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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Freak I dont dislike it! - its a good album, but just a bit too mellow for me.......I prefer the earlier more rocking stuff.
  2. Hi mate, You just need to check out what the other machine offers. The Sony 350 will convert std def (480i) to 1080p (full HD) which will make your existing DVD library look significantly better. It will also uncompress the sound on a std DVD. A winner all round. Dont believe the doubters who say normal DVD is great anyway.......the difference is massive. IE have you ever compared a supposed 'digital' TV signal to a 'HD' one?? Put it this way - once youve seen HD, you'll forever think std def is shite. Also via an ethernet port it will support firmware updates (the PS3 will do this too).....so some inprovements to technology can be obtained. for example http://www.crunchgear.com/2008/09/26/sony-...irmware-update/ Hope this helps.
  3. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Leyton Orient tonight - we need to win that one
  4. Welcome Steve Funnily enough Maiden was my first (main) gig back in '83 - Piece Of Mind tour
  5. Toto - Only The Children (one of the few tracks I really like off 'Seventh One')
  6. But a bluray player will play all your old dvd's and make them look even better with the upconvert feature. Really? I did wonder about that but didn't know you could play DVDs on it. That's good to know. I'm sure we'll get one one day, but I really can't see it being anytime soon at all. Because in reply to Dead Planet; no, the difference in picture quality is not worth the extra expense. I don't even need to see the Blu-Ray to know that. DVDs are excellent quality. oh how wrong you are....the difference is immense - see above Blueray blows away DVD (on the right TV)
  7. I love great picture quality, that`s what interests me in Blue Ray. Is it really that much better than DVD? I'd find it hard to believe. The pretty basic Sony 350 (about £150) will upscale your existing DVDs to about 4 times the picture quality. Believe me its better. You do of course need a full HD TV (preferable with 24 frames per sec). Blue ray discs will look phenomenal. I do hope v much to get one soon
  8. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Manu will win it I think. Looking most consistent at the moment. Unlike Southend who are a sack of shite. Still we have two v important games coming up against Leyton and Yeovil who are both near the bottom of the table - win those and they could be safe. We'll see.
  9. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Nikki. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yAgafCCXlXE&...feature=related
  10. me too...I have to admit that those last 2 tracks are pretty killer. I've played it once and there are some solid tunes on there but so far I'm not blown away but I'll give a few more spins before forming my final opinion. That was my thoughts after the first couple of spins.......its a grower for sure. There are a couple of fillers in the second half, but picks up again before the end. Solid disc. Some great guitar work as well!
  11. Without Your Love - Blind Date Reall, really cool track
  12. me too...I have to admit that those last 2 tracks are pretty killer.
  13. I Think I Could Stand You Forever - Toto (beyond classic - that solo kills me).
  14. Quite a few Good ones mentioned above (in particular Maiden with NOTB & PC69 with Electrified), but for me its got to be Harem Scarem. After 4/5 years in the wilderness as the very average Rubber they return in 2002 with 'Weight Of The World' and follow it up in 2003 with 'Higher' !! Arguably 2 of their best releases.
  15. Purchased both recommendations, I have nothing but respect for your Christian rock knowledge. So Pete, did we get these yet and do we have a verdict? Me too! I wanna know. I'm sure you will LOVE 'Scars Remain'. So far I have not listened to Southern Hospitality (putting it in right now), but Scars Remain kicked ass! Thanks again for the rec Mark, awesome stuff! Update: Me likey Southern Hospitality, seems bluesier than Scars Remain, but they're both great discs. Backed on all counts - 'Scars Remain' just edges it for me. Both great albums tho.
  16. I can pretty much guarantee that from the samples Ive heard you (Geoff) will pretty much love this - hooks all over the place....more so than the debut IMO.
  17. Weren't you telling me just the other day that you couldn't understand why I was dying to own this, according to you, average disc? You are kidding, aren't you? For a while I didn't like 'Mr Heartache' off this disc much, but now I just love it all. I can say without a doubt you are the first person I have ever seen who has heard 'Conspiracy' and does not love it. I retract all nice things I've ever said about your taste in music. Mmm, yeah I fucked up with that Treat comment.....just re-listened and it good all the way through - I was at work and just remembered I always skipped one and couldnt remember which. As for Sargent Fury - its grown on me. First few listens I didnt think the hooks were there - just took a few spins to sink in. That Slow n Easy song is a bit out of place tho.
  18. Ye Gods was there any point posting in this thread! Why, 'cause I didn't praise them all? I have opinions on each band... sorry I didn't know they had to be glowing reports. Maybe you best retract your Blind Date comments then, if that's how the forum should be run according to you? Creep. He he....bitten again. Just didnt really see much point in posting in order of awfulness?? The only reason I posted in the Blind Date thread was cos I got interested in your appraisal of it as 'the highlight of 2004'.....which IMO turned out to be b*******s
  19. and its got Karlsson and that guy from Saint Deamon guy writing songs! Magnus Karlsson? The guy who writes all those Starbreaker and a billion identical songs? Wow... this just went back about 14,000 steps on my interest list. Starbreaker, Allen/Lande, The Codex, Last Tribe, and the upcoming Primal Fear. How can that not excite you? All of the above are good stuff IMO. And for the record the last Starbreaker sounded nothing like Allen/Lande. They are all pretty good, but imo WAY too samey. Starbreaker and Allen/Lande have good differences due to the vocals, but the style of song, imo, is insanely similar. Sorry cousin but I don't hear it at all. Sure I hear some of the sameyness(is that a word?) between Allen/Lande and maybe The Codex and Last Tribe, but I don't hear it in the new Starbreaker. To me he was breaking new ground on that cd. It will be interesting to see if he has a big part in the writing of the new Primal Fear or not. I'd hate to see a Classic Metal band like them get overly Melodic. Im finally hearing these samples - awesome, I cant hear ANY karlsson influence so far...just awesome AOR. Must buy IMO Prob cos he only wrote one track. ? what's all the above fuss about then.......Geoff throwing his toys out of the pram
  20. Having just heard the samples for the new Place Vendome, my prediction above is looking pretty good
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