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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Happy to report that it's 6pm on the 22nd here. The Purge ended 11 hours ago You guys over there are in the middle of it all - good luck and stay safe
  2. 5 songs were good enough for me, so overall it was a disappointment, but not a massive one. In the end it was the lyrical content that killed it. The repetition, the cration of the world "drenaline" lol Compare it to how you feel about Confess and it can't handle this the way you can't handle that I guess.
  3. Green = Great or killer song Blue = Good song Orange = Average song Red = Very average song or crappy song
  4. Here's my final call on this album Green = Great or killer song Blue = Good song Orange = Average song Red = Very average song or crappy song
  5. Welcome to my new rating stsyem Green = Great or killer song Blue = Good song Orange = Average song Red = Very average song or crappy song Here's what I think about the new Gotthard. May even apply this to Harem Scarem and HEAT to see how different they are.
  6. Yet they dropped a lot of hooks and much of their musical style. I like that album, but I'm sure tehre are a buch of people who say it is too heavy, different to what they expected. "From the melodies, the lyrics, the image" it all changed "They are just starting at square one again with" ... Slave I mean "I just don't think they lost the ability to write a hook. I just think that this is where their head is at." "Maybe someday, they will go back to the hooks." Well SR tried to and it flopped.
  7. Mine would be John Wick Edge Of Tomorrow Law Abiding Citizen Shawshank Redemption The Wolf Of Wall Street Avengers End Game Forrest Gump Wanted Swordfish Seven Years In Tibet
  8. CureTheSane


    Yeah, I heard taht Tasmania is basically in lockdown from the rest of Australia. All international visitors nor banned. Spoke to staff yesterday about what is going on. Basically they said that all the items that are always sold out are restocked 8am every morening, but the queue of people waiting to get in basically clears them out for the rest of the day. Weirdest thing for me is that people are doing all this panic buying, but there is tonnes of frozen food - pizzas, chips, deserts etc always available. I guess their freezers are all full now. Same with other foods, roast chickens (cooked) breads, milk etc are all use by withing 4 or 5 days so nobody wants them. But like 500 people died in Italy yertersay from this. I know their population is older, but it's hardly the 'slightly more severe flu' that some people claim. My daughter just did her last shift for 8 weeks. Aother daughter is now working from home. Just approved a letter to staff in my other business basically telling 20 people that they likely won't get many hours, if any, over the next month at least. These are casual staff, and obviously rely on work. And this is just the start. I just booked to exhibit at a gift fair in August, but before I signed I had them put in writing that if cancelled, full refunds wouldbe made. Can't be too careful.
  9. Or maybe because G is 24 years old and Domino Effect is 13 years old. Why did Motley do Generatione Swine? Why did Warrant do Ulthraphobic? Why did Skid Row do Slave To The Grind? Why won't Kiss do another Destroyer? Why won't Harem Scarem do more of the same from the first few albums? I blame Steve. It's all because of Steve
  10. CureTheSane


    Nope, once it takes hold there, the shit will hit the fan. There is a huge amount of poverty there, and people jam the streets all day and night. If they can't contain it in India, it will go nuts, like it did at that mosque gathering in Malaysia.
  11. I'm taking a first listen to this now. TBH I didn't really notice the vocals being buried until I remembered the comments here and started listening for it. Overally I guess it's there. A tweak of the equalizer helps, but familiarality will also help I'd think. Certainly not as annoying to me as it is to otehrs here.
  12. CureTheSane


    How the hell is india down so low on that list? I've been there, and it's a perfect transmission country.
  13. There's also the Paradox version, which is pretty shit. I feel they missed the boat a bit with this song. There were actually more guitars in teh original ABBA vesion. Could have done with some thumping drums, creschendo guitars etc But I'm liking quite a few songs off this album
  14. I've given it a couple of listens and there were 3 or 4 stand out songs that sounded pretty good to me. The third song was ok, and the few songs after Marry Me were pretty good. I'm hoping to find 3 - 5 songs off this. I get where people are coming from, some songs are a bit out thre, and I'm not a fan of those much yet, and probably won't be. But that won't stop me from bypassing those for the goods ones.
  15. CureTheSane


    Really, it's a pretty bad flu. That's about it, and there should be concern, grave concern, for the elderly and the ill. BUT That's not the problem. The way people have acted in human nature, and sure I and many others think it's been over the top, stupid, or shitty, in the end it's how people have reacted. It is compounded by the decisions our governments are making, which are probably correct, but nonetheless only inspire more of the same craziness. So it is what it is, and now we all have no option to conform to the panic buying, not because we need huge quantities, but because suoopid people out there think they do and will continue to overpurchase, So we need to get our fair share. I only have a few garbage bags left, and we need some hand soap and probably some tissues, but our normal purchase amount will allow us to get through months, and by then it should have all changed a bit. Bigger problems, as I've been saying is the enconomy as a whole. Great time to have cash.| Look at stocks and pick a time to get into a low market. Follow the housing market, there will be a lot of bargains in a few months.
  16. For me Change The World is an absolute killer album and easily in their top few ever.
  17. CureTheSane


