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Everything posted by heavyharmonies

  1. Weird Al has always been a genius, in my opinion, but this Star Wars parody may be his finest work. Pay close attention to the lyrics and not only how accurate they are, but also how well they work with the original song. From Wikipedia: "McLean not only approved the song but also has said since that his children have played it so much that he has a tendency to accidentally sing Yankovic's lyrics when performing "American Pie" in concert. According to Yankovic's official website, George Lucas's reaction to first hearing the song was a "big, big smile." "
  2. You wanna see just how far it's spread: http://www.google.com/search?q=bon+jovi+su...:en-US:official At least the first 4 pages of results are about this.
  3. Yep, I've downloaded both parts of Absolute Hair Metal (you've only got the first half). There's 111 CDs worth total in the two parts. Good selection of stuff, both mainstream and some REALLY obscure. The perfect evaluation tool for determining which CDs to buy. -Dan
  4. Based on your previous comments here, I'm guessing that Zinatra may be a bit light for your tastes. Try before buying.
  5. Tonight's game gave me all sorts of warm fuzzies; I get to watch/listen to all the Big-Ten-haters at ESPN eat a nice plate of crow. Izzo is just a great coach. The man can flat out get it right when it counts.
  6. Are we talking just straight re-records, or alternate versions/arrangements/orchestration? I thought Firehouse - Good Acoustics was an interesting take on previously-released songs. Now if you want to take it to an extreme, due to Andre Andersen's ego, Royal Hunt has rerecorded their entire discography every time they change lead singers.
  7. What, does Bon Jovi have a Metallica complex? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you... "yeah, we know you love our music and are paying homage to us, but fuck you anyway." Thank God that Bon Jovi gave the band permission to continue using the word "Blonde"... how magnanimous. Great publicity too... what's the first thing a tribute band is going to do... from the stage: "And we'd like to thank the band Bon Jovi for FUCKING SUING US BECAUSE WE PAY HOMAGE TO THEIR MUSIC! We'd like to announce that we are officially changing our name... to BONJOVIAREABUNCHOFEGOTISTICALPRIX... or is that too similar?" Spaceballs, The Movie? No... Bon Jovi, The Ego. P.S. Since when can a law firm send official correspondence by certified mail on their own letterhead, and put in a disclaimer "This letter is for settlement only and is inadmissible..." WTF? Is it legal correspondence or isn't it? Make up yer fucking mind!
  8. Yeah, but.... 2 firsts, a third, and a fill-in QB to boot? I think Denver made out just fine (assuming that he HAD to be traded and things couldn't be worked out).
  9. At Mike's request, I have upped the poll limits. The maximum number of questions per poll has gone from 6 to 20, and the number of different responses has been upped from 20 to 50. Go nuts. -Dan
  10. Well, as of 2 minutes ago, I have 174 PMs from different users here requesting that your request to leave be honored, so...
  11. Yeah, Burger King and Wendy's fries suck ass. Seriously.
  12. Meh. I wish they would stop trying to perpetually recapture their '70s sound, all the while disavowing everything they released in the '80s. Maybe it's just me, but the early stuff just gets tired. My favorite KISS material is the stuff that always gets glossed over and ignored: Lick It Up, Animalize, Asylum, Crazy Nights, Hot in the Shade. Half the time I think KISS pretends those albums were never released. *bleagh* -Dan
  13. Yipe! That goes a little bit beyond "water damage"... the thing is missing pieces! That being said, I have sold discs with water damage for real money, but I have always revealed the damage in the listing. Here's an example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=370169715035 I clearly outline both the cutout notch and the water damage in the notes. Furthermore, before shipping the disc, I contacted the buyer and asked to make sure he had read the notes and was ok with the water damage. He said yes. Previously, someone else had made an offer, but when I contacted him and asked if he had seen the notes, he said no and withdrew his offer. Here's another: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=370177511642 You can sell things like this as long as you reveal all the flaws IN ADVANCE. But if the first time you get any indication that there are problems is when you open the parcel, then a serious THWAP is in order. -Dan
  14. Since enough people have figured it out, the band is Load Point Pull, and this track is the lead track from their 1998 CD "We've Come to Take What's Ours". This is not a scarce disc (I paid $5 for mine on eBay). I was toying with the idea of adding the disc to HH, but it blurs the boundary between rock and modern metal in various places... and their subsequent disc is NOT HH fodder (in fact I didn't like it at all). This one though, has some decent tracks on it. Production isn't the best, but there's something catchy about it... -Dan
  15. Parody folks, parody. That's the whole point. That and taking shots at other genres. It's harmless fun really. Not that it hasn't been done before. Spinal Tap, Skrapp Mettle, Tuff's "American Hair Band", etc. It just hasn't been done lately...
  16. It's not a group that gets any discussion (and isn't yet on HH), so I'm curious as to people's opinions. (Shut up Dave, I know you know who it is). Mystery Track
  17. I don't recall every saying that, and doing a search I can't find that I ever said anything about Billy Idol one way or the other. There's this thread, but I never participated in it. If you want to submit his stuff, I'm fine with adding it. -Dan
  18. Ya know... lately y'all are making my hair hurt. 1. Geoff had nothing to do with adding Cher's 3 albums to HH. Mike ran it by me and I said "sure, they fit". 2. Geoff has no more or less influence here than any other member... other than that he's devilishly handsome and repeatedly calls me Snoogie Wuggums. 3. As far as my auditing the number of artist at HH that are lighter than the Char CDs in question, yeah I'll jump right on that... oh wait, I'm done already. The number is #WHOGIVESASHIT#. 4. "Lighten up, Francis." 5. It. Really. Does. Not. Matter. To. Anyone. Else.
  19. Eww... sounds like some wimpy Cher pop shit. Good thing there's nothing like that on Hea....
  20. I could just scream. This may be old news to y'all, but I had never seen this TV show before. If you want to be outraged beyond belief, watch the show "Animal Cops" on Animal Planet. It's weird... humans doing things like this to other humans doesn't faze me, but seeing the things that cocksuckers do to poor innocent animals raises my blood pressure through the roof. Some of these people need to be fucking shot. Repeatedly. Jesus Fucking Christ.
  21. Hmmm, I think it's infinitely better than II. Go figure...
  22. I remember a time when you could buy these for $20-25 on eBay all day long. They were not uncommon at all. The supply appears to have completely dried up... maybe I should sell mine.
  23. Stop it, yer makin' me hungry. McDonalds for the fries, Burger King for the burgers. Arby's for potato cakes with horseradish sauce. Seconded on Sonic. Sausage and egg toaster sandwich, add bacon = YUMIFICATION! Bacon. The universal condiment. "I'll have a BLT, hold the LT, with extra bacon and an order of bacon on the side... with extra bacon."
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