the idea for the name? I'll be speaking to my attorneys!
  4. Speaking of Teslas, has anyone else noticed how much the Tesla badge/emblem looks like the Queensryche emblem? I think of Queensryche everytime I see it.
  5. Mystic Prophecy - Dracula. I mentioned recently how these guys can be cheesy at times. This is cheesy, I guess, but it's still a killer track.
  6. The first two "Slaughter" albums are gold. I'm sure "Stick It To Ya" has a place in most of our hearts and the "Slaughter - Invasion" album featuring Vinnie Vincent () is a Fucking Killer!!!!!! "That Time of Year" is one of those songs in my best ever lists. I've also posted a video from '88 of "Burn". There are three things to take away from this video. Firstly, how easily Mark is able to hit those high notes like it's no effort at all. Secondly, what a magnificent stage presence Dana Strum has. Thirdly, what a terrible stage presence Vinnie Vincent has.
  7. Little River Band - The Night Owls. I've posted this before, but it should be in this thread. Classic Australian AOR from 1981 at it's best! I think hearing this track when I was about nine or ten had a big influence on my future musical tastes. Full of memories for me and I absolutely love it.
  8. Hericane Alice - Dream Girl + Too Late. Two of the best Sleaze ballads you'll ever hear and both from the same album.
  9. Pantera - Mouth For War. One of the classics. Phil's vocals represent what is probably my Heavy Vocal limit. Anything heavier, growls, cookie monster shit, then I'm out.
  10. One of the Masters (particularly with the ballads) with one of the most distinctive voices in our music. He's Mr. House of Lords of course (also known as Mr. Robin Beck), but he's thrown his hat into a few rings over the years. If you haven't seen the "Eyes" video before, then brace yourself. The pre "House of Lords" track is a killer and so is his pre "House of Lords" face! I'm guessing he may have had some pre "House of Lords" "work done", but hey, good on him and his voice remained the same so for him and us it was a win, win.
  11. Daryl Braithwaite may have dated her in the late 70s/early 80s, but they weren't married. She was/is quite famous as a Rock costume designer and has dated heaps of Rock stars. I checked her out on Google images. I'm sure she's a very lovely lady, but I don't think she's particularly attractive to look at. Not even back in the day.
  12. Yeah, Mike Tramp's ex is named Fleur Thiemeyer, an Aussie, and they have a son named Dylan, but she's not Daryl Braithwaite's ex. I don't know where you got that from mate.
  13. Mystic Prophecy - Here Comes the Winter. MR.AOR's "Devil's Train" post in the Sleaze/Glam thread reminded me of these guys. This band never disappoints me. Can they be cheesy at times? Yes. Do I give a fuck? No.
  14. I think you gave me a bum steer on that one mate.
  15. Jean Beauvoir - Feel the Heat. My cousin and I were big Stallone fans back in the day, so we loved this track. I already had this on the "Cobra" soundtrack and I already had the "Voodoo X" album when I came across his first two solo albums in a second hand store and thought I'd hit the jackpot. Unfortunately, they were two of my biggest musical disappointments. He's redeemed himself of course with "Crown of Thorns".
  16. Yeah, that's good, but my current set up of a bluetooth speaker connected to my phone is just fine, so I still can't justify it. It's also massive and space is limited in my "ute". It would make a great little music box for home though. Wireless, full connectivity, the sound is incredible and as I said, it's indestructible. It would be great for parties/BBQ's.
  17. That's cool. The full album is on there, but it's just one video. Having the individual songs on separate files now is great.
  18. You are a Fucking Legend! The deed is done. You can remove the evidence and we'll never speak of this again. Dan never has to know, but if he does freak out, then I would highly recommend giving both of us a warning point.
  19. Really? That's a spin out. I'll have to see if I can find a Google image.
  20. Thanks mate. No rush. As soon as you put them up, I'll download the fuckers, then you can remove them jf you want. Thanks again. If the rest of the album is like that track, then it will be gold. I can't wait to hear it!
  21. They have 2 albums!? Interesting. They don't seem to be in the HH database. I'm hoping Cody posts the rest of "Temptation" on his youtube channel so I can at least nab that one. No pressure Cody-san.
  22. It's mainly radio on site. It's not too bad. The repetition is the worst thing. The on site radios today are insane. I don't know if you guys have the same tool brands in Canada. You probably do. DeWALT, Makita, Milwaukee, AEG. The Bosch on site radio is a monster. I've been wanting one for a while. It plugs directory into power or you can use it with a battery. It also charges batteries, so you don't need to get a charger, which is good because I don't have any other Bosch tools. Just the radio and one battery will set you back about $450 though. It pumps and is virtually indestructible, but I find it hard to justify spending that for just a radio, even though it really is a monster. I'll pull the trigger one day.
  23. Daryl braithwaite is one of Australia's favourite sons. Frontman for the iconic 70s Aussie band "Sherbet". In 1988 he released his first solo album which included this and several other massive hits down here.
  24. Yeah, Striker's great. This track is a cracker.
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