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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Heaven In The Backseat - Romeos Daughter
  2. They are saying that at least 4 of the fires were the result of arsonists and they have also said that one of the big fires had four ignition points along the stretch of a highway so this or these fuckwads have stopped four times over a certain distance and lit fires to ensure it was huge.......well the fuckin' arseholes have suceeded and killed many in doing so. the last report i read pointed the finger at some part time firefighters 'having a laugh'......but im not sure of the accuracy of some of these reports. either way, the act is unforgivable and if they do catch the guilty persons the punishment should be severe.
  3. Then why did you fuckin' go home? Should have gone out and fuckin' partied. Or kicked yourself. Either way, going home sounds like it was a poor option. Either way your ass would have been fucking kicked. But at least it would have been a grand old fucking time!! double fuckin post. it is time to go the fuck to sleep. Must be fucking 7pm fuckin
  4. Daughtry - s/t Bulletproof Messenger - Arm Yourself............(still delicious!) Place Vendome - Streets Of Fire Forty Deuce - Nothing To Lose......................(probably one of the greatest raw rock n roll records of the last 10 yrs) & a mixture of Toto.
  5. As I said in my PM, Adelitas Way will eclipse this. Roll on May! np. Bulletproof Messenger - Arm Yourself Daughtry - s/t Forty Deuce - Nothing To Lose
  6. Woman In Love - Nightranger
  7. I just mercilessly masacred a banana.
  8. Rumours In The Air > When You Close Your Eyes
  9. Restless Kind & Sentimental Street >>>>(country mile)>>>>> When You Close Your Eyes When You Close Your Eyes >>>(country mile)>>>>>> Sister Christian
  10. Yeah, truly shocking on all levels. To think that these fires were started by arsonists....who then back to re-start some....is beyond belief. Heart goes out to all the families affected by this tragedy.
  11. Glen

    Cricket !

    Were there 9 retire hurts? Yaaaaaaaaaaawn Zzzzzz Watch a decent sport.
  12. 'Dont Want To Say Goodbye' has an awful accent running through it (sounds like the bloody scorpions) As for the other 2, I probably prefer 'Never Gonna Give You Up'....although both you mention are good tracks. That's the problem tho, just good...not great.
  13. I think you fucking are aswell. Good fuckin man - shame you never got to see the Fish era gigs. Superb!
  14. Wildlife - s/t.............needs a proper release and a re-master
  15. Great disc, 'The Salt Of Joy' is an absolute killer ballad. You didn't like the first 2 excellent discs if I remember correctly, so I'd be very surprised if you like this one to be honest. How can anyone not like the first 2 DRN albums - both killer discs. np Adelitas Way - Demos
  16. Waiting For The Heartache - Jimmy Barnes
  17. Cheers Jez, I`m breaking myself in slowly but some great recommendations Yeah, Just pointing these out for future reference mate - These Box sets are for after you have checked out the studio albums, as there are some fantastic B'sides - as good as some of the album tracks. Great stuff mate, much appreciated Yeah, backed on all counts, but my fav Marillion song is still Chelsea Monday - what a classic
  18. Cheers for the reply Glen, the disc I`ve borrowed is just 6 tracks, read some reviews and it had Grendel etc and I kind of got confused which doesn`t take much The standard studio album 'Script' was just 6 tracks. However there were numberous 'B-sides' to the multitude of 12 inch vinyls that Marillion released at the time which were all excellent. For example, 'Grendel', 'Market Square Heroes', '3 Boats Down From The Candy', 'Cinderella Search' etc etc. Or alternatively you could just get this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bsides-Themselves-...f=pd_sim_m_h__3 .........which is a fantastic disc in its own right......and stands up against any of the studio albums (PS the comments on that Amazon page are spot on)
  19. excellent track Wings Of Love - Jeffrey Osbourne
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