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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. It's one for all the April Wine completists. It's from Greenway - Serious Business from 1988.
  2. Considering that my pension account is worth 50% of what it was 2 years ago, yeah I'd say the economy sucks...
  3. Having the same problems here at work with the samples. In my case it's the fucking QuickTime plugin taking over all media in Firefox, despite my telling Firefox to use WMP for MP3 files. I. Hate. Apple. Just uninstalled Quicktime and now all is well with the sample. Bastards.
  4. Hello Everyone, Massive news in this week and what a great way to start the new year, with another big coup for Suncity Records with the signing of the awesome American hard rock band, Jet Red. As time has gone on, Suncity Records has grown in stature, allowing us to attract bigger and better acts. It's been about 2-3 years of on and off negotiations with the Jet Red boys and finally we have got them digging through the old studios, where these tracks were originally recorded. We stuck in there and we wound up hunting down the original masters and let me tell ya, they sound amazing!! Most rockers will know Jet Red for their self-titled debut album released on Relativity/Sony Records in 1989. The debut offered some catchy and tasty tunes, but paper-thin production values prevented the band from major success. So, like any proud band when backed into a corner and up against a wall, Jet Red rebounded and came out swinging with their very own, self-produced second album titled Flight Plan. In the time between albums, Jet Red's brand of AOR/Hard Rock became quite unfashionable and therefore Relativity/Sony dropped the band resulting in Flight Plan being shelved for all this time. Until this year, loyal fans have been eagerly awaiting a release date for the infamous second album, and I'm here to tell you - that 2009 is the year!! Recorded in 1991, the results of what Jet Red came up with in round two was quite jaw dropping!! It is no surprise at how talented Jet Red are in terms of song writing ability, but what really will knock owners of the debut out is the stellar production on the second album! It's quite evident that the boys really grew as a group in between albums and developed into an amazingly tight professional unit. One other thing that really stands out for me, is the newly improved guitar solos courtesy of Mr. Johnny Feikert - WOW!! When listing to Flight Plan, the first thing that comes to mind is Winger's classic Heart Of The Young album. So if you dug Heart Of The Young, I have no doubt that Flight Plan will be a big hit in your CD collection. Flight Plan is a perfect fusion of guitar driven Hard Rock with just the right amount of Keyboards so that the music is still very rockin'! A little known fact about Jet Red is that in the mid/late 80's when the boys were starting out, their original axe man was the GREAT Marty Friedman who went on to record with many great bands, but most notably became apart of the legendary Megadeth. Jet Red recorded a bunch of tunes back in the day with Marty before Dave Mustane poached him and they will be featured on Flight Plan as bonus tracks. Flight Plan will include the full 11 tracks that were to be the second album plus 3 bonus tracks that Marty did with the band right at the start PLUS this package will include a bonus DVD of a killer live show that the boys did in San Jose in the early 90's. All that for the same price of US$18.00!! Here is your chance to get a sneak peek of what Flight Plan is all about, featured here is the stunning track "I Surrender" taken from the soon be released Flight Plan. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Sample: I Surrender Last but not least, our hearts go out to all those affected by the devastating Victorian bushfires that have ravaged our beautiful state in the last couple of weeks. It has been Australia's worst ever natural disaster.
  5. Ahh yes... the so-called "enlightened" Middle East. Not.
  6. Am going through my collection, pulling out stuff to sell on eBay, and came across this one that I've decided to keep for my single/EP/promo collection. Swedish group, has a mid-80s metal/rock sound to them. No year or label is listed anywhere. Reading the lyrics, they may be a Christian metal band (or the opposite end of the spectrum; while there are a lot of religious references, they're not blatantly praise). Can't find anything about them online. Here is a track from the EP: Colour of Truth Anyone know anything?
  7. Absolutely! Holy Soldier's first 2 CDs are classic, and this cover is without a doubt the best version ever done... seriously.
  8. Ok. Tonight was significantly better. It's growing on me...
  9. The only one of those bands that I recognize is Anacrusis, but I enjoyed their later material. How well produced is this early material or is it basically demo quality? Thanks, -Dan
  10. In many cases those "exclusive" deals are exclusive for the first X number of days, after which any vendor can carry the item. This may not be true of Wal-Mart releases though...
