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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Wildlife - s/t (one of my fav albums of all time)
  2. Slippin Away - Bangalore Choir
  3. Slowly Slipping Away - Harem Scarem
  4. Fuckin' agreed !!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck is BT????? British Telecom - fucking useless!! Switch to fucking Virgin. Switching to fuckin sky.........today. unlimited calls anytime for £5 a month Fast broadband as well for £5!
  5. fuckin hanging on hold with BT - takes for fuckin ever!
  6. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

  7. OK, how about anything to do with night, nightime or darkness............ At Night She Sleeps - Nightranger
  8. Pretty good actually. The vocals werent the best, esp the backing vocs. But the songs were pretty catchy and had some good guitar work. Just missing that killer touch for me though Id be interested to hear a full release though.
  9. Goodnight LA - Strangeways
  10. the usual hilarious comment. A Clown. I fell about laughing aswell, but in pity. I know, I pity anyone who thinks there's any properly decent music from this era too, but we'll get by. Oh dear, that's a very lonely opinion you have there mate.....I would doubt there's even one person on this site who would agree with that comment whether you talk AOR or metal. I mean, come on - AOR were the golden years with arguably the best albums from Journey, Aviator, Touch, REO, Le Roux, New England, Toto, Nightranger, Asia, Magnum....and some great UK bands like Wildlife, Charlie etc And in terms of metal, Dio, Black Sabbath, Saxon, Triumph, AC/DC, Maiden, Y&T, MSG....hell it was probably THE era. Nuff said. To be completely honest I don't really listen to anything before about 1986/1987 either. With a few outstanding exceptions (like Touch/Toto) I just don't really like anything to sounds that dated, though I do respect that it was the golden age for AOR & Heavy Metal. And I'm quite a bit older than Geoff too... And Mark (metalmanic777) also does not cater to pre-1984 music. Which is why Tim and Mark are two opinions I have a lot of time for. There's not many here, but I'm sure there are a few more than you'd expect. But the same could be said for you Brits and your apparent hatred for every single late 80's hard rock band from the US. You Brits (with the exception of Sambora86) consistently seem to hate all the US hard rock bands which are knee deep in appreciation by everyone else on the board. Racists. Seriously, I can understand why people like stuff from that pre-1984 era, having grown up in it, and I wouldn't dare deny it's place, but I honestly get 100% zero enjoyment out of the majority of music pre-1984. As I said, music was just not that far advanced back then, imo, to sound good - no matter what they did. Call it 'dated' as Tim says, call it what you will. Like dance music, the whole sound of music back then will just never appeal to me. Im no racist mate, I love nearly every US hard rock band from the late 80s. Seriously mate post 84 is probably my main era as well, but I can appreciate good music when I hear it and to be honest some of THE best albums were recorded in this period. Journey - Escape/Evolution/Infintiy, Aviator - s/t, Nightranger - Dawn Patrol, Toto - all of them, Le Roux - So Fired Up, Magnum - Chase The Dragon, Asia - s/t, Wildlife - s/t, Charlie - s/t and so much metal Im not even going to bother listing............
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