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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Well, then, you need to get into the Funk Metal scene. My personal favourites are Electric Boys, Extreme, and Dan Reed Network. Also, welcome to the asylum. Take your pants off and stay a while.
  2. But anyway, welcome to the forums. So, are you a fan of the band Wings? Or chicken wings? Or the Red Wings? Or are you a fan of this lady? Or are you Wing?!!
  3. Yeah, if that's not the song, I don't know what is.
  4. Well, if I stick to the music we discuss on this site, it makes it a little easier. Still can't commit to any one song, but I'll go with this today.
  5. That's pretty cool -- both the song and video. Sounded a bit like Budgie.
  6. This might be the Hardline tune I've listened to the most. I always thought it was the absolute best closing track.
  7. But I couldn't even decide if my favourite song was Rock, Soul, R&B, or Pop. It's that difficult. Ha!
  8. It's actually impossible. I could give you some favourite songs, but I've never been able to narrow it down to one. Simply impossible.
  9. Just booked shit all... But my mate got me a ticket to John Fogerty in October. And Slaughter and Great White are playing the weekend before, so I'm getting tickets for that.
  10. I'm fully aware of the extent of my ignorance. I try not to pay attention the American politics. I only know what I know, because Canadians seem to be more interested in American politics than our own.
  11. Actually, he's just holding the seat warm for the REAL dark overlord... she's from the 7th level of Hell. You ain't lying!! You thought the last 8 years with Obama were bad, wait until Crooked Hillary is president. #VoteForTrump Were the last eight years with Obama really that bad? I don't think Obama even did much, good or bad. Nah.... things were terrific the last 8 years. :sarcasm: Now I'm forced to pay for insurance I don't use and can't afford. Oh, I don't think anyone would say the last eight years were anything more than shit, but the Bush administration caused a lot of fuckery that carried over.
  12. Actually, he's just holding the seat warm for the REAL dark overlord... she's from the 7th level of Hell. You ain't lying!! You thought the last 8 years with Obama were bad, wait until Crooked Hillary is president. #VoteForTrump Were the last eight years with Obama really that bad? I don't think Obama even did much, good or bad.
  13. Wait, so the last guy straight up quit the band to join Arion? And, no doubt, ruined them. But now maybe Loudguns will be worth listening to.
  14. Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) I had been waiting to see this for a good minute. Save the upcoming Star Wars film, this was the only thing I was looking forward to all year. It most certainly did not disappoint. Easily the best film I've seen all year. Taika Waititi has fast become one of my favourite directors.
  15. Wholly shit. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad that music can help you through this. And I'm sure there are some folks here that might be able to lend an ear if you need to talk.
  16. Of course it is. Thanks, I'll try those places.
  17. Is this album not available through Melodic Rock Records? Where do I get it?
  18. Well... that doesn't suck. But it doesn't get me all that excited either.
  19. No unreleased bonus tracks featuring Tommy Denander?
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