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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. Fun Fact - After they rid themselves of Flea they went on to become "The Poodles".
  2. You're right. As far as I'm concerned, there's just the first two. I wouldn't bother with the later stuff.
  3. I got "Windows" around the time I'd just discovered JSS, then not long after, a mate of mine went to the US for his honeymoon and brought me back the debut. I love both for different reasons. The debut is pure Melodic Hard Rock of the time and the follow up is a little more "grown up", I guess. There's also, of course, Jeff. A Legendary figure who knows how to spell his name correctly.
  4. I really love these two. The debut is a killer and was always on high rotation, but they went up a notch with the follow up. Janet Gardner's vocals are just so easy to listen to and perfect for this AOR/ "Poppy"Hard Rock. "How Much Love" is perfection and "Love is a Killer" is, well......a Killer!
  5. Yes, I believe Flea was with them for a while.
  6. Yeah, I forgot about Body Count. I'll have to check out the others. Sasamaso sounds interesting.
  7. I thought it might be an error also. Although, I see prices like that all the time on the main site homepage. Even if this particular case was an error, those prices do exist. Crazy shit.
  8. Just off the top of my head, the only other "black" Hard Rock/Metal bands I can think of would be "Living Colour" and possibly "Crown of Thorns"?
  9. Back in the day I paid $50 for "Robert Tepper - Modern Madness" Japanese import and was bitterly disappointed. That's the most I've ever paid.
  10. Shane Martin from DDR posts here occasionally. I would love to know if these sort of prices are paid regularly. Shane? Also, a lot of you guys have been on this site for many years trading, collecting and interacting with some of the older, no longer active, hard core traders/collectors. I can't imagine too many other collectors as obsessed or fanatical than past members of this forum. Have any of you or any one from here that you know of, ever paid anything close to that for a disc?
  11. I've just realized that price is for the 2016 reissue on the official DDR website. It's not even an original 1990 copy. I'm even more gobsmacked. I could not give two shits about owning the actual physical disc. For me it's all about the music.
  12. Darkstone


    Not necessarily, it's a no for me on the vaccine, but I don't have a problem with wearing a mask.
  13. Never heard of them, but I like what I hear. Not much on youtube. I'm not sure if the second clip is them or not (I think it might be), but it fucking rocks! As for who the vocalist sounds like, I guess there's a few really. He's pretty generic, but in a good way.
  14. I see a lot of stuff like that with outrageous prices. Do the die hard physical CD buyers/collectors really pay those sort of prices? I find it unbelievable.
  15. I'd never heard of this band until I saw this clip yesterday. 2 albums and an EP. Probably not as good as they should be, but not too bad and very interesting. They're not on the HH database. Anybody ever heard of these guys?
  16. Darkstone


    I agree with the numbers, but the way I would put it is, 20-25% of people won't take the vaccine and those that do are welcome to take their chances, As for it being a personal decision, it's looking less and less likely that will be the case. Anti-vax and anti-mask are two completely different things. We're all used to Government rules. Being told we can't do something like drink driving, speeding, burglary, assault, etc or being told we have to do something like wearing seatbelts, paying taxes, wearing masks, etc. That's one thing, but being told we have to inject a substance into our bodies is on a whole other level.
  17. Darkstone


    It may be old news, but I don't think it's common knowledge.
  18. Darkstone


    With all this talk about vaccines this issue is rarely mentioned, if ever. I saw it mentioned briefly on the USA Today show this morning, but it was pretty much glossed over. One of the things that's commonly associated with conspiracy theorists is that vaccines contain, among other things, aborted foetus cells. Well, it's actually true. I'm not an advocate for the Catholic Church in any way, but i've just posted this FYI. Johnson & Johnson claim that it contains "engineered" cells from decades old aborted foetus tissues, so I guess that's okay. What kind of a witches brew are being expected to inject into our bodies?
  19. Yeah, basically the "ten" line up with Hugo on vocals.
  20. Agreed. I do love "The Tower" though.
  21. We all have them. A particular song that you still love, but has a section in it that you hate, whether it be the chorus, bridge, a particular key change, whatever. This is probably my biggest. I love this album despite what the purists might say. There's definitely some bad fillers, but theres also some great killers IMO (Giants, to name one). I remember playing this for the "first time". When the opener started I was thrilled until the chorus. I honestly don't know how they thought that was a good chorus after the epic intro and first verse. Very frustrating!
  22. Gary Hughes - It Must be Love. One of his earliest and best tracks. Another track I can't fault.
  23. I'm on a bit of a Gary Hughes binge at the moment. I don't think this will be everyone's cup of tea, but I love it. Pure class. Written and produced by Gary Hughes, this could easily be one of his solo albums or a "ten" album. Each track pays tribute to a particular "Legend", whether they be historical or fictional. "Medusa" and "Hydra" from "The Odyssey/iliad" are great. "Tender is the Night" is about Marilyn Monroe and is far superior to "Candle in the Wind" IMO and "A Beautiful Night for Love", a great ballad, is inspired by Wuthering Heights. It's quite an eclectic mix. My favourite track however is the Dracula inspired "Shelter From the Night". One of my all-time faves.
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