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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I am one who doesn't understand/like the whole " A band needs to grow/mature/try different things as an artist" crap, but I do understand as an artist not wanting to put out the same thing over and over. But with glowing, GLOWING reviews from an album as ATN(and what a masterpiece that album is), why, WHY would you stray so far from it???!!!
  2. Should they change the name to "Phantom 4"? Seems they've lost Francis Buchholz , by the video anyway.
  3. I think he mentioned that it's a "solo" album(Damage Control) and nothing like "Soto". Fingers crossed!
  4. I like it. Yes, his voice is so distinctive you can't help to think it's just another Poodles album, but it is more than that. This is definitely better than the last few Poodles albums.
  5. What about that new Europe, though, hey? ;} Yes, I am looking forward to the new Europe album, and being raped in the anus by seven men in a dark parking lot. Did you not enjoy Europe back in the day (1986ish)? Loved me some Final Countdown. I actually won concert tickets and after-show passes from a local radio station here in town during the summer of 1987 (pretty sure it was 1987). The only thing that really stands out in my memory is that Tempest spent the entire after-show party taking pictures with the all the girls... and his hair was prettier than all of theirs' I loved them 1986-1992. 'Prisoners In Paradise' is one of my top 50 albums of all time. They were an incredible band, which is why I am so disheartened by what they are today. It's a pathetic waste of incredible talent. Agree Geoff. While I don't find "New" Europe albums horrible or anything like that, they are just not my thing or what the band was.
  6. Maybe just me, but he reminds me of Jamie St. James
  7. Which is why I dig it. Raised on Radio is a fantastic album My second favorite Journey album... hard for anything or anyone to compete with Escape. ROR was released my senior year of high school and I played the living hell out of it the entire summer of 1986. LOTS of fond memories of that one and specifically that period of time. Oh to be 18 years-old in the mid '80's once again! Yes, to do it all over again! I was 17 when ROR came out.
  8. That's accurate. Agreed. Freedom Rock is a slab of amazing AOR tunes and the S/T has "Cry" which is beyond fantastic. Kenny really showcases his amazing vocal talent in Cry They are all around 85-90% to me so can alternate on any given day. Address The Nation is my #1
  9. Feeding right off the debut, awesome. Can't wait for this!
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