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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. A friend of Mine has a T-shirt that says..."And then Buffy staked Edward... The End!" I WANT that shirt!!!!!
  2. Ah that They are secretly your ALL time favorite KISS albums???? What... NO????
  3. I always liked 2000 Man even though it's a cover.. I almost picked Sure Know Something though.. And yea like Keith says how can you NOT like I Was Made for Loving You?????
  4. Well I Only listened to a sample of Heaven and Hell?? Musically it sounds pretty damn good.. But Michal Sweet is NO Ronnie James Dio!! Does it suck?? No, but I prefer the original....
  5. Got Me some new CDs today and gave a few a spin already so Here goes.... Gunfire 76 - "Casualties and Tragedies" For those that don't know?? This is another band fronted by Wednesday 13.. Not the Horror themed stuff, but it's pretty damn good sleaze Metal, pretty good stuff actually, Some filler, but really not much.. I dig it.... Raven "Walk Through Fire" What can I say?? I fucking LOVE this CD!!! Just good Raven!! They may be older, but DAMN they still sound fucking GOOD!!!! Ozzy Osbourne "Scream" Well, ok first?? I like it.. However, the track order could have been better.. I mean the opener.. Let it Die?? Is good, but it doesn't reach out and GRAB you, ya know?? It's a mid paced song.. Shoulda put Let Me Hear You Scream as the opener.. All in all though?? It's alot better than Ozzmosis or the one that followed.... Warbeast "Krush the Enemy" Pretty decent thrash.. Featuring the former vocalist from Rigor Mortis?? Produced by Philip Anselmo and on His record label too... I give this about a 3.5-4 out of 5.... Ratt "Infestation" Honestly?? I wasn't expecting this to be as good as it is!! I have been slightly dissapointed with their last few albums.. But Infestation is a definite return to form!! 4/5 for Me.. .Really good stuff!!! 3 Inches of Blood "Here Waits Thy Doom" Only one vocalist this time out.. The guy that does the death metal growls and stuff isn't on this, so it's all the King Diamond/Rob Halford sounding guy, which I LIKE!! Defintely a kick ass CD!!! 4/5 I think.... ALmost done with Wig Wam's Non Stop Rock and Roll?? So far?? I LOVE it!!!
  6. That Velvet Revolver CD is pretty good actually.. Though I thought you HATED them?? I actually HAVE that Mr Big CD and My sister had the Nelson CD, so yea I heard that ALOT.. And I never knew Geoff Tate did a solo CD??? But hey, can't beat the price though, right???? And outta curiosity.. What CDs were you trying to sell that No one wanted anyways???
  7. Well I DID have beer on My birthday, but, sorry Geoff, No camels, antelopes or mice....
  8. Now that's My kinda club!!!! Still can't believe I am 40!! Damn what happened anyways??? Ah well, midlife crisis Here I come!!!
  9. Used some of My bithday money and put in an order with Amazon. Should be here Saturday.... Ozzy Osbourne - "Scream" Wig Wam - "Nonstop Rock and Roll" Tyr - "By the Light of the Northern Star" Hardcore Superstar - "No Regrets" Hardcore Superstar - "Bad Sneakers and a Pina Colada" Wednesday 13 "Skeletons" Gunfire 76 - "Casualties and Tragedies" 3 Inches of Blood - "Here Waits Thy Doom" Warbeast - "Krush the Enemy" Keel - Right to Rock" Raven - "Walk Through Fre" Ratt - "Infestation" Hellyeah - "Hellyeah" Can't WAIT for Saturday!!!!!
  10. Yea, "The Crow" was/is a great flick. The sequels, though... not so much. Backed!! I LOVED the first Crow movie?? But I recorded City of Angels?? Man I want that 95 minutes or so of My life back. .It was God awful!!! And yea Avoid Superman III and IV like the plague.. ALthough I DO laugh ALOT at part III.....
  11. I just thought of something.. Sure they fucked up Spider Man 3 with the Sandman killing Peter's Uncle Ben?? but was that ANY worse than Batman and Robin?? with Batgirl aka Barbara GORDON, suddenly becoming Alfred's neice??? WTF????? I STILL cringe whenever I see that movie.. Which is RARE nowadays I promise you that.....
  12. Independence Day.. Ya know, there's nothing about this movie I don't like???
  13. Yea I saw those vids and was like,... Wow look at the crowd....... Looked like they were playing in front of a 7-11 or something with all of about 25 people watching em.. Man I woulda gone if I was closer though....
