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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I 'll have to wait to hear soome Creye with him on it, but this kind of sucks!
  2. I some what agree with the up down, first 2 great, passed on everything till WOTW and Higher which are both great. 1 or 2 songs from Overload and Hope, most of Human Nature is really good and a couple from Thirteen. New album fits right in with WOTW and Higher.
  3. I saw Mother Love Bone in a small club in Providence R.I.
  4. VH- 2 different bands to me , LOVE both, but will always choose DLR era if had to AC/DC both good Britny Fox, like both, but choose the first 2 albums over the 3rd Journey, really? I think we know the answer to that one Motley Crue, I like the s/t, BUT LOVE the first 5 DIO was the man in any band he was in!!!
  5. Erik M wrote most of if not all of the debut. And none of this? I heard one song that sounded slightly Martensson-ish, but mostly it was just throwaway crap. I think it was 1 song on the new one.
  6. Erik M wrote most of if not all of the debut.
  7. Another winner! I did hear this a week or so ago when JSS jumped the gun and shared it! lol
  8. Oh no, I agree. Was just comparing style change from both bands.
  9. I am one who really believes that a singer makes the band, BUT when a singer has died the rest of the band should be abel to move on. If the band does a 180 and is making 100% shit albums that changed the whole style of their sound , then I can see some "warrant"(no pun intended) in not liking the band anymore. , AC/DC did it and worked out fine. Just my opinion.
  10. I like it,(like Glen said)half good other hahf not as good. very H.E.A.T ish. NOT anywhere as good as the debut, but has some good songs. Ghost Town, Maniac, Kiss Up, 1000 Charades, Paralyzed and What Do You Want are my picks. I feel this is a H.E.A.T situation, ATN is a great Melodic Rock/ AOR album, then TDTW, is harder and a slight change in style on some songs. Art Nation's debut is a great Melodic Rock/ AOR album, and the follow up is a harder and slight change in style on some songs. In both cases for me neither live up to the the albums before it.
  11. I really like the debut, this is ok more listens I think.
  12. Yep! What I don't get is(and I know everyone is different), but I have a 40+ hour a week job, wife, 2 boys that play baseball, a house that needs a lot of minor work with a good size yard, family and friend functions, hockey that I watch and play myself and still find time to check in here a least twice a day plus the mafia on FB to discuss my main desire and those other guys that come in ever once and awhile and say they've been "busy and don't have the time like they used to" I say"WHATEVER"! LOL
  13. Dear we go over this a lot. As ive said in the past you are confusing a stripped back sound with production. The album is actually produced really well cos the drum sound is amazing on tbat album and the bass....its just there is a less rhythm guitar filling out the sound. I actually think its their best produced album but i can understand why some might not like the stripped back sound And as for the songs they are great aside from a couple of weaker moments. Its pretty pointless comparing CL albums cos they are all basically v good and range from 80-90ish % for me. I still disagree on that, I played them all back to back last night and it has a muffled sound compared to the others.
  14. Yes, there are some really good songs on RA!
  15. Not many bands have been this consistent. Agree
  16. LOVING IT!, but I also love the S/T and of course NR, and I really like the songs on RA just the production was a letdown. Debut is really good, but only own the mp3's from tat one.
  17. I feel the guitars are not as loud/crunchy as the other albums also the drums are not as loud and strong sounding as the other albums. That's what I mean when I say "Lite". Yeah i get what u mean but thats not what lite means.... That is light lol. OK, how about this, it's not as "hard"? as the other albums.
  18. I feel the guitars are not as loud/crunchy as the other albums also the drums are not as loud and strong sounding as the other albums. That's what I mean when I say "Lite".
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