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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. A truu fanboy. ;} Every band has one!!! Lol Ha! And I think you might be their one and only. Please! So one of your favorite bands never went down hill?!!!
  2. Good selection of songs(I guess). I'd watch the dvd but that's about it.
  3. I like it, closest thing to the debut besides the song "Show Me The Money"
  4. I really hope so. I have asked a few times on their "Facebook" page for the last couple of years, no response.
  5. 1986 for me. QR III is a great album Yes, my fav. from them!
  6. We should be mainly thankful somebody is. Couple of duffers in there but that label is at least keeping the torch shinning. Agree 100% with Peter
  7. Yep! And the guitarist from Crazy Lixx left for this?!!! Yeah but they will end up much bigger than Crazy Lixx. Already played Ramblin Man fest in UK. So a good decision on his part. I get it, but still lame. Lol
  8. Yep! And the guitarist from Crazy Lixx left for this?!!!
  9. Yeah, style-wise, whether one loved the album or not, it was actually the closest to 'New Religion' in their discography. I love it, handful of songs made my comp.
  10. I absolutely love the last album and put it up there just below NR. Looked forward to this and a pre order is automatic.
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