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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Was just about to post this. So glad as really loved their last album and was wondering what was going on with them.
  2. Well I did kinda break the news they were back around nine months ago
  3. I was just on the Pride & Joy YouTube page and was marvelling at how terrible most of the bands videos are, but these guys took the prize for the absolute worst. Jesus wept they are terrible.
  4. Midnite City - In at the deep end (Jap) Ghost - If you have Ghost
  5. Plus the other coincidence is they both released turds as their second albums ... they did not get me under the influence
  6. Thank you. Oh and The Warning is these sisters from Mexico
  7. Seems only right that I follow up Sven Gali with this band seeing as I bought their debut albums at the same time without actually hearing either. The fact that Sven Gali had a song called Under the influence, and the band I am gonna post a video of had that same name as their album title just seemed like such a great coincidence at the time
  8. It was just one of those things where it was sposed to be a years break and ended up as five years. I had been to at least one gig a year starting in 1992 until 2018, and over the last 8 or so years of that I was going to more and more gigs every year, sometimes multiple in a week, and I was starting to get burn out. So decided that 2019 was my "gap year" for gigs. Then 2020 rolled around and brought Covid with it. So that extended it to two years. 2021, that will be a better year for sure ... oh, what do you mean I have to catch covid, have seizures and then get diagnosed with cancer? Fuck you 2021. 2022 I was still recovering. I did book a concert around March I think it was, as I was sposed to have finished my treatment by January and was hoping I would be recovered enough to go (would you not wanna go see Crazy Lixx and Chez Kane on the bill together?), but my procedure got delayed til April. After that I was seriously compromised immune system wise so that ended up being 2022 as a total write off. Now I am doing a couple of days a week working for a company I used to work for over 20 years ago, so have the money to afford the odd gig here and there, and what better way to start than with a band I got into a few years ago and its their first time over here supporting Muse and then outta nowhere they announce a headline gig in London. How could I not go?
  9. Going to see The Warning on Monday. First gig for me in five years.
  10. Some of you may have heard of Ally the piper, a girl who plays the bag pipes and does covers n all sorts. She recently posted a TikTok with a video of her playing a few short clips of Metallica tracks. Well some troll made this comment ... and who should step in to defend her, but Metallica themselves. After this initial post, they followed it up stating that they use AC/DC - It's a long way as their intro song, which is well known for having bagpipes in it. The troll has continued to argue and insult people, including Metallica telling them they are wrong, that he knows everything and he is highly intelligent despite spelling errors and nonsensical sentences that make no sense. News in the USA have picked up the story and have even had interviews with Ally about it. Fucking great when bands take time to support smaller artists from trolls like this.
  11. Funnily enough just watching this on YouTube as I came here ha ha
  12. Won't mean much to most on here, but this video was shot in the top 80s rock/metal club in London which I used to be a semi regular at. This was like the second or third venue (maybe more) and has moved at least twice since then. DJ Belle Star recently passed away, and was an icon of the glam scene. Ben Christo of Night By Night/Diamond Black was also a DJ there alongside Belle for several years.
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