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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Wow dude... I like Nickelback's last album a lot, but dude... you can't seriously call that dude's voice anything other than horrible, fan or not... can you? It's like Hinder, Britny Fox, Slaughter, Cinderella - all AMAZING bands, but just because they're good bands doesn't mean I can't admit the vocalists are terrible. And Nickelback, imo, is 100% worse vocally than all. What - Not ONE???? Sorry mate, don't hate any of them, but I don't like any either... apart from LaBrie. Sorry. James Labrie > Dio, Perry & Mercury. Wow, sometimes you make me wonder mate. For me Dio crucifies Labrie...with Perry and Mercury a step up again. . As Mark said above, I don't like Dream Theatre at all, but the dude has an amazing voice. Apart from on the boot of their Number Of The Beast gig when he proves to be just a pale imitation of Bruce Dickinson As I said, live is where it counts.
  2. I do it all for the Brittingham, Wes. and so you should
  3. Marillion - Live: Hammersmith Odeon '84 If you listen carefully, you can hear me warbling on that np. Toto - IV Toto - Turn Back
  4. After reading the more than glowing review over at Melodic.net, I too listened at their myspace, but I wasnt so taken. Sounded pretty good, but after the hype of the review I was expecting awesome. I'll be interested to hear what the full release is like as some of their best songs are apparently not featured on the website.
  5. Wow dude... I like Nickelback's last album a lot, but dude... you can't seriously call that dude's voice anything other than horrible, fan or not... can you? It's like Hinder, Britny Fox, Slaughter, Cinderella - all AMAZING bands, but just because they're good bands doesn't mean I can't admit the vocalists are terrible. And Nickelback, imo, is 100% worse vocally than all. What - Not ONE???? Sorry mate, don't hate any of them, but I don't like any either... apart from LaBrie. Sorry. James Labrie > Dio, Perry & Mercury. Wow, sometimes you make me wonder mate. For me Dio crucifies Labrie...with Perry and Mercury a step up again. Ive never seen Perry (obviously) but can honestly say that Dio and Mercury are the best 2 vocalists ive seen live (and lets be honest here....live is where it counts.....)....and that's out of 100s.
  6. bloody........hangover........wont........go...........
  7. Make Me A Believer - Sass Jordan
  8. you were lucky, I was just about to say wrong thread
  9. Make You A Believer - Jimi Jamison
  10. Wigwam - Dare Devil Heat shit, when is that new album due out?????
  11. Sturn Und Drang - Rock n Roll Children Wigwam - Wig Wamania
  12. I thought as much........it was the warts that gave it away! A Light In The Black - Rainbow
  13. Storming album that one. Best of the year so far for me, although this was really an end of '08 disc, in Finland anyways. Yeah it was 08 really * - Jap also. Mmmm good album, but nowhere near PVendome??? (* the same problem will be with JSS - everyone will be including it in their 09 lists when it was of course an 08 release).
  14. Is that Lemmy in your avatar? BACKstreet Symphony - Thunder
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