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Everything posted by stormspell

  1. Me neither, I'm still licking my wounds from MetalAges shop
  2. How could I know? I'd assume there is a fair chance to receive your items if buy from them, but will not bet on it
  3. Yet another seller who is registered in Engliand and sells on behalf of someone shipping from Russia. At least this guy sells for cheap "buy it now" prices and will give some competition to the greedy auction style powersellers
  4. Yeah I vote for re-issue too, but definitely with completely new artwork please!
  5. Aye, I just heard the insights on Malachia story too. It was funny before, but now it is plain sad. Seems to me Sam is like drug addict, once hooked he just can't stop ripping bands and will ride the roller-coaster to the very bottom...
  6. Beats me up why they never sent my merch, or at least answer why. If they treated half their customers this way I have no wonder why their biz went belly up...
  7. Regarding to the strict PayPal policy the seller is oblidged to ship within 7 (SEVEN) business days after receiving the payment. I guess technically that means you should automatically get refunded if you receive the item later and it shows postmark older than 7 days of your payment date. Not to mention this douncebag never states in the item description the items he sells are not in stock and will be ordered only after someone wins them... what a cheap and nasty practice!
  8. It will show a # if you fill a custom declaration (green sticker) for the parcel. Here in US the number is something like LC123456789US, and this # is trackable at www.usps.com site. Filling the green custom sticker is free of charge - I believe you should have similar one in Canada too. Here's what the form looks like:
  9. Ya, now I bet my socks he will never "receive" the CD no matter what... So go ahead, dig your postal receipt and give PayPal the customs slip # (it should be printed on the postal receipt, provided you have filled customs green sticker).
  10. US Postal services charge flat $7.90 registration fees too, so its not only the Canadians that are ripped off by the respective postal services... But here is the good part - you can use the custom slip # as sort of trackable number (it seldom shows the final destination, but it shows when and where the package was shipped), hence it is sort of proof of shipment PayPal requires. Try using it in your next paypal dispute and see what will happens.
  11. I still havent received my parcel, nor have gotten responses to my e-mails I'm initating PayPal dispute today...
  12. In my opinion eBay is still the best open market online by far, and one can make decent profit if manages to find a niche of his own offering unique one of a kind products. That's the only way to success, otherwise with all major labels and distributors eBaying stuff at wholesale prices, and all those cheap "rare imports" its nothing but logical most of the CDs out there pass unnoticed or sell for next to nothing. I can't remember even when was the last time I bid for something on eBay - its no fun anymore, but people know it and always end up going there for their needs.
  13. Aye, that's what they do. I guess if a buyer contacts squaretrade and complains his "cash in the mail" got lost and the seller wont refund, eBay would do some nasty things to the seller... what a wonderful new opportunity for Jamez Arwhine to explore
  14. That's sick, provided US banks are sooo ignorant charging ridiculous direct transfer fees, and there is no way for me to accept "international money order" from exotic places and try to deposit it in my bank account facing NSF penalties! eBay are screw ups, so no more sales to South America and big part of Europe!
  15. Hey Del, where did you see this policy? I'm just curious to read it. If it is true it will force US sellers to accept ONLY PayPal from international buyers as the only valid payment method, and that's something I'm not keen on! Talk about monopistic behaviour!
  16. stormspell


    I'm dissapointed, no spectacular crashes at all this time. The Bon Jovi concert was nice.
  17. I know I will, it just irritates me when people doesnt bother responding to their e-mails.
  18. I was told this effect happens when the manufacturer doesnt use only pure "virgin" plastic, but mixes old scraps that has been once melted with the new mold. Some of the low grade Russian bootlegs shows it, but the most prominent "swirling" examples are on the Greek bootlegs in my opinion. Just to be clear, swirling should not be considered a proof the CD is bootleg. It only shows that the manufacturer was "savvy" and re-used old plastic scraps.
  19. Well, one relevant question owuld be, how far is from Red Lion to Reading?
  20. Well, I didnt receive asnything today I asked Deron a question along with my payment and he hasnt responded to it yet, so I doubt he will respond to follow-up e-mail either. HATE it when stores do not respond to their customer's emails! Anyway, I just checked and it has been exactly 2 weeks since I've paid. I'll wait until wednesday next week and will file paypal reminder, I'm sure he will respond to that!
  21. Great! So I still have chance of getting my order too!
  22. I dont think that anyone here embraced either of nazi or jamez, so yeah, titanic clash of such proportions would be definitely something to watch
  23. New Socialist Black Metal - hateful black metal subgenre which embraces some of the Nazi ideas. Definitely not the people one would like to screw up with!
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