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Everything posted by lettard

  1. At last more news & something to look forward to...agree with Geoff on that I don't want the progressive thing to derail what I like about these guys.
  2. Yeah & Norum didnt even play on their (for me anyway)best albums
  3. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    You're halfway there...watch this space...no Ronaldo...no surprise though,he's been underperforming for quite a while now...I think he's the only one who doesn't see it.
  4. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    And Spain are gone
  5. I don't mind it...not much filth/edge to it though
  6. If they made something along the lines soundwise to Prisoners In Paradise i'd be well pleased , can't see it...but we can hope.
  7. I'd like to think that video was back in the day...either that or they have been extremely lucky
  8. Yeah they only released Cold Shot in 2014 & the Sunset Strip boxset in 2015...then disappeared until last year when they came back out of the blue with Kenny Mcgee & Mullett followed by quite a few more...its been good to see them back.
  9. I've really enjoyed their output so far...nothing earth shattering, but enjoyable stuff , so i'll like this too most likely
  10. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Unbelievable...Japan through...they stuck at it...far play to them,and with 20mins to go it looked like Costa Rica were going through also, so Japan v Croatia & Spain v Morocco last 16
  11. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Belgium out too....tbh honest they didn't really turn up at all to this...for such a team of individual stars they don't seem to gel as a team...too slow to pass the ball and can't seem to break teams down...I see Martinez has stepped down now...makes sense as even with their world ranking they don't exactly set the world on fire...their golden generation may get one more go at the Euro '24?
  12. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Yeah no real striker as such...Gakpo doing a good job filling in...but they'll find it tough against the top nations me thinks
  13. Yeah solid start...the first few songs are the best and it fades after that that...no killer tune to grab you...as Geoff pointed out they have the potential...and for me they are finding their sound...all they need now are some memorable killer tracks to go with that potential.
  14. Phil Lynott solo show in The Rialto Londonderry 24th June 1982...I was 9...my big sister took me(she was 16)...it was only £4 a ticket...still have the stub...this was a big thing in more ways than one because it was during the troubles and this was a daily thing and my parents hated us going to the city in case a bombing happened
  15. Very good...like that a lot...remind me of All I Know.
  16. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Canada played well...very unlucky and ran out of steam during second half before a second wind...Belgium very underwhelming...but thats probably because Canada didnt let them settle or give them the time that they like on the ball with that high press.
  17. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Yeah goin in as Champions Maradona & co being humbled by a Roger Milla inspired Cameroon
  18. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Yeah it did make it interesting for a wee while though
  19. lettard

    World Cup 2022

    Australia 1 nil up...day of shocks?
  20. Yet more good news...pretty consistent band...love The Grand Design and The Greatest Wonder...the last wasn't to shabby either...still Denis Ward me hopes?
  21. Sounds like a cross between Nickelback & Foo Fighters for me.
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