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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Bite the Bullet is my fav :-) Bite The Bullet and Here Today are 2 favorites off of this.
  2. good memory, I remember them talking about playing a few shows to celebrate the anniversary of Shotgun's debut with Chris joining Zinny and Stixx, but I never heard much as to how the performances were though He has 3 really good albums under his belt. With PM he is really just a hired gun, which is really good for him as mentioned about earning a paycheck.
  3. His voice is TO distinctive I think. When Harry Hess does First Signal you know it's him, but it doesn't sound like Harem Scarem. Here, this sounds like The Poodles because of his voice.
  4. Really like the debut(the rockers are great), so looking forward to it!
  5. I know most didn't, but i really like this album!
  6. The thing is (for me anyway), is that he has a very distinct voice and it that is why it sounds like the Poodles! lol
  7. I've spoken Frank about it, he basicly said it was a long shot.
  8. Hey, there's two of us. Am also a huge fan of House of Lords. Don't tell these guys that, you'll never hear the end of it!!! Lol
  9. Love it, but Identity Crisis is my favorite.
  10. Yeah, consistently average. ;} Lol Keep dreaming!
  11. I know, and so many more great singers for a 3rd for sure.
  12. That's cool guys, for the most part we like/love the same bands(some more and some less than others). Love HS (Harry's voice is one of the best around) just prefer HOL's catalog more as a whole.
  13. LOL They could change their name You mean, like to Rubber!!! Lol
  14. Was just listening to this today while going through some mp3's on my system,great little album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro8Qm0hKcb8 Wow, that's nice!
  15. Not so good HS albums better than"90%" of the other bands out there???!!!! Come on!
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