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Everything posted by DaHun72

  1. DaHun72

    What's up all?

    Welcome! Please no jazz posts
  2. Million are such a patchy band, never held onto any if their CDs. Millennium's Hourglass is a classic tho! How'd it rate?
  3. I ditched their CDs a while back, nice that they're still around tho.
  4. I like em, make sure if you're picking it up to get the version with the bonus CD.
  5. got to be the easy winner of the day - i love that album. The Metal Skool EP was by far the pick of the bunch, but yes, in terms of full albums the Metropolis one was pretty clearly the best of the bunch. Very nice album, and reminds me of the last few family holidays that we must have all gone on together with Mum & Dad before we all got old and had other things on too. But yeah, 1999 (when it was released) must have been one of, if not the last one we all did together. And I remember listening to this new release several times during that trip. Good memories. thats pre Panther? I can imagine that's good then......dont own it tho....what songs are included? Yeah, pre-Panther. Don't worry, you're not missing too much. It's 9 tracks, with 4 interludes and 5 songs. 'Stripper Girl,' Fat Girl,' and 'Hell's on Fire' are all on this one. As well as the utterly essential 'Big Boobs' and then a bit of a filer in 'Cleveland Rocks.' So all you really need to do is get your hands on 'Big Boobs.' And then track down the MP3. ha ha........yeah. I think ive heard Big Boobs. If you have the original Metal Shop you get Metal Shop instead of Cleveland Rocks.
  6. The new band is going to be called Jon Bon Who and the 3 Doods!
  7. Geoff, how did you score Wicked Sensation in the 80s? Wow, what there's like 3 really good songs (Wicked Sensation, River of Love & No Bed of Roses) and that's it. It's one of those CDs you want to love because well it's Lynch before he was a tosser, it was cool, cover was great, stellar beginning but geez it's a loooooong wait from River of Love through to Bed of Roses and then a woeful finish. How did you rate the second one? Strange as I really wanted to not like the second but the songs are just so more consistent. No real highlights like those 3 tracks from Wicked but a much more pleasurable ride!
  8. For taking the Santa Cruz - S/T CD off my hands. One of the few albums that hold up to the economics of the law of diminishing returns. The more you listen the worse it gets
  9. Not for me at the moment but I do have fond memories of vinyl. Maybe once the kids are older but knowing how I am I would want to collect everything, which would be fun but oh so expensive! Then there's the reality, which is why do I need 3 versions of my fav CDs (CD, digital and vinyl)? As per the other thread I think I would pickup LP covers to use as art/framing etc. Love the big art.
  10. Great disc, I only found it this year also.
  11. Not normally my cup of tea but I've been enjoying the heck out of this CD.
  12. It's a tough one, who knows what he's asking for before he decided to split from them. They've definitely made each other a lot if money over that period, doesn't just go one way. There's no denying Jon's talent (looks, songwriting etc.) but he should also be thankful to have a label to stand behind him until he exploded on the 3rd album and for keeping to do so through a changing musical climate. I wonder what his life would be like and where he would be if he was like 16 now and what the future held in store? Is he one if those people that would have been a star regardless?
  13. Love the first 4 Lillian Axe releases. How did they all rate?
  14. Xiled to Infinity was a monster album, everything else has been very patchy. Not digging this much.
  15. You might be right. On the JPN release I see there's a bonus track called 'I'd do anything for lunch'.
  16. Thanks Geoff, I'll check them out.
  17. Can anyone post me a definitive best of? I've owned the first few CDs and was underwhelmed with the exception of a few tracks. Way too inconsistent and a bit second rate.
  18. I actually don't know anyone besides the missus and I, apart from die hards who buy CDs. All my friends and family have cabinets of CDs that have not been added to in an age, or even put one on for that matter. Most don't even have CD players or even know that their DVD, bluray or games machine will play them! Surely we all agree as a market that physical media is on a downwards spiral?
  19. if you're right then there's no way vinyl is coming back, right ? because why people should go back to analog or older type of format if there are new better thing around? but it happened and based on a data I read somewhere on the net, 2014 shows a 30% increase in vinyl sales. I think music is a kinda unique thing, for instance, I love downloading MP3 because it's much faster to hear new albums as a sample and portable, I can pick any songs I like and discard the rest and it's handy to bring it anywhere when you're on a plane, on a boat, camping etc, but don't forget that for some, also for me, owning CD is a far better experience than just having something on the hard drive that we can't see or hold. sometimes we dedicated an hour or two at home to really focus, concentrate, and enjoy our music, by pulling out CD from the shelf, putting it on a player, pulling the booklet and enjoy the band's photo, the artwork, maybe read the lyrics or some bio there, and put it back again, it's sort of like a ritual and maybe that what makes vinyl is back on track again. The newer generation who were born with Apple and Android technology might not experience this, that I'll agree, but usually collectors like to share this kind of ritualistic experience to their children or families and someday they'll inherit this legacy and also share it to their friends etc. Also don't forget, for a man or woman to really love a band, they won't hesitate to buy a single album in several different formats. I have a friend who really loves Helloween, and believe me man, he just bought 7 CDs of their new album in every format and from different countries I agree with everything you are saying and I want CDs, vinyl etc. to be around as long as I am and I am sure, even with a niche market (that's us, until we drop dead) there will be someone who will manufacture CDs and vinyl. However, that said here are the reasons the generations following us are not interested in music or even movies for that matter in physical format: - on demand: everything is readily available, all the time. No waiting for imports, stock to come in, calling around to check stores etc. Current generation are not conditioned to wait for anything in terms of entertainment. - cost of being online is plummeting. People have big limits not only on their home accounts but also on their phones. Add a small subscription fee on top and you get to watch and listen to whatever you want. - change is being driven by cost and technology. Its the kids who are telling the labels how they want to consume and the labels (music and movies) are still fighting to stay relevant. Their model has barely changed in the past 20 years since the internet took off so everyone else is taking the opportunity to step in eg. Spotify, Netflix etc. Look how much change there's been in the past 5 years, amazing! Note that there will be fans and collectors as there always are, I am talking about mainstream and making some massive generalisations. For the record I think Spotify sucks! Artists need to make money. These days even the labels suck as there is no longer a model of growing or nurturing an artist - plus our style of music is out and not relevant to the major labels anyway. Even I am needing to move my collection to digital format as the days/ritual of pulling out a CD and reading the lyrics etc. are long gone thanks to 3 young children. We're all suckers for convenience! It's that or I won't get to listen to anything at home anymore! Long live the CD!!!!
  20. This is the first song that popped up on YouTube. Not bad, will investigate further I think!
  21. Glen right, Geoff wrong! Still have hope for the band tho...
  22. So after much debate I purchased this CD after checking out that YouTube clip. Glen is 100% correct, that clip slays the album. I was underwhelmed by the debut and now this one as well. Not sure what it is but I dig their samples, their vibe and sound but fuck me they can't write a catchy tune to save themselves. Repeated listens of both albums dont help and just further illuminate there's not much here. Look for some trade fodder soon!
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