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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. This album is all over the map, as is typically the case with albums loaded with guest performers.
  2. Dallas @ Philly. 6-0 at half. Ugly game. Ugly team. Ugly season. Just ugly. That first half for the Eagles may have been the ugliest offensive half ever played in the history of the game. Embarrassing.
  3. Not bad, although the wood chipper solo seems a bit out of place. Needs more jackhammer.
  4. Accent is a bit thick in places, but I like the songs. Lots of potential.
  5. u r nutz. only loosers get upset about grammer. kthksbai.
  6. I don't hate the new track, but others are better.
  7. Yeah, most people copy USB to the HDD, but having the record function available is a great option. In my prior car I had four 16GB USB sticks on a switchable USB hub. Now with the HDD I'll put my "library" on the HDD and keep the current year's releases on a USB stick, since I have to periodically update that as new releases come out. Also, most of each year's releases don't end up making the cut as keepers for the vehicle library. There's no way I could ever put my complete library in the car (currently at 180GB with many discs not ripped), so I have to periodically re-assess what albums to have in the vehicle. Still, the hard drive should accommodate 300-400 albums, which is more than enough to have on the road.
  8. I would take that a bit further and recommend most of the "post-makeup" era, 1983-89. Lick It Up Animalize Asylum Crazy Nights Hot in the Shade The '70s stuff gets the most airplay and traditionalists tend to consider this "classic" KISS to be the best material, but not me. Give me '80s KISS over '70s KISS any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
  9. Yeah, back when I had my '95 Sonoma pickup, it had a dash unit that would create parallel scratches along each side of the hub, presumably where the CD got scraped across something as it was "sucked into" the player. I ended up ruining more than a few rather collectible CDs before I discovered the problem.... grr. My last car didn't have a CD player, strictly USB. I just got a new car earlier this month (well, not new but new to me), and it has the coolest damned feature: It's an in-dash DVD player to watch movies on the in-dash display, and the system also has an internal 30GB hard drive. There's a "Record" button on the console, and if you press it, it converts any CD to mp3s and copies them to the hard drive. A buddy has a CD you like, play it in the car and you have a copy for yourself. How cool is that? Now, there's no way to export the mp3s from the HDD (presumably as an anti-pirating mechanism), but still, you can build up a nice collection for on-road listening.
  10. Muscially I like the song except for one thing: it plods like a motherfucker. Speed up the tempo 10-20 bpm, and it would be spot on. It just drags on interminably.
  11. Yeah, but Geoff, you've already said that you never liked Disturbed, so I wouldn't expect you to like the new material. That would be like asking you to comment on "this awesome new death metal polka album!" (an under-appreciated genre if ever there was)
  12. Lots of bands use backing vox live.
  13. The disc lot numbers on the central ring are a dead giveaway for CDRs.
  14. Giving this a first time listen. I'm biased, as I've always been a fan, but I am digging it. Some of the tracks are more melodic than one would expect:
  15. Just gave this a full listen. Not bad. Not overly memorable, but decently executed.
  16. My GOD the Eagles look like shit! I cannot believe this is the same team that looked so good in preseason. Fucking embarrassing.
  17. Hearing this for the first time on Spotify. It's not as Gawdawful as Geoff makes it out to be. It won't be winning any awards, but musically it's not bad. It reminds me of a lighter version of Nightfall. The production/mix suffers in places though.
  18. I gave this one a full listen yesterday. Sadly, a big step down from the last album. This one just bores me to tears. It just seems bland to me. It's not bad by any means, just... doesn't... stick with me compared to the prior album.
  19. I've replied to your PM, but: 1. I didn't realize that your posting style was due to a medical condition. I apologize for that. 2. I don't hate you. I'm sorry if you got that impression. 3. When I said "lighten up" it had nothing to do with your being enlightened/educated. I meant "lighten up" as in don't be so serious. Your previous post appeared to be yelling at me because I was showcasing high-pitched vocalists that weren't in the musical style you wanted. It seemed a bit like you were lecturing.
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