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Everything posted by DaHun72

  1. Great fun, have to pull it out again!
  2. That's it Dark, Geoff won't be spooning you anymore after that harem scarem comment! Hmm, looks like you have a LOT to catch up regarding bands like ratt, King kobra, house of Lords etc.
  3. I'm with Gibbo, shout and master of puppets for Motley and Metallica. For VH it's the debut and 5150. Yep, operation mindcrime for queensryche. Megadeth is easy - rust in peace. Aerosmith. Hmm, used to be one of my favourites but can't really stand them anymore. Maybe rocks but permanent holds special memories given time and place. Tesla is great radio, but a nut just behind. Motorhead, not for me.
  4. Nightrain, the question I have for you is do you rate differently depending on mood? For example there are times I can't listen to ac/DC or led zeppelin but at other times I think they have the greatest songs. I've spent so much time buying back discs that I got rid off that I could never rate the way you do.
  5. This is a tough one. Love the debut and 7800 and prefer this style over every thing else they have done. Slippery was a big part of my life but I always felt wanted dead or alive started the rot in terms of moving to different direction especially for Richie. I didn't like New Jersey much at the time, but I have found it to age well. Maybe because I didn't listen to it much at the time. These days is pretty good but the style us not for me even tho there's a heap of good songs. I love the ballad always from crossroads and these days is a very good album. Last album I bought was the one with its my life... What a stinker, gave up after that. However I did hear have a nice day just a couple of days ago and I think I'll pick it up. Umm the short answer for me is 7800.
  6. Yep, cool band. Been meaning to pick this one up for a while.
  7. Agree with Geoff, I like all 4 but the band has an edge and energy now that appeals to me more. I could see why people would prefer it the other way around as well. Maybe the next one will seal it for me
  8. Never heard that whitecross. Tora tora is way too high, then again I've never been much of a fan.
  9. It was probably the atomic punks, who are now steel panther.
  10. Yes please. Good to see some kids look the part also.
  11. Not for me, but that's OK as I've never been huge fan. Kids and their haircuts today! Hmmmmm
  12. It took a few months and we finally got through all 6 star wars movies. Well they were all much worse than I remembered... Well 1-3 always stank but the others have aged badly. Thank God Lucas sold to Disney and isn't making the new ones.
  13. Steel is an amazing debut. They haven't been able to top it yet.
  14. Get stuck in. Us Aussies love you brits!
  15. There are some shockers on that thanks to the chick theme. Did you hear Steinman will be doing another album with' loaf?
  16. Harnell is a great singer, live and in the studio. I do however think they picked one of the easier songs for him to sing but really who cares. It's all about the new material. As Eddie Trunk pointed out Harnell is likely to leave once he gets sick of playing gigs in front of 40-50 people. Or maybe sooner once he's heard the demos of the new songs
  17. I think a lot of it boils down to expectations. I had a massive expectations for eclipse and it's a bit of a letdown. These 2 cds rocked up in Feb and have been getting more spins than anything released in 2015 that I have. Dark, pale sister is nowhere near as good as this one.
  18. I picked this and covered call - money never sleeps from a few years back. Am loving these 2 cds. Better than anything released this year so far. Sometimes it's great to be late to the party.
  19. Wow, this album is a stinker. JSS needs to align him with some songwriting talent!
  20. With Wasp you need to check out the debut album if you're a hard rock fan. If you like metal then the Headless Children is a great blend of hard rock and metal. The Crimson Idol is a bit long and serious and way too many ballads but still pretty good but I don't think it's a good introduction to the band unless you're a patient listener. As nightrain says Still Not Black Enough is worth a go. It's like a more accessible version of Crimson idol, shorter songs, less ballads, no story but same vibe. If you like drums Frankie Banali owns on Headless, Crimson and Black Enough. Chris Holmes, Blackie and Johnny Rod tear up the guitars and bass on Headless also.
  21. Yeah, love demons down. The first 3 are a real treat.
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