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Everything posted by stormspell

  1. It takes a LOT of determination to download 42,000 albums with dial up... if we consider the time he invested in this his collection really is PRICELESS
  2. I disagree, I found the opening joke very tasteless and the second part is self-promotion. Between those I didnt see any complimenting at all, but it is my own opinion anyway, which I should have kept for myself, oh well... whatever
  3. So Sam was correct, you really do buy Retrospect releases...
  4. Once I got a regular airmail package from Germany for two days, but seems it was more of an exception, coz right now I have EMS traveling over a week from the same destination already.
  5. I saw first couple episodes, but somehow lost interest after that. I think I'll wait and see the entire season when available on DVDs
  6. Yep, Watsonville is approx 40 miles south from us I think. Havernt been there though, only driven through on my way to Monterey
  7. That's an interesting idea Delbert, and it should have be done long time ago. What really strikes me with Jamez is the fact his EVERY reincarnation is registered to his OWN name and the VERY same Red Lion address. This clearly shows eBay really doesnt want to put an end to his antics, as it would be a 1-minute work to ban his name/address from their database and he would be done! So I'd say - sue Jamez AND eBay, the partners in crime!
  8. George R.R. Martin - A Feast for Crows, book 4 from Song of Fire and Ice series.
  9. Nope, not particularly against you, it was more general comment towards the plague of cheap duplicated CDRs which sells anonimously for $40+ on eBay. Anyway, since you happen to have plenty of those on your catalog and with the interesting TKO interview I happen to read recently, seems you got pretty good reason to taking it personally, I guess... Buy one, he probably purchased his releases at diskfaktory too, so they would be of the same quality, or maybe even pro-packs, who knows...
  10. Well, it was just a matter of time for people to follow up on the "limited 100 units" reissues fastbuck business scheme. I'm not surprised a bit, there will be more to come, no doubt.
  11. Yeah, and NIRVANA released their first two albums 1989 and 1991 and turned out the music world upside-down... great period, I'm speechless
  12. All I'm saying is that those should not be considered limited as there is no valid indication to prove it. I dont know if Sam really prints only 100, or reprints them if there is still demand - that no one can tell but him. I'm sure Sam will stop by and shed some light when he sees this topic.
  13. This doesnt ring a right bell to me. If you make 100 CDRs and sell them on eBay for the heftly sums as Friction did, then if you make real pressing that would mean you already turned off 100 potential customers. I dont think many people will buy it again once they got the "limited" CDR version, so it really doesnt make sense of making real pressing after saturating the market with the CDRs - you're better of pressing another batch of 100 CDRs instead in my opinion. Let me ask you a question: how do you determine those are limited - the CDRs dont have LOT numbers on the inner rim as regular CDs do, they are not hand-numbered or marked in any other way that would indicate the uniqueness of every single unit. So how do you know?
  14. But why would he wants to "delete" any title if it costs only $300 to repress another batch of 100?
  15. Hmm, that's strange you guys all had problems with him... Tomohiro Mitsuno has bought CDs from me on numerous occasions and I never had any problems with him whatsoever.
  16. Most of the small US companies do the region zero by default, hopefully yours would be (0) too. You should always ask for region (0) just to be on a safe side, else you will have plenty of compatibilty problems with overseas buyers - not worth the hassle. NTSC conversion problem will always be there, though, unless you press two alternate pressings, one NTSC and one PAL...
  17. I bet they would be region free (code zero) so there shouldn't be a problem playing them anywhere... the pal/ntsc conversion may be an issue with some stand-alone DVD players though.
  18. Bought a t-shirt from this eBay seller (Retrofacts) on June 15-th, paid immediately via PayPal. 3 weeks later still no shirt, asked what's going on, after several e-mails he finally admitted the shirt was shipped on 06/29 (two weeks after my payment). He couldnt provide any trackable means to prove it, though... Meanwhile, I had to go to Europe so I left the key of my P.O. Box to my roommate to check and receive the shirt... well, a week ago I called my roommate (I'm still in Europe) and to my astonishment he told me no shirt has arrived. So I contacted the seller again - he responds to my e-mails alright, but simly blames postal services and doesnt care for refund. The bad thing for me is that PayPal has very strict protection policy and doesnt let me log on to my account from East European IP address, so I couldnt start a dispute... by the time I got hold of my sister to do it for me from the states, it was too late (past 45 day period), so basically I'm screwed. Judging from his feedback I'm not the only one with "lost" package by far, so beware and better avoid this seller.
  19. I love COLD LAKE, it is the most sincere piece of music Tom Fischer wrote, ever. They rejected it later of course, which is very epithome of what CF really was - an poseur image. The new album is horrible, I'd pass on it, unless you're a Rob Zombie fan.
  20. Shush man, it's better than a prime-time sitcom ...then you have too much time on your hands...shush........ I do and I find it funny - its way interesting and educational than "your favourite whoever album/song poll" endless topics. Besides, if you dont like it, just dont read it, its that easy. Peace
  21. Shush man, it's better than a prime-time sitcom
  22. Hahahah, dude, dnot do that to me! I'll get fired for laughing out loud at my working station! "The Vegas Robinhood" ,
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