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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Any fans of Artillery out there?? Pretty killer thrash if You ask Me..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaNRi8puEjg
  2. hated Pulp Fiction. didn't even finish watching it. would I enjoy From Paris With Love? Honestly?? Yes.. Lots of shit being blown up, good fight scenes.. Highly enjoyable.... Nothing like Pulp Fiction really.....
  3. Just got back from seeing Iron Man 2.. Fucking AWESOME!!!!!
  4. Well the video I COULD watch was pretty bad... ALmost glad I couldn't hear the full version.....
  5. Ok It's based on a comic I Never read, but it looks DAMN good!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l0zSd_DQQ4&feature=player_embedded
  6. Hey Keith?? Did you like Kevin Spacey as Luther though?? He was downright spooky..... Anyways... Yesterday I watched "From Paris with Love"?? Fucking Excellent!! Probably John Travolta's BEST role since Pulp Fiction.. I LOVED it!!! Then I watched Shutter Island?? While I am not a huge fan of Leonardo DeCaprio?? He was Brilliant in this!! Not really a horror flick, more of a psychological thriller.. Very well done......
  7. Not an Official video I don't think, but it kicks some ASS!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsYVHZFukzc
  8. Not a movie, but I am re-watching Spartacus Blood and Sand.. Damn I LOVE that show!!!!
  9. I wonder.. Why isn't USA an option to vote???? Didn't they hold England to a draw today?? Nice screw up by England's goalie too.. I don't really care, but I gotta go with My Home team... USA!!!!!
  10. The Karate Kid II and III... Yea I was in an 80s mood.....
  11. Not to mention, which one would you rather watch bopping around on stage in a t-shirt? or No further questions, your honor. Yea the one on the left, definitely..... Can't wait for the new CD!!! Oh I wonder if Ron Keel gonna want royalties for using the name "The Final Frontier"????
  12. OMG!!!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2:
  13. Yea not a real stand out yet.. I STILL Can't believe Gordon kicked out about HALF the chefs either!!! But He DID complete dinner service the first week for the FIRST time ever!!!
  14. The Fly...[the 1986 remake not the 1950s original] Pretty decent flick actually, couple gross out spots, which is always a good thing....
  15. New season started Tuesday.. and DAMN what a way to kick off the new season!! Anyone else watching?? Keith???? I don't have any favorites yet, but some of them ladies was about as useless as tits on a bull, to quote My man Keith....
  16. One more passes away this year.. I think this leaves what 2 Golden Girls left?? Or is Estelle Getty alive still??? http://tv.yahoo.com/blog/golden-girl-rue-mcclanahan-dies--1299 I know Betty White is still alive.... RIP Blanche.....
  17. Superman Doomsday.... Not bad really... Only 77 minutes long so they HAD to leave out some things from the original comic.. Make that ALOT of things, but it wasn't all that bad... Even though it didn't really follow the comic perfectly, And I wish Doomsday looked more like He did in the comic, but all in all I enjoyed it.....
  18. Decent band... Heard them ALOT in the 80s in Highschool and etc..... I like em.....
  19. Motley Crue - Carnival of Sins Hammerfall - One Crimson Night [Too bad the singer speaks in Swedish to the crowd, but the music is EXCELLENT!!!] Metallica - Cunning Stunts Queensryche - Operation Livecrime Type O Negative - Sympathy for the Devil Kiss - Kissology volumes 1-3 are ALL pretty good....
  20. Ok that was wrong... But pretty damn funny too.....
  21. Iron Maiden - Liver After Death Motorhead - 25 and Alive Boneshaker Judas Priest - Rising in the East Overkill - Wrecking Everything Live Just to name a few.... OH almost forgot, Nickelback - Live From Home and Live From Sturgis....
  22. I like this counter-protestors' style. Yea I read that today too Man.. LOVE that sign..... Yea I had a feeling they didn't have a snowballs chance in HELL iof being heard or disrupting the service.....
  23. Errr.. I am gonna say No?? I heard His latest.."Hang Cool Teddy Bear"?? I was less than impressed.....
  24. Damn that was an AWESOME show, eh Keith?? Trouble were great that night, Almost.. ALMOST stole the show from Savatage..... Now I am not as big a fan as Keith is, but yea I like Me some Trouble too.....
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