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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. I hear Boston on some of the choruses too. Exceptional album.
  2. This album is getting a 2015 reissue on Perris Records. Some good shit. Exceptional, actually. Very melodic prog metal; good use of keys and vocal harmonies.
  3. Have you listened to the album? It is far more melodic rock/prog rock than any kind of metal. Forget previous efforts.
  4. Is it wretched? No. Is it a 95%? Hell no. It's a solid album, IMO... likely will end up in the 3.5-4.5 out of 5 range for me. Not close to the top 5 for 2015 though. There are definitely some stylistic departures for them, some of which when connected with the name "Def Leppard" I think have a greater adverse reaction than if they were associated with "Insert Unheard of Band Name Here". I want to give it more listens though before I come to a final conclusion.
  5. Yes, but all re-recorded. It's not bad actually.
  6. Listening to the album now. Some aspects of it I dig, but others have me going "Dafuq?" A bit of a Faith No More vibe. Reggae metal... who knew?
  7. If there is an earlier thread posting about this, I missed it. Very pleasant surprise. Much less metal than I expected, and much more melodic rock. The instrumental components are still very much prog metal, but vocals, especially on the choruses are melodic. One of the heavier cuts: And some prog:
  8. Interesting... they're playing fine for me here. Must be a Canada thing.
  9. The overall sound is excellent, but what the FUCK is the guy singing?! "Woo bah gley bay, fanoodah garmi narbah heday! Don't you ree may bah, darma bay." Dafuq? Is it sung in some other language? Seriously, about the most unintelligible vocalist I've heard in a long time.
  10. Frankly, I'd be perfectly happy with the NFL *NOT* trying to expand into other countries. The games overseas are a pain in the ass for both the players and the viewers. As far as non-U.S. "football", I'd rather watch paint dry. Should bottle the shit as a cure for insomnia.
  11. Surprised there's not been any talk about this one. Giving it a full listen for the first time and color me impressed. An enjoyable album. Info and samples over on the main site. http://www.heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=6956&CDName=Royal%20Mess Here's a few of my faves:
  12. Early morning start times + some of the games online only (no TV) + horrible matchups = PASS!
  13. Click on any of the album covers below to go to the album page on the main site and listen.
  14. Listening for the first time. Very nice! I agree that many songs sound samey, but if you're going to repeat a style, it's not a bad one to repeat...
  15. Gave this a listen this morning. Hated it. Just cannot dig the style at all.
  16. Finally getting around to listening to this. I'm with Fat Freddy on this one. Not sure what the whingers are on about. This slightly harder-edged version of Stryper is top notch.
  17. Nah, this one is much closer to the look and feel of the original 3 episodes. With J.J. Abrams handling directorial duties (he did the two Star Trek reboot films, which were superb), gone are all of the overly-too-fake CGI-enhanced scenes. It's all back to live action (for the most part). You can see his influences in the trailers. The cinematography is completely different from episodes 1-3.
  18. "Hey guys, I think you should sound exactly like my band!"
  19. Ugh. This is a major disappointment. They showed such promise too. Dammit!
  20. Musically I love it, but the lyrics were written by Google Translate. Egads.
  21. I don't know what it is about Circle II Circle. I *SHOULD* like them a lot better than I do. The Zak Stevens era Savatage albums are some of the most eargasmic albums ever released, but Circle II Circle just bores me. It doesn't hold my attention. I think it's the Jon Oliva factor. The man can't carry a tune in a bucket vocally, but he writes and arranges some incredible shit. The pairing of Oliva handling instrumental details and Stevens on vocal duties was just a magical combination. It hit on all cylinders... other than the brilliant TSO, Oliva's other efforts have left me in Meh-ville.
  22. Good, but I prefer the material when Urban Breed was at the helm (which is why I like the new Serious Black album so much).
  23. Looking forward to this one; sounds promising. While the last album never made the Top 5 for me, it was an enjoyable listen.
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