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My Little Pony
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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Was this purchased based on my recommendation? I'm not trying boost my pride, I just wanna known if anything I say is taken seriously. In any case, it's a great disc and a good purchase.
  2. If it was the awful American remake I can totally understand. Don't think it was American, mate. It had that American midget actor in it but the rest of the cast were painfully British. Okay, just checked wikipedia and yeah, definitely it was the original I saw. Not the one with Chris Rock etc. Whoever that stiff was who played the lead role was just made me want to hurt him by speaking. 'I don't understand you, mate. Death at a Funeral is hilarious! Alan Tudyk did a fantastic job. It truly is brilliant. I can't say anything about the American version, because I haven't seen it, but I would like to.' 'Day watch' ; honestly didn't watch it but I'm curious if anyone has seen this. It's a Russian film, looks kinda like their version of 'Matrix' or something. Special effects looked totally top notch but it was English voice overs rather than subtitles and I just couldn't handle it. Plus the 20 or so minutes I saw were painful to watch. Looked like a terrible movie, but way outside of a budget I thought they had for making films in Russia to be honest. 'I believe Night Watch is the first film, and I enjoyed it. Yes, they are very different. No, they are not Matrix clones. I do appreciate your intolerance for English dubs. I firmly believe in watching films in the language they were shot, so I commend you. Night Watch and Day Watch were directed by the assistant director, and produced by the director of Wanted. Does that make sense? I highly recommend them. In fact, I would personally like to revisit them.'
  3. For some reason, I think only metaltrekman means it. So here's to you, bro.
  4. Mennonite Jazz Commitee - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
  5. Tron Legacy I really enjoyed this film. Any newcomers should like it, but it also has many throwbacks to the first feature to rekindle any fond memories you old bastards may have. Also, Daft Punk make an appearance which was great!
  6. I can't believe they only give us six episodes and expect us to wait a year. Well forget that, I'm reading the graphic novels. I just started the first book and I'll be happy to post any interesting spoilers here.
  7. Manturd! Geoff Is this genuine hatred or does it conceal closet manlove? Closet manlove of course Closet manlove? I thought Matt was very open about his feelings towards Geoff, and a select few others.
  8. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy So damn good!
  9. Quit stallin' and watch "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" already. I gotta work myself up to that one. Maybe tomorrow night. We'll see.
  10. Heh heh. Seriously, what the WTF is it with women and posing with the duckface?
  11. Isn't his version of "Change of Heart" very westcoast? I remember hearing a sample years ago. Westcoast? I don't think so, isn't westcoast lighter than typical AOR? Yeah. As I said I haven't heard it in years, so I'm only asking if I've remembered correctly.
  12. Isn't his version of "Change of Heart" very westcoast? I remember hearing a sample years ago.
  13. Avatar: Sozin's Comet Paranormal Activity Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
  14. I love Mili--his power, strength, and emotion. Say what you want about Good 2B Alive, but I love that album and I will always appreciate his work. This cover is no exception. Simply beautiful.
  15. With that kinda title, I would've thought it was one'a them... y'know... all dude pornos. Why do you think he picked it up, to begin with? And why do you think he was so dissapointed?
  16. Yeah, he definitely knows his AOR but suffers from the most severe tunnel vision you're likely to encounter. Yeah, even moreso than Geoff!
  17. So when are you gonna watch a quality movie, like, say, "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?" Heh heh. Maybe this weekend. I have a feeling I'm gonna have to make a serious beer run before, though.
  18. Are you a homosexual? Really, Jez? Really? Because I don't like one female actor--one terrible female actor--you're gonna think I'm gay? Eat a dick.
  19. Battle Royale I & II A little disappointed. I think people over-hyped it. I was expecting more gratuitous, gory violence. Oh, well.
  20. Yeah, what the fuck, is she in every fuckin' movie now? It wouldn't be so bad, if she could actually act. She's the only one in the business that gets progressively worse, with each film.
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