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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. I like what I hear, but why not a new Firehouse? 8 years from the last one! Just as bad as Slaughter, 11 years since their last one!!!
  2. Isn't this basicly what Rock Sugar is doing ?
  3. Sorry to hear this news,but life happens (good or bad)and you need to move on.I wish the best for Mark and the rest of the band.
  4. Not a bad cd, I like ALL YOU NEED a lot and the ballad is ok.
  5. Nice!!! Looks like I have a ways to go lol.
  6. I like old Queensryche "first 5-6 cds". This sounds much better than the last 5 cds from them, but yes not very Queensrycheish
  7. These guys would be so good if they just became a regular rock band rather than what they are.
  8. Well, we'll say ex-wife then. And it seems that Jani Lane is no longer part of "THE FAMILY' anymore.
  9. I like it, can't wait for it to come out.
  10. That is pretty shitty,but let me set a scene.You're making a photo album with the wife and kids, do you put photos of you with old girlfriends in it?
  11. I dvred it, and then watched it after my B's won in overtime SWEET!!!
  12. Here is what I think of this cd. Although I do think this is a good cd,it is not A Warrant sounding cd. This easily could have been a Buckcherry cd, and the reason why is because of Masons voice and some of the styles of some of the songs. Anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
  13. Great White is one of my fav. bands. They have not put out a bad cd.
  14. Love this cd. Lou sounds awesome, very good hard AOR cd.
  15. I agree! A very good follow up to the also awesome Good To Be Bad.
  16. Boston over Montreal in 6. The only series that matters right now
  17. If all that is posted here to come out really comes out, (and at least 50-60% are worth it)what a year we will have! Can't wait!
  18. I saws them back in the day opening for DLR. When I saw KISS for the Hot In The Shade tour, it was Slaughter and Little Caesar opening.Both great shows!
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