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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Just listened to this on YouTube after someone posted a topic in the AOR/hard rock forum ... I listened to these guys back in the day but gave up after second album as they were good but not great. This song though, holy shit its good. Defo moved away from metal to hard rock for this song at least.
  2. I was gonna say "Does Godsmack really belong in the AOR/Hard Rock forum?" and then I heard this and said "Oh fucking yes they now do"
  3. Funnily enough while inititially sounding like pure filth, "It won't suck itself" is actually TV friendly in many respects. The burden of being wonderful would work, but they might have to change the Stevie Wonder line to appease the PC crowd.
  4. Fubar is a really fun show. Best work Arnie has done in years. As for this song, well I have loved this band since I first heard them supporting Jettblack & Crashdiet back in 2013 (they were the second best band on the card as I really did not like Crashdiet). Ordered the debut album soon after as for some reason they neglected to bring any to sell at the merch table.
  5. Something a lil different, but it's been in my playlist for donkeys years ever since I discovered it
  6. Avenged Sevenfold - Life is but a dream...
  7. Well it's billed as an audition, but I am guessing it's all just a promo deal
  8. Buckcherry - Vol. 10 (variant cover and signed)
  9. Ghost - Phantomime Heavens Edge - Get it right
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