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Captain Howdy

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Everything posted by Captain Howdy

  1. Band-Maid - 10th anniversary best vol.1 (Jap) Band-Maid - 10th anniversary best vol.2 (Jap)
  2. https://metalsludge.tv/bang-tango-frontman-joe-leste-has-suffered-a-stroke-and-is-currently-in-a-rehabilitation-hospital/ Metal Sludge — Bang Tango frontman Joe Leste has suffered a stroke. Leste, 58, who was hospitalized on August 10th is alleged to have had 30+ years of health issues which also requires medication and the initial word is the singer’s blood pressure medicine failed him. A message to fans appears on his personal Facebook page and informed them of his recent medical scare which had him rushed to Honor Valley Deer Hospital in Phoenix where he spent 5 days. The Bang Tango and Beautiful Creatures frontman is currently in recovery. The following was shared via the singer’s social media: “Hey Peeps- My blood pressure medicine failed me last week and I had a stroke. I am currently in a rehabilitation hospital working on getting better. And if you know me, you know- DON’T COUNT ME OUT!!!!” His wife Jessica Leste has started a Go Fund Me for the singer. She posted the following on the fund raising page. —————— “Hi- This is Jessica, Joe’s wife. I know Joe has made many friends over the years, so I am hoping the rock community can band together and provide a little help by donating or by sharing this link. You may not know, but Joe suffered a stroke on the morning of August 10th. Joe was not feeling well and It was obvious to me that something was very wrong. He was rushed to HonorHealth Deer Valley hospital here in Phoenix where he spent 5 days in the cardiac unit. Joe has battled hypertension for 30 years and to manage it, he takes daily blood pressure medicine. Unfortunately, his medicine was not doing its job and he had a stroke. Thankfully Joe’s blood pressure has since been stabilized with new medication. Joe is currently in a rehabilitation hospital working on getting better. At this time it is unknown how long his recovery will take. All funds raised will be used to cover the medical expenses incurred from Joe’s medical care and recovery. *Although we have medical insurance, we have a very high deductible and there will be expenses that insurance won’t adequately cover. Thank you everyone in advance!” ———————————— Metal Sludge wish Joe a full and speedy recovery.
  3. I think the problem this song has is for fans of Hurricane, they are gonna judge it more harshly because it really does not sound like them. Had this been recorded by a new band you were unfamiliar with or under a different name it would maybe be given more of a chance. It's actually an ok song, sounds fine but it's not Hurricane (and I am not a big fan of Hurricane). I think they have done themselves no favours using the band name to release this.
  4. I don't hate that cover, but having one guy trying to ape Freddie and David is a bit much. Should have at least stayed true to the original and get in a second vocalist.
  5. I will admit I was never the biggest fan of this band. My first album by them was Poetic justice, which I really liked so got the first two, which just never excited me beyond one or two tracks, so when they started releasing music again I never bothered with them. This is absolutely dog shite, so just makes me glad I never bothered with them with anything after Poetic justice.
  6. Of course it is not classic GNR, but I like it for what it is. I don't think it is their best work for certain, but it's not bad.
  7. https://metalsludge.tv/band-news-autograph-co-founder-and-guitarist-steve-lynch-updates-followers-with-what-he-calls-an-important-legal-victory/
  8. This is defo gonna be a must have for me.
  9. Yup, to many fans of 80s rock Michael Boltons name would not even be considered. In the UK he really was not even a known entity until Soul Provider came out and How am I supposed to live without you hit the singles chart in 1990, and by then he was considered a soul singer. I think that is probably the case for a lot of Europeans as well. Hell, I don't even think most of his stuff in charted in the USA or charted that high prior to the late 80s. His early stuff really is niche to most people. Better vocalists or more famous, because with the exception of one or two on here (The Big Deal comes to mind) they are some pretty great vocalists. If it is anything like the plethora of tribute albums that Cleopatra/Deadline released back in the early 2000s, the artists were not even necessarily fans of the artists or the songs they were recording, they were just doing it for the pay day. I remember an interview a friend of mine did with Mitch Malloy around the time and he recorded You could be mine, by GNR and he said he hated it. He didn't even get a choice what song to sing. And recently Phil Lewis has gone on record as saying he has never liked Motley Crues music, yet he has recorded at least one of their songs for a tribute album in the past. As it stands, a lot of bigger artists on the Frontiers label probably do not want to involve themselves in tributes, and Frontiers is just a means to an end in getting their music released, so of course it will end up being the lesser known bands on their roster recording this stuff.
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