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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. This could probably go in the "first spin impression" but since there is a debate in this thread I will add my 2 cents. I gave this one spin through on the way to and from work in the car today. I say it is good. Not great. Album of the year? Not seeing it. Now I am in the minority because I think Bring The Thunder is still their best. Less polished but I like the song writing and more tunes on that disc...a little sleazy at times so that is more my alley anyway. I think when Dynazty concentrates on writing catchy lyrics, sing a long choruses they really do well. At other times they put together songs that are played well but nothing is memorable. If they would take the best tracks of Knock You Down and this new one, you would have a pretty killer 10-11 track CD. As is stands, FIRST SPIN mind you, I am seeing a solid disc with some memorable tunes and some not so memorable...Knock You Down was the same way for me.
  2. Sounds like it has a bit more of a modern sound to it than those bands imo, but hard to tell from those very brief samples. A bit more modern sound than Crazy Lixx or Crashdiet? Hmmmm, not sure what that means since CL and CD are modern, right? Anyway, no matter, I too think if you like Crashdiet or Crazy Lixx, you should like Baby Jane. Do a bit of digging for their True Sound of the Underground EP songs....great tunes in line with CD and CL. It surprised me they were not taking off like those bands and what was taking so long to get a full official release, but the time has come!
  3. Same here, been waiting for a release from these guys for a LONG time.
  4. That looks sorta cute actually. So Matt, ever been bitten by a red back? Also, is it common for the Aussie household to keep the anti venom on hand? I would. I get alot of bites... mostly from Geoff.... actually he wears a costume like the Quokka above... Geoff is a screamer AND a biter? Craziness.
  5. That looks sorta cute actually. So Matt, ever been bitten by a red back? Also, is it common for the Aussie household to keep the anti venom on hand? I would.
  6. If the shows I watch on Animal Planet are to be believed, then just about every wild creature in Australia is lethal to humans. Between the spiders, snakes, crocodiles, sharks, and God knows what else, it makes me wonder how people have survived there for so long. They also have Crocodile Dundee...I don't know how anyone on earth has survived his movies.
  7. Hmmm, never heard the bonus tracks, that good huh? I have to go dig it out and see which one I bought. So much music, so little time.
  8. I thought their first release was more towards the sleaze rock side but since then they have evolved more towards the hard rock area, IMO.
  9. freakoid. Can't argue with that comment. Still doesn't sound very interesting to me. Funny stuff guys...
  10. You need to also look into both Skansis albums. Pure Shakra. The second one... i cant even tell it isnt Shakra. Excellent, I am on it! I was digging around on their record label to see if they had other bands like Shakra but didn't any. Thanks much.... Yeah, verified. If you like Shakra you'll certainly dig Skansis. Just out of curioisty, Jeff, do you have the Crystal Ball albums? They don't sound too much like Shakra, but I think most fans would like both bands. Especially their first 2 CDs. Crystal Ball....nope, but I will check them out too. I see they have a handful of releases starting around the same time as Shakra. The description on the main page sounds pretty good. Thanks! I see many of those Shakra and Crystal Balls over at amazon for decent prices. Very funny Wes...
  11. I have the O Brother Where Out Thou soundtrack...I think. Man Of Constant Sorrow is a trip of a song...maybe I just have the mp3. No matter, I'd still like to take the writer of this list and bounce his head off my knee a few times. Not because it does not contain our genre of music but because he or she had the gall to think they could write an all encompassing list covering all genres, keep it to 21 because they are so witty (the 21st century, oh what genius)and then include stuff like Lil Wayne, MIA, etc? Who the f*ck are those artists?
  12. You need to also look into both Skansis albums. Pure Shakra. The second one... i cant even tell it isnt Shakra. Excellent, I am on it! I was digging around on their record label to see if they had other bands like Shakra but didn't any. Thanks much.... Yeah, verified. If you like Shakra you'll certainly dig Skansis. Just out of curioisty, Jeff, do you have the Crystal Ball albums? They don't sound too much like Shakra, but I think most fans would like both bands. Especially their first 2 CDs. Crystal Ball....nope, but I will check them out too. I see they have a handful of releases starting around the same time as Shakra. The description on the main page sounds pretty good. Thanks!
  13. You need to also look into both Skansis albums. Pure Shakra. The second one... i cant even tell it isnt Shakra. Excellent, I am on it! I was digging around on their record label to see if they had other bands like Shakra but didn't any. Thanks much....
  14. I like this one too... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP1QzucFRh8&feature=relmfu
  15. Wednesday 13 - Fang Bang Warrant - Rockoholic (I didn't find this as good as some of you but it was cheap so WTF) and most importantly...one step closer to completing my Shakra collection: Shakra - Moving Force If anyone has Everest or Infected or Power Ride and they wanna part ways for trade or Paypal, let me know.
  16. I like that tune. The video is just, well, um, maybe they need to stay heard but not seen. Goofy lookin' dudes.
  17. Jeff


    <groan> This is NOT what I wanted hear to start things off...please DR, tell me you are joking.
  18. Shakra - S/T One step closer to completing my collection of this great band.
  19. This one is too difficult I won't even vote. Like Wes said, those L.A. Guns discs are pretty much flawless but WASP is well, WASP...they kick ass too.
  20. This guy is another idiot of epic proportions. I wonder if he pulled a sharpie out to autograph anything at mid field?
  21. Jeff


    Here is the track list off that Japan version, it does have Tie Your Mother Down, but not the other two. Basically they put Tie Your Mother Down at track 6 in between the other songs remaining in the same order. Still Not Black Enough Somebody To Love Black Forever Scared To Death --love this tune Goodbye America Tie Your Mother Down Keep Holding On Rock N Roll To Death Breathe I Can't No Way Out of Here
  22. Jeff


    I am a WASP fan as well. Funny enough, I go through the same thing where I have times I keep playing them and then don't for awhile. This is what I have right now with some notes on a few of them. W.A.S.P. 1997 Sanctuary Reissue Inside The Electric Circus Inside The Electric Circus 1997/1998 Snapper 14 tracks Live…In The Raw The Crimson Idol First Blood, Last Cuts BMG The Last Command Sanctuary records - 17 songs Still Not Black Enough 10 song version Still Not Black Enough 11 song Japan sample version K.F.D. The Crimson Idol 2 cd reissue by Snapper The Headless Children The Headless Children 1998 Snapper Helldorado Unholy Terror Dying For The World The Neon God Part I The Neon God Part II Best of the Best 2CD Dominator digipak Babylon
  23. Your ears must be broken. Dynazty (not Dynasty like the thread topic person wrote) kick fucking ass! Agree, very good band. I'm looking forward to the new one.
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