  14. Zombieland.. DAMN what a GREAT fucking movie!!!!
  15. Brewster's Millions.. God I love that movie....
  16. Man I HOPE those never get confirmed!!! Kicking tune though!!
  17. Oh Boy, this one actually looks like it could be GOOD!! Made for TV yes, but produced by Roger Corman!! And stars David Carradine in one of His last roles, so Yea I will be checking this out, definitely.... http://tv.yahoo.com/blog/when-monsters-attack-megasized-reptiles-take-over-the-airwaves--1340 When Monsters Attack: Mega-Sized Reptiles Take Over the Airwaves By Rebecca Harper, Hulu | Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 3:06 PM David Carradine in "Dinocroc vs. Supergator" Syfy This weekend, get ready for the ultimate showdown. While most of the world's eyes may be on Team USA in the World Cup knockout round this Saturday, we'll be tuning into another epic battle this weekend: "Dinocroc vs. Supergator," the latest mega-sized reptile flick to come from Syfy. And while this low-budget special effects extravaganza was made for TV, don't think for a moment it doesn't have pedigree: It was produced by the king of B movies himself, Roger Corman ("Swamp Women," "Dinoshark"), and stars actor David Carradine ("Kill Bill") in one of his final roles. For Carradine, whose untimely death in Bangkok, Thailand, made headlines last June (as he was filming the yet-to-be-released movie "Stretch"), this ended up being one last opportunity to show off his acting might. As scientist Jason Drake, he finds himself working on a top-secret government project — monster-sized reptiles — on a tropical island. It's when these titular creatures break out of their confines that we truly get to see their appetite for destruction. With the mega-sized monsters free of their cages, no one is safe from their menacing jaws. These prehistoric monsters make a beeline for some of the island's most tourist-friendly attractions, from secluded waterfalls to five-star resorts. Screaming won't stop them from wreaking havoc, either, as these unlucky vacationers find out during some downtime back at their hotel. To make matters worse, even guns can't slow them down. That means there's only one thing left to do: Bring the two heavyweights together and make them fight. If only it was in 3-D. Yea I am gonna be ALL over this.....
  18. "Mega Shark versus Giant Octopus" So so SO Cheezy!!! Crappy special effects, but GOD I loved it!!!!!
  19. It ain't free damnit!!! But I will say, that cover?? Looks pretty fucking BADASS!!!!!!
  20. Why do you think I posted it Bro?? I KNEW you would be all over it!!!! I will too!!!
  21. Tiffany vs Debbie Gibson!! how can you go wrong???? http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/tv.tvguide.com/tv.tvguide.com-debbie-gibson-and-tiffany-brawl-syfy-movie Debbie Gibson and Tiffany to Brawl in Syfy Movie By Joyce Eng Thu Jun 24, 7:00 AM PDT No, it's not 1987, but Debbie Gibson and Tiffany are facing off again — this time on screen. The former '80s pop stars will resume their "rivalry" in Syfy's new original movie, Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, the network announced Thursday. Check out photos of Debbie Gibson Gibson, 39, who starred in last year's Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus, will play an animal rights campaigner who frees exotic snakes from pet stores, allowing them to grow to mega sizes in the Everglades. Tiffany, 38, who starred in Mega Piranha, will portray a park ranger trying to save endangered alligators. Wait — it gets better: They get into a fight in a swamp. "I know that pop culture fanatics have been dying for Tiffany and me to collaborate for the past 24 years!" Gibson said in a statement. "What better way to do it than by battling each other in a campy romp through the Everglades?" Added Tiffany: "Only in my dreams have I been able to have a catfight with Debbie Gibson...until now! This is soo MEGA Cool!" Another on My Must see list.. Definitely.....
  22. I saw this and thought of Geoff for some reason...... http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100623/od_afp/australiacrimebuttocksoffbeat_20100623063457 MELBOURNE (AFP) – Two Australian men needed surgery after shooting each other in the buttocks during a drinking session to see if it would hurt, police said on Wednesday. The men, both aged 34, used an air rifle to fire at each other on Sunday. By Tuesday, both were in hospital to have pellets removed from their buttocks and legs. "The men were sharing a few beers on Sunday evening when they thought it would be interesting to see if they shot one another with an air rifle, if it would penetrate their skin or it would hurt," a police spokesman said. "It appears other than a bit of pain, the two men from the base of the Grampians (near Melbourne), thought they were fine. "Two days later, both men have been admitted to hospital and require surgery to remove slug pellets from their buttocks and legs." One of the men has been stripped of his firearms licence over the incident. Crazy Aussies......
  23. Excellent Cradle of Filth CD!!! Crashdiet "Generation Wild"
  24. I dunno... she seems OK with it in this video clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H72oHTRuBxs Ok ok that is SO wrong.. Yet SO damn funny!!!!!
  25. I never did found Sarah Jessicsa Parker attractive.. Not in Square Pegs and certainly not now......
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