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Everything posted by whiplash1972

  1. I've been listening to Priest quite a bit lately, and was wondering what everyone's faves are these days? Not just Priest, but all things Priest related as well! Make your picks, and then go back and see if your choice/opinions about your favorite JP studio album might have changed over the last five years: http://heavyharmonies.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7556&st=0 *Here's the band Holy Rage which features original Judas Priest singer Al Atkins if you'd like to check them out: http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=3540318179 http://www.myspace.com/alatkinsholyrage
  2. LMAO at this one last night... "my back hurts... <thwump> now my front hurts"
  3. I giggle every time I think about this one... Hey Janiiice.... well when it's game time, it's pain time, baby!
  4. I can't get the news link on Google to come up, but the word spreading on the 'net is that Gary Moore passed away in his sleep last. WTF is going on lately? Losing way too many musicians way too soon. Hot Press has learned of the death of Gary Moore. The legendary Belfast-born guitarist died in his sleep last night, while on holiday in Spain
  5. LOVE this thread! Like others have said, I could probably list a 100, but I'll try to go with just 10: Dokken - Haunted Y&T - City Twisted Sister - Wake Up the Sleeping Giant Ozzy - No More Tears Brother Firetribe - Kill City Kid White Lion - Livin' on the Edge Motley Crue - Wild Side Europe - Superstitious Van Halen - When It's Love Cinderella - Gypsy Road *If I were going to include a song outside of my normal hard rock listening, I'd go with Ordinary World by Duran Duran; awesome tune!
  6. Hopefully the worst has passed, as last I read, the storm had dropped to a category 2. Some pics here of the devastation seen in some areas (Cairns, Townsville): http://news.ninemsn....-yasi.slideshow No deaths reported so far, and hopefully it stays that way! There was, however, a birth: http://news.ninemsn....-born-in-cairns
  7. I watched... I wanted to turn away, but yet couldn't... so cheesy, yet so good. BTW... might I suggest to anyone watching Mega Python vs. Gatoroid in the future, make a drinking game out of it! Every time Debbie or Tiffany calls the other one a "bitch", do a shot! I promise, you will be wrecked by the end of the movie.
  8. According to Andrew over on Melodicrock.com it was "a bad mix of prescription medication that Gregg was taking for a couple of ailments" "Purely accidental. Just a bad mix of strong (but needed) medicine stopped his heart." http://forums.melodicrock.com/phorum33/read.php?f=1&i=395413&t=395384
  9. I had just picked up the first three Dirty Looks releases last year on the recommendation of several fine folks here at HH... great stuff. At 47, another musician leaves us way too soon. R.I.P. Henrik
  10. From the Vengeance website: We deeply regret the suddenly passing away from our dearly beloved bandmember and personal friend Jan Somers. Jan died of an heart-attaque this afternoon at the 28 th of Januari, in the age of 46, at his home in Mierlo, Holland. Jan was one of the bandmembers from the FIRST hour of the band VENGEANCE We wish his family, friends and fans the strength to rock on. The family's request is to give them peace and quitness for the next two day's . Any action or info must go towards dorinda@vengeanceonline.nl or at mail box PO.box 5057, 5004 EB Tilburg, Holland WHY THESE CHANGES IN OUR LIVES... I CAN FEEL IT SO CLOSE CUTS LIKE A KNIFE A ROCKY ROAD AHEAD TO ROUGH FOR RUNNING WHILE FOREVER IS SOME HOWE LOST BECAUSE FOREVER IS IN THE DARK .. Jan you have painted your SOUL COLLECTOR , and man he 's going to love you like we are already missing you..... LOTS LOTS and lots of love your Rock and Roll band --------------------------- Way too young... R.I.P. Jan
  11. I was in 8th grade, and had laid out of school that day. I had been flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch, and wandered upon the launch, so I decided to check it out. I don't remember who the news anchor was who was reporting, but I remember the despair in his voice when it became apparent that the shuttle was not going to emerge from the large cloud of smoke, and that something had gone terribly wrong. "Sometimes, when we reach for the stars, we fall short. But we must pick ourselves up again and press on despite the pain." ~ Ronald Reagan
  12. Oh, and these aren't bots (not in the traditonal sense anyway); there are actual bitches and bastards going through and completing the HH sign up process (which requires email verification), and then posting their garbage on the board. There's not much that can be done to stop it. If someone's willing to go through the complete sign up process, even using captchas and email verification becomes useless.
