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Everything posted by stormspell

  1. Beer is cool, but can anyone tell me... why the hell in USA they dont have regular AMSTEL, but only LIGHT?
  2. I've heard disc-go-pod plus is a good machine and can buff some light scratches. However, I quit selling used CDs sometime ago and dont want to invest $500 in a machine I'll use on ocassion only (not to mention the cleaning solution refills one have to buy regularly). Plus, it takes 20 mins for the machine to buff one CD, which would be very tedious if you sell in volumes and have to buff 50 CDs every day .
  3. I know Atrophy was Greek boot, so if the Hurricane is a silverback it probably is a Greek bootie too. Usually the Greek booties does not have anything on the inner rim, except for the album title, so it is kinda strange to have factory imprint. Greek also never have IFPI number for sure - does your Hurricane has one?
  4. Adriano, why do you still keep e-mailing this quack? It is apparent he will not refund anyone and will keep feeding you lies... I know it is hard to do, but just try to forget about it and carry on, that would be the best solution for you in my opinion. Talking to Lovid is like self-inflicted masochism... wont go away until you quit doing it...
  5. Yeah, I forgot about the fresh jewel cases, thanks for reminding me. There are sellers that do that, you are not alone there.
  6. I agree to some of your points, however, since the seller did not post exact shipping it should have been your sole responsibility to ask what shipping would be PRIOR to bidding. Second: US Airmail letter post is based on weight. One CD with jewel case usually weights between 3-4 ounces, but in some cases (booklet of 12 pages or more, heavier jewel, etc.) it may go over 4 ounces. Packages of 4 to 5 ounces cost to ship to Europe $4.20 , now I guess you would like it sipped in a paddled mailer or bubbled envelope, right? well, you have to buy one to put the CD in... and unless you are a business which buys packaging on wholesale in hundreds, those bubbled envelopes in regular stores cost like $0.75-$1 a piece (over $1 at postal offices). What about a handling fee? It sounds funny, but by the time you put the CD in the nevelope, write the labels and fill the customs forms you already have spent 5-10 minutes for it, then you have to go to the postal office, stand in line, etc. I dont know about you, but I do value my time and do like to get reimbursed a bit for that IF I'm going to sell something for profit on eBay. So anyway, even with handling set aside, you see you already clock $5 which are absolute necessity for your CD to be shipped, therefore, you should really consider the seller is skinning you only $3, which added to the low $2.99 price you got the CD for looks like quite a good deal to me actually. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the seller and I despise sellers that will not state the shipping costs upfornt, but it also rubs me on the wrong side with buyers which try to get the absolute bargain expecting the seller to absorb all for them. Let me tell you - at $2.99 final price if you deduct the eBay and PayPal fees you will see what hilarious portion really the seller have collected from this sale.
  7. I think they deliberately turned the song into a joke. Slash is way too good player to be playing so sloppy in real. BTW, is this Al Yankovich singing? Looks like him for sure
  8. In fact he was saying he is moving to a new house shortly prior to the scam, so maybe he did move. I guess with $30,000 you can buy a house in Blythevile - sounds like a cheap place to me. All he needs is to pull himself and David infront a mirror and there you are - the Ramierez
  9. That's understandible, but you dont "recoup" anything the way he does - to the contrary, you just generate eBay fees... which is crazy.
  10. This CD sold for $224 WOW! I may be wrong, but I think rockpirat1973 is actually our friend Thomas Ringseis... which makes me very much doubt if he even has the CDs he "sells" in his possession...
  11. well, let me paraphrase the old IRC saying: If idiots could fly, eBay would be an airport!
  12. Nancy Hamilton is known for selling cdr bootlegs which she claims to be "Japanese imports". What I'd probably do is boldly blackmail her that if she doesnt refunds you asap, you will take good pictures of the bootleg and will post the link as negative feedback to her for everyone to see what she sells. If she's clever she would not let this happen. Then again she is a super-quack so it probably wont work, but its worth a try imo.
  13. LaLa was just a wild guess based on the fact he does not offer traycards.
  14. It would be quite useful if Dan can post a small summary from the statistics he was asking previously. Nothing detailed, just several numbers like how many people reported being scammed, estimated total of the scam, how many have been refunded, etc. I think this will not only be informative for everyone not familiar with Lovid's true intentions, but also would be useful for everyone willing to take legal action. @dawallman2004: reading the entire thread I get the impression that besides the first wave of few small selected refunds I dont think anyone else got refunded afterwards. Hope to be mistaken for the sake of everyone still waiting...
  15. If he's willing to big 80 bloody bucks for an old tape I'd say cut him a deal - give him 24 hours to send you Western Union payment for the tape and if he does sell it to him, if not, ban him forever.
  16. I dont know about PayPal, but at least eBay do profit from Jamez so they wont deal with him. He runs havoc every other day on their site "buying" tons of items and generating them profit... and not every seller out there is clever enough to request FVF refunds afterwards, so eBay keeps ALL insertion fees AND a hefty portion of FVFs. Why to ban a person who helps them boosting sales and thus gaining profit? eBay are everything but not stupid I think.
  17. I voted Jump The Gun, but Future World is in a definite tie. Then comes Red, Hot, and Heavy, followed by Sin Decade. The rest are blur for me as I didnt follow them quite close after Sin Decade and dont have clear opinion. The new one is a cool one though!
  18. Solid collection for a starter. It comes without traycards and quite some scratched CDs, so I have a feeling this guy collected it out of LaLa...
  19. So what was the outcome from the survey? Will Lorraine be a silverpressed, or CDR?
  20. I dont know... If PayPal are canceling ONLY those payments Lon paid with the stolen money and sellers cannot show proof of shipment, and THEN if PayPal automatically use those money for refunding the eligible "preorder" claims I can see some logic in that. After all this is one of the very common cons people like Arwhine are pulling constantly - register "hit-and-run" paypal account, dont link bank account to it or request paypal check to withdraw which could be traced easily, but instead simply "pay" someone and thus effectively move the stolen money safely away. I think PayPal is simply trying to prevent that in Lon's case, I may be wrong though.
  21. No, there should be something else. I think PayPal are trying to track all "preorder" money Lon collected in his account. Since Lon has been quick to spend some on purchases, I guess PayPal is tracking those payments out and collecting them back if the seller doesnt fall under their protection policy (i.e. can show proof of shipment, etc.).
  22. Man, I wonder how many people Lon has swindled besides the Hurricane affair... this is simple mindblowing... Just so everyone knows - CDs are not dutable items on US import list. I've check it personally and know - that means any package marked "CDs" on it is bound to clear the customs without any problem. Besides, there is no such thing as outgoing customs control - the ONLY time US customs are intersted in your package is on the incoming route. Lon has been lying cold to you man, dont take a word from him for granted!
  23. Or even better make a recording saying "This mp3 was stolen from zacharyamelie's auction. This seller is a thief, do not buy from him"
  24. About an year ago a band member was writing here in regards of some... um, unauthorized re-release copies... In this regard he said they will see to it being re-released so no one will have to pay such ridiculous prizes... I guess he didnt really mean it, unfortunately. I too am eager to check the entire album out, but as Jarred said there is no way in hell I'm going to pay $900 for it. The car I was driving as a student was cheaper than this CD, its plain ridiculous.
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