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Label Representatives
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Everything posted by stormspell

  1. Holy crap, 3500 items listed, 9 copies of each title available! Just for information to whom it may concern, all 2-on-1 are bootlegs. Most of the others are licensed titiles (Gray market, For sale in Russia/CIS only), but there are some bootlegs too. In general, the easiest way to determine is to look at the price, he seems to sell the licensed for $7.49 and above, while all that are listed under $7.49 are booties. Before jumping the gun at this posting, I repeat it was posted solely for those who may concern and care what they buy. Peace!
  2. Great band indeed, You can find all info on their website http://www.cowboyprostitutes.net/ under History section, and order the album for online download from their store.
  3. Sorry man, but I honestly believe I never said bad word for any band on Sam's rooster. I even went so far of congratulating him (and Manila Thrils) on the proper silverback release in David's thread. We have a proverb in my country which says "one drop of tar will spoil the whole honey jar", so as long as Sam sells booties mixed with his official releases, ALL bands will suffer because of this. and it is not in my power to change this, nor in yours or anyone elses, but solely in Sam's... I dont know about midlife crisis, but boy, I wish I was 14 again!
  4. I dont know, I just care, that's the way I am
  5. Dude, what you talking about? Since day one Sam has been selling Greek and Russian (and I mean NOT the licensed stuff) bootlegs on eBay - you call this my problem? What's there left to discuss about it, since EVERY time I post list here he flip-flop around it pointing fingers, or stating jokes like "how do I sell bootlegs since I have pristine feedback", or "it has barcode, so it is not bootleg", or "I'm not SELLING it, I'm AUCTIONING it, there's a difference" - ALL those are exact citations of his OWN words!... What's left to discuss abut this? It's an everlasting joke! Can't you see it?! Dont you feel at least a little shame of defending a bootleg seller which never let it go? I know what Sam wants and I'm not going to cut a deal with him or anything, so manly, girly, or whatever you call it, its equally childish, even not worse to blame me for not calling him. If he is willing to be a MAN, told him to stop selling the bloody bootlegs! Talking does not achieve anything, ACTION DOES! It's that simple
  6. Honeslty, I dont mind long distance charges, but I also dont see any valid reason for calling him. Will this achieve anything? Will a call change my opinion, or his, or stop him selling bootlegs? I know the answer already, so calling would be absolutely pointless act. It was even pointless saying all this, but decided to do it and cut the "you call or STFU" comment which will follow imminently.
  7. Hahaha, I was actually citing you on that $1 thingy, but you flip-flop so much around you forgot you mentioned it yourself already "Major distribution"? Says who? The "famous" one-cd-on-eBay-every-5-days-for-the-market-to-jack-up-the-price distributor that has every 2-nd bidder in his block list That's one of a hell major distribution, alright.
  8. Oh phleeze, dont tell me you can't see the difference between a band selling their own-made product and collecting all the profit, and LABEL which presses CDRs, gives buck to the band and pockets all the rest? Not that I ever care how much you earn - not my business, but to pretend you cannot see the difference is lame, sorry.
  9. Ya, what I meant with "still in business" was that the store is still working.
  10. I dont know for the other guys here, but if Perris, MTM, or whoever else come here and start raving/endorsing sub-par releases as you do, I'd let them know what I think the exact same way I do with you. So nothing personal you know, if that's comforting you
  11. Got answer today, seems Deron is still in business
  12. The best store in the universe with average sale price per CD under $9.99: H E R E
  13. Why would you say that? If theirs are legit releases they surely pay master-usage and mechanical rights. Master usage rights may not go to the artist if the master is owned by record company, but mechanical rights should, and they are about $1 per regular full-lenght CD ...well approximately $1 coz BMI or ASCAP take their share for processing it, but the artist gets the bigger part of it as far as I know. Wounded birds re-release albums that have been already domestically released and registered with one of the licensing companies, so I'd assume they follow this procedure.
  14. My sentiments eaxclty when I saw they have re-released Winger... with no extra bonuses and simple 4 panel insert without even lyrics... who will buy it when you can get the original for like $0.99 easily.
  15. Nope, havent herad from them, so I'll pass on ordering too, sorry
  16. Last time I checked www.diskfaktory.com still offered printing proof for $50, but I guess its not worth paying it since you can save it, and people will buy anyway, eh
  17. I dont know about BOSS or XL, but I have the same question about Galaxy Group listed on Retrospect site. 80esmetalcollector, any insigths?
  18. Interesting, by "SURRF" do you mean the guy who posts frequently on the HH band pages, but almost never here on the forum (he has only 9 postings so far in his profile), or somelthing else? Not trying to stir anything bad here, just curious who/what SURRF is.
  19. Well, not trying to sound alarming or anything, but I've emailed him 2 days ago, and still havent herd back from him... so who will be the guinea pig placing an order? I want one of those Power of Omens t-shirts he has, but am hesitant to place order without getting confirmation he is still active
  20. I've talked to Deron briefly via e-mail more than an year ago and he said that he is closing his label and clearing-out the stock... I'm a bit surprised his site/store is still up and running. Maybe he still has some merchandise leftovers to sell or maybe had chaged his mind and MetalAge is still active label? Doesnt look like in my opinion... In any case I'd recommend e-miling him first to see if the store is still operating. Otherwise the label was legit as far as I know and their first release POWER OF OMENS is very classy and beautiful melodic progressive metal! Well worth for $6.99!
  21. Congrats to Manila Thrills and good luck on the sales.
  22. Thanks again for all the help guys, its highly appreciated!
  23. I'll never trade any of the first 5 Lepp's albums for any Bryan Adams, even in a million years! Def Leppard to Bryan Adams feels like Mercedes Benz to Geo Metro to me
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