  13. You're not actually seeing the half of it. I've deleted so many SPAM posts within a minute or so of their posting over the last week it's unreal (I know all the other mods are deleting them by the bunch as well!). I've blocked IP addresses, deleted accounts, deleted posts, and the cocksuckers just seem to multiply. Only thing I can figure is that this board got put on some sort of "spamming hot list" or something; it's NEVER been this bad before. Spamming bastards....
  14. Just as an addendum to my picks, I got in a batch of CDs early last week, all from 2010, which I have not had time to properly listen to: Unruly Child, White Widdow, Two Fires, Bombay Black, Michael Bormann, & Wicked Sensation. In all fairness to these CDs, my initial impression has been quite good with each of them, so most of them would probably have gotten at least an honorable mention if I could have given them more time to "sink in".
  15. Pursed lip photos are ok sometimes... well, at least when it's Summer Glau blowing us all a kiss!
  16. Backed 1000% Good to Be Bad was one of my top CDs from 2008, and I'm very much looking forward to the new one!
  17. http://www.kirotv.co...369/detail.html Evidently Qwest Field has gone into damage control mode (or maybe they're telling the truth, who knows?) and released this statement: "We received a copy of the YouTube video showing the quantity of liquid served in the 16 oz. beer cup is the same quantity that fits into the 20 oz. beer cup. This is the first time we have been alerted to this fact. Upon our internal investigation this afternoon, we discovered the cups that are marked 16 oz. hold 20 oz. of liquid. Fans who purchased a 16 oz. beer actually received 20 oz. of beer for the 16 oz. price. Fans that purchased the 20 oz. beer received the amount they purchased. We are working with Levy Restaurants to follow up with the cup vendor about the measurement and to determine how long this has been occurring at Qwest Field. We are determined to find a solution as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we will serve domestic beer in the 20 oz. cup at tomorrow's playoff game to ensure all fans receive the amount they purchase, and we will charge the 16 oz. price." So basically, they're saying the folks who ordered small beers were actually receiving more than they paid for, and the people who ordered larges got what they paid for. I guess it's entirely possible, but it's still kinda hard to wrap my head around the fact that an additional 4 oz of beer warrants an additional $1.25 in price.
  18. Not a big beer drinker, but I do enjoy a nice Corona every now and then. Guinness is pretty good too.
  19. Pretty self explanatory. Me, I think it's atrocious.
  20. Open 9 days a week; now that's some f'n dedication!
  21. ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP)—The Denver Broncos hired former Carolina Panthers coach John Fox on Thursday to resurrect a downtrodden team. Fox's contract wasn't renewed by the Panthers following an NFL-worst 2-14 season. He replaces Josh McDaniels, who was fired Dec. 6 amid the Broncos' worst slide in four decades and the embarrassing Spygate II videotaping scandal. The 55-year-old Fox went 78-74 including playoffs in nine seasons at Carolina. The Panthers were coming off a 1-15 season when he took over in 2002 and led them to a 7-9 mark in his first year before guiding them to the Super Bowl in his second season. Fox arrived in Denver on Wednesday to meet with new Broncos chief football executive John Elway after his flight out of North Carolina was delayed three times this week by winter weather. He was the fifth candidate interviewed. Denver is coming off a franchise-worst 4-12 season. Elway wrote on Twitter in announcing the hiring Thursday that Fox "is a dynamic and proven leader who will energize our entire organization." http://sports.yahoo....=ap-broncos-fox ------------------------------------------------------ John Fox isn't a bad coach, he just became very "stale" in Carolina. Plus, the Panthers have never been an organization willing to spend the $$ to remain at the upper end of the NFL. With that said, I hope Denver either has, or picks up a dynamic offensive coordinator, or you're possibly in for some BORING ass football. Fox has been VERY conservative the last few years, and I can't tell you how many times I've cursed watching the Panthers do their run, run, pass, punt offense. He needs an OC who will challenge him, and mix up the play calling, which he did not have here in Carolina. On the other hand, if you prefer a rushing based offensive attack, he's the coach for you!
  22. Oh how I'd like to snack on those... and I could help her with the cookies too! More Munn-age:
  23. I enjoy both WS and UFtA immensely, but I like Wicked Sensation just a bit more. Some killer tracks on there! As for War & Peace, "Stone cold Believer" and "Heaven is Waiting" are excellent, along with several other good tunes. Well worth picking up IMO. Mike
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