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Everything posted by stormspell

  1. stormspell


    For me their stuff with Tony Moore on vocals is light years ahead of everything else they ever recorded! So I personally have only 3 RIOT CDs in my collection: THUNDERSTEEL 1988 PRIVILEGE OF POWER 1990 LIVE IN JAPAN 1992
  2. That's funny, I was just talking to a friend and he was badly pissed coz he purchased some CDs from this Metalpiss dude and they all turned cheap Mexican pressings... so now we have Ruski and Mexican "originals" on eBay, what's next? I wote for Bangladesh
  3. Relax man, I wasnt, just couldnt resist pulling your leg In fact I grieve like you coz at that time I too was in Germany, but I was only 16 yo and my older cousin (the only perosn in the family who could be persuaded going to such event) had to work and could not take me there. So I settled on watching some TV footage instead. I had my little redemption during my next visit to Germany when my cousin finally gave up and took me to see Assassin, Sabbat, and Running Wild show
  4. Yeah, 08/29/87 MOR in Nьrnberg was great fest! CINDERELLA were there too by the way I know, I'm the worst teaser on earth, sorry
  5. No no, to the contrary, I officially discourage you not to buy . I dont endorse gray/black market, so dont do it. Remember that funny picture - "by buying Russian cds you're endorsing KOMMUNISM." Now, you dont want to live in a kommunist country, arent you?
  6. Its not so expensive, if you buy airtickets ahead of time you can go for even under $1000 round trip. The biggest problem is with vacation times, that's why I enjoy sooo much of being freelancer. Dont make nearly as much as 8-to-5 working people, but can take my hat and spend 2 months every summer in good ole Europe, which is priceless in my opinion! I wish you to make it there one day. European festivals are completely different experience from what passes for such here (Ozzfest, ). If you can, go to Keep It True! This one still carries the 80es spirit all around! Great nostalgia
  7. On the licensed not, sometimes they even come in better packaging than the respective originals. On the bootlegs it depends, some are decent, some are subpar. I havent bothered buying licensed/boot Russian CDs for very long time now, except for their own band's releases which are all great productionwise, even the indy labels keep amazing standard (everyone who got Conquest CD can confirm that).
  8. We shall see. Can't wait for the summer! Soccer world cup and then some big festivals, yeah!
  9. Hope Bobby will hang around for awhile! That's what I heard about Grimmett. Hope he can pull it through and make this Grim Reaper reuinon fact!
  10. well he has 100% feedback - im so tempted!! You probably will receive your purchase, but as said it will be Russian pressing. If you are okay with this, go for it, after all paying upfront $4.95 is way better than bidding to $10+ for the same CD (besides, if shipped directly from Russia they may come to you shrinkwrapped)
  11. That's what I'd do, yes I wouldnt pay unless he writes and explicitly agrees to fulfill the payment.
  12. METAL CHURCH just got added to the MOR bill too! This summer's eddition of the festival is going to have a hell of a line up! Just check it out: Can't wait to see Gamma Ray, Edguy, Gotthard and Victory again, plus all serious thrash artillery!
  13. Damn! Overkill was set to play last year, but canceled due to some problems with Bobby's health. I'd have LOVED to see the entire "Feel the Fire" set! Onslaught are without Grimmett (poor guy hit 350+ pounds recently and is no fit to tour anymore, I was told) - they are in the classic 1986 line-up plus second guitar player (a new guy).
  14. rl82259 NARUed Jamez send me an e-mail menawhile, he got an emergency and will pay me after 03/31
  15. Just let it go. I'm taking a wild guess here, but I think Germany is one of the EU countries which already took some measures against Russian import CDs and German customs are monitoring the incoming packages from Russia and bounce them back. That's probably why the seller doesnt want to deal with Germany - his packages cant make it through without problems.
  16. Maybe I'll do that too after seeing them in the summer (hopefully). Now I got a word that Onslaught will play on the bill too! That's news!
  17. Mmm, may give then a chance if see them for bargain cheap someplace. I'm not completist and dont buy CD just to fill in complete discodraphies in my collection, and after "experiencing" I Hear Black" I put a fat bold jucy cross on Overkill . But then that's what I did with lots of other 80es thrash bands, like Metallica, Anthrax, Forbidden, Slayer, so I guess I'm just and old prick, heh I still bang regularly on everything up to Horroscope, and looking forward towards this summer's Monsters of Rock where they are supposed to play. Hope they will play old stuff mostly
  18. This one's is very easy for me. The only IE album I can stand these days is Burnt Offerings.
  19. Ok I did it, lets see how long it will take until he gets
  20. I do it every time, but for some reson they dont kill him nearly as fast as when you report him, o mighty gunslinger
  21. rl82259 The SOB just bought a CD from my store, damn! T-BONE, please kill the bastard so I can redeem my fees back
  22. First two are outstanding classics, but my personal favorite is 1989
  23. First 4 are equally classic for me, and even Horrorscope is a good one, after that I cant care less for Overkill.
  24. I guess there is some valid explanation why they goofed out on me, but probably it will remain secret forever... Anyway, if you order something from nitro, keep us posted.
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