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Everything posted by lettard

  1. lettard


    Just keep going ,to come 4th outta over 500 ,thats some goin, we play a couple of guys who are regular on the big Tv tournaments including the Premier League...usually get beat but sometimes we get close, if they have an off night...to be honest they are a different level but thats why they are on Tv...for some of them its a full time job being a Professional dart thrower
  2. Nice news,hoping for a quality release...fingers crossed...its been a while though
  3. Nah Bom at best...maybe scrape Muito Bom...I mean its good but by no means on par with the classic stuff...imho better than the others...yes...hands down
  4. Yeah and when you google their name you get....lets say...mixed results
  5. I know what you mean but in all honesty I wasn't expecting them to put anything like that out myself..its been 17 years or in the case of Do You Wanna Taste it 13 since that classic stuff...even the album that Do You Wanna Taste It came from wasnt that great
  6. Looking forward to this, Radio Silence was excellent
  7. Debut did little for me...but this sounds quite a lot better
  8. He's not even mentioned on any liner notes of the album...must have wanted to keep it hushed so we wouldn't know
  9. Fav track is Bad Luck Chuck...classic Wig Wam for me
  10. Enjoyed this quite a bit...went in as I have done with Wig Wam recently a bit iffy...but its a sort of return to form..some filler as pointed out above...but for me the best they've put out since Wig Wamania...although with the releases since then being sort of underwhelming it wasn't hard...but to give this credit its actually very good in places and overall enjoyable..79 reminds me of Parisian Walkways in tone
  11. Fuckin cracking album.love it,what a voice and as Jez already stated what an opening track the appropriately titled "Glorious"..superb
  12. Not a bad album,nowhere near The Grand Design or Greatest Wonder..bit mellower than I'd expected sort of a plodder
  13. And also maybe album title Still I'm looking forward to it...really liked Are You Ready...most of the other albums are hit and miss with me tbh..but still enjoyable
  14. Haven't been through my new purchases the way i'd like to thus far,need to give them a real good listens.hopefully by the weekend,but I agree that this sounds excellent from what I have given time to.
  15. As Champ Kind would say "Double Whammy" Great news on both...'23 is gearing up rightly.
  16. Great minds, mine arrived today ...Scott and indeed Replay are gems to people like us
  17. St.Valentine - s/t (20th Century/Vanity Ltd Edition)
  18. Quite a few classics...I personally love No More Tears...fantastic album it just sounds soooo good
  19. Loved the first two and quite enjoyed Revelation Highway...im just not a huge live album fan.
  20. Yeah,health has finally got him...hope he has a welcome retirement(from touring) and as nyoilers has said puts out new studio music,although he has said he may still play live so long as it doesnt involve travel as such.
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