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Everything posted by Leykis101

  1. believe it or not my fav VH album is II, I went with Balance also, with VH it almost was a double wammy! because no matter how bad a VH album was (Diver Down) you were never gonna be upset cause you always knew that Eddie would never let you down! and he never did, did he? until Haggler joined, Eddie played keyboards, they started doing songs about Love, end of story.
  2. I went with Lights Out, I just thought it was the strongest album.
  3. After last season I'm skeptical, its like they didn't even put any pride into writing it, on top of the fact it started almost 4 months late, I mean even a bad season of The Shield is better then a good season of most other shows, but ill be hard pressed to get as excited over this season, I'm a little leary to be honest, any comments?
  4. To the right person this might be a catch, you'll notice their aren't a whole lot of them around, what do you want for it? its not really a masterpiece as far as the content on the album, but Calm, Temples Of Ice, etc. that era where Big-T sang for them, those can be pretty obscure Venom discs,
  5. I think its pretty fucked up they are running it in the fall, they are gonna end up doing the exact opposite of what I think their trying, people are gonna lose interest, it might be the final season, but their still wanting it to