  11. That douchebag survived another year without someone killin' him? Damn...
  12. Sounds a bit high, but yes, depending on the country you live in, Registered Mail is a giant screw job. Here in the U.S. it's US$11.00 in addition to whatever you would normally pay in postage. ... and have a nice day.
  13. Looking back on the long career of the band, who have sold more than 250,000 albums in more than 30 countries worldwide, the name Elegy might not have been the best one to choose, even though the dictionary’s explanation is rock solid. Considering the ups and downs the band has gone through, the name has covered a lot for the past 17 years. Metal Mind Productions is proud to present a set of 7 albums covering the band’s entire musical history to date: “Labyrinth Of Dreams” (1992) Elegy’s debut LP is an album packed with top-notch progressive metal tunes, thunderous drums and bass, breathtaking twin guitar solos and the dramatic and crystal clear vocals of Eduard Hovinga. Soon after its release, Elegy took Japan by storm - an exclusive sold out show in Osaka took place, as also an extensive promo tour, while Europe still seemed ignorant of their unique sound. The album came out in 1992 and some people compared it to Dream Theater’s “Images and Words”, which was released the same year. It was a great album that got totally overlooked at the time of its first release. The new digipak edition includes 2 bonus demo tracks. “Supremacy” (1993) The band’s second full-length album from 1993. That year Ed Warbie personally introduced his successor Dirk Bruinenberg whilst he joined a Dutch band Gorefest. Gilbert Pot filled the slot of the second guitar player, left vacant by van Brussel, to record “Supremacy”, which in all ways shows their drive to thrive on an action packed release. Japan glorified the quintet that found themselves on the verge of a breakthrough. The new digipak edition includes 2 bonus demo tracks. “Lost” (1995) The band’s third and final album with Dutch vocalist Eduard Hovinga. While the name of the band itself conjures up dark imagery, musically, it's melodic prog with a punch. "Lost" constitutes an improvement over their previous release "Supremacy", which played out almost like a concept album and which for all practical purposes was a fantastic album, yet it lacked the variety that drives "Lost". This mixture of pop / prog / metal music shows great variety, with an instrumental and busy up-tempo prog, and two very emotionally stirring ballads. The album features “Under Gods Naked Eye” - Elegy's finest song, a four minute and 50 second masterpiece. The new digipack edition includes 2 bonus tracks – demo songs recorded in 1990. “Primal Instinct” (1996) An acoustic EP consisting of tracks taken from Elegy’s earlier albums. It was the band’s first release with Ian Perry on vocals. The new digipak edition includes bonus tracks – 1 demo track plus 4 songs recorded in 1998 during the acoustic session in Japan, when Ian Perry was only supported by Henk van der Laars on the guitar. “State Of Mind” (1997) Elegy’s fourth full-length album from 1997. With raving reviews all over the world, it sold more than 45,000 copies, resulting in a successful 30 date tour in Europe and the band performing to more than 30,000 people. “State of Mind” showcases an expanded field of operation thanks to Parry’s wide range and it tops its predecessors on all accounts. Elegy filmed their debut video clip “Visual Vortex“, which was broadcast by Viva T.V. Germany, TMF Holland, M-Sat Hungary and the infamous Captain Wada TV show in Japan, followed by a Japanese tour in Osaka and Tokyo, where Ian was nominated in the Burrn! magazine readers poll in the best singers of 1997 category. The new digipak edition includes 3 bonus demo tracks. “Manifestation Of Fear” (1998) The band’s fifth studio album. The lyrical concept was contrived by Ian. It is a tale of a young man growing up in a poor and criminal environment who, after years of manipulating others, is helped by a woman who makes him change his ways and repair all the damage he’d done to others. After the release of the album Ian Parry and Henk van der Laars flew over to Japan to do a week of acoustic performances before heading back to Europe to tour with Kamelot. The new digipack edition includes 3 bonus tracks. “Principles Of Pain” (2002) The band’s masterpiece. It was the first Elegy album fully produced Ian Perry. “Principles of Pain” was technical in a Progressive Power metal style, containing 2 ballads, 2 Neo-Classical up-tempo double bass drum tracks, and many mid-tempo melodic metal tracks with catchy chorus lines. Much to the fans’ surprise, “Missing Persons” features former vocalist Eduard Hovinga in duet with Parry. It’s an action-packed metal album bursting with musical craftsmanship and extraordinary songwriting, and perhaps one of the most underrated metal albums of the last decade. The new digipak edition includes 4 bonus tracks. Elegy’s re-issues will be available in a new digipak edition, digitally remastered using 24-Bit process on a golden disc. Each title is limited to 1000 copies. The release date is set up for 23rd March in Europe and 5th May in USA (via MVD).