    Australia now 'impose' self quarantine for 14 days anyone arriving to Australia. Not sure about how that will work. Many overseas touists will arrive, spend 2 weeks sitting around, then it's time to go home lol
  18. Yeah, bring back Steve I say.... Seriously, so stupid to compare singers in any band where it is impossible to return to what was. Different singer = different band (most of the time) Motley Crue Van Halen etc It's the same with Warrant. Everyone was all like "he ain't Jani" and "this isn't as good" Well, it's different. As I said, I still haven't heard it, but if I don't like it like everyone else, I won't come crying about it not being as good as what Steve did. It will just be a let down from the other recent material and I'll look forward to the next one, like I did with Harcore Superstar. I'll continue to like old Gotthard, and will also continue to like newer Gotthard, and if I only get one or two tracks of this new one that I like, then so be it If anyone hasn't liked anything since Nic, then I'm not sure why they are botehring to listen to new stuff and comment on it.
  19. OK, so I've heard this probably 8 - 10 times now and have a pretty good feel for it.| Here is my track by track. I will be including the whole album from start to finish in my Best Of folder, and that is VERY rare. I knew it from the start with this one, could instantly tell that every song was quality. This is a huge effort from the band, and in time will for sure be looked back on as one of their best albums. I already see it that way, and will be hard to top this year. I often wonder if albums suffer a bit when they don't have a few crappy songs to make the rest really stand out and smack you in the face. I think the reason so many here aren't massive fans of this album is because all of the songs are great, and their greatness blends into each other. Took me about 4 listens to start to detect the stand outs, and even then, the others didn't really lessen at all. Anyway, I don't do the ratings system popular here, so here is what I think... Change The World - great opener. Something about this song says 'welcome' A bit repetative with the chorus, but in a good way. Aftershock - initially the first track that stood out to me. As happens sometimes, upon more listens, otehrs overtook it, but it's still an excellent song. The vocals here sometimes remind me a lot of Lou Gramm Searching For Meaning - this is the first real monster for me. Love it. The Death Of Me - A bit icky, but I'm never a fan of the way bands do what they do in this song, with the line 'Death of Me' without music as a bridge back into the verse. Problem is the rest of the song more than makes up for that. Mother Of Invention - first ballad. I'm a firm believer in the need for ballads to break up the tempo of an album. Regardless of the quality, they create a more complete package. This is also a great song. No Man's Land - if I was to bypass one song off this album, this would be the one. ie: it's the weakest on the album, but surrounded by lesser songs would be a clear stand out, so that's not saying much In The Unknown - amother monster. Riot In My Head - this song remonds me of Bad City a fair bit. Naturally I love it also. No Me Without You - second ballad. it's hard to write a really crappy ballad for me. I like most of them. Can't really do I STill Love You by Kiss for some reason, but overall they are pretty easy to listen to and I enjoy them. Fire & Gasoline - another monster. Definately one of my favorites Swallowed By The Machine - Another excellent song, great closer
  20. Well that;s a stupid comment. Haven't heard this yeta nd hope that I somehow see something otehrs haven't
  21. CureTheSane


    I'd say schools and universities will be shut down early next week. Wouldn't be surprised if Australia bans travel to and from the US. TBH I'd be worried if I live in the States. Health care system there is very average and there have been issues with the correct testing for the virus. Like pretyy much every other country in the world, testing for the virus was done way to thoughtlessly and now the world faces a shortage of testing kits. My son was all over this early on, when myself and others were teasing him about worrying too much etc, but damn, he was spot on. What is happening is unprecedented, and once it happens once, it is much more likely to happen the next time there is a new significant virus. Interesting taht China was slammed about the way they handled Wuhan and Hubei lockdowns. Lookes like those extreme measures worked fairly well.
  22. I agree with that. They did persist and at least produce something. The bands are to blame to some degree, and their management. I mean, some of these are by no means new bands, and should have been well aware that this was all pretty much a pipe dream. I guess money talks, and they were blinded by it in the assumption taht there was some magic spell that would bring it all together.
  23. CureTheSane


    Well well well. Big day in Australia. Forula 1 grand prix cancelled, along with the Robbie williams concert that was at the same event that I had great seats for AFL football to be played in from of no crowd, same with cricket and Rugby next week because.... ...all events with crowds over 500 people are banmned. Download Festival, Miley Cyrus, etc are all out. Not sure about Maiden in May yet. pretty much all sporting events will pretty much be canned. Read somewhere that US golf is all on hold as well. Businesses have started to respond. Flight Centre closing 100 stores. All overseas travel supposed to be urgent only. Inbound tourism plummeting, which is a big kick in the nuts for Australia who relies on it a lot. Stimulus package released from the government to offset pay taz to help businesses retail staff. People will lose jobs = can't pay mortgage = housing market slump and property values drop. Aussie dollar was 62c of teh USD earlier on today, a few months ago was low at 68 - 70c Today I put a hold on my orders from Brazil who operate on the USD, because it isn't urgent. Bright side is that I heard from some business contact in China and things are well on the improve there, which is a great sign.
  24. CureTheSane


    Thanks, unfortunately the elderly are the ones who inflate the cancer rate, as the older you get the more likely you are. My mother in law was diagnosed over a year ago, and has done well considering. The upside was that my wife never had a great relationship with her motehr. When she got sick, it was like she went through a major personality change and they have had an amazing relationship over the last year. Something small to come from something terrible. My father has some spinal and lung cancer. I think the lung cancer is the serious one, and it will shorten his life. Unfortunately, he was a smoker all his life until he switched to e-cigarettes, which I think can still be dangerous, but I'd say the damage was done. Don't smoke people.
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