  14. Actually, I know where to find at least 2 of the 3 Wrabit Japanese pressings still sealed. I've been loathe to front the money for them though, given that the owner wants strong money for them, and I haven't been sure if I could recoup the money on eBay. If these are on anyone's "must have" list, PM me with offers and I'll see what I can do. Note: not cheap. -Dan
  15. Actually, it's been know to change hands for that much, although I'd be very wary of paying anywhere that, as the band has been considering a reissue for some time now...
  16. Tough room. Guess I'd better not break out any vintage '80s Dan Hartman or Van Stephenson... -Dan
  17. Track 1 was from Krystal - Plug This! from 1994. And here is Track 2
  18. Also the hype machine is a wee bit heavy... "the most anticpated series premiere of the season!" Ehh? Before a few weeks ago no one had even heard of the damned thing. Can't anticipate what you don't know about. As far as promotion and payoff, in my opinion both Leverage and The Beast have this thing beat... handily.
  19. 25 minutes in and I'm bored silly. Sure, the eye candy is nice, but there's no there there.
  20. Does this part get anyone else pissed off? What the FUCK is someone who doesn't have medical insurance and getting free medical care doing GETTING FUCKING FERTILITY TREATMENTS?? I know that our society is BAYBEEEEEEE crazy, but this bullshit has got to stop. If you can't afford children it's not up to the rest of society to foot the bill for your maternal/paternal desires. If there are medical difficulties in your getting knocked up, then adopt. There are thousands of existing children in dire need of a real home. [so there's no confusion: if you can afford the fertility treatments and medical care out of your own pocket, then do whatever you want, but I'm sick and tired of public money being spent on population growth by the sectors that can least afford more children...] *HARUMPH*
  21. Got around to putting a bunch of random stuff from my collection (past and present) on a portable hard drive so I would have some new listening at the office. Loaded all 50GB into Windows Media Player and hit shuffle. I'm running into a few tracks that I'd forgotten about, or flat out never heard before. I thought it would be fun to occasionally post a track here for folks to check out, have you guess who it is, and post your thoughts pro or con about the tune(s). First one: Track 1
  22. CHAVIS RECORDS recording artist ASPHALT VALENTINE CD Release Party is this weekend Saturday February 14th at East Atlanta Icehouse in Atlanta, GA. The band will perform and the CD will be played all night long. Strip Rock Roll will be on sale and officially streets Tuesday the 17th. Can't attend? We have setup a special online CD Listening Party available 1 night only - Saturday beginning at 7:00PM EST. Click here to join the online party Saturday night! ASPHALT VALENTINE recently "inked" a sponsorship deal with South Side Tattoo. SouthSide Tattoo will sponsor the band during 2009 for different events. Catch ASPHALT VALENTINE in March at SXSW 2009 in Austin, TX on the Guitar Hero III Stage. Buy Strip Rock Roll-$10.00 For more information visit http://www.chavisrecords.net, http://www.myspace.com/chavisrecords, http://www.myspace.com/asphaltvalentine2
  23. Hell, I'd pay to see that just for the rumble... Can you imagine the finale with both bands performing together on stage? "And I love you can't you see... That I can say I love you honestly... Bleeding its horror... Creating my structure... Now I shall reign in blood!... You, you make my life complete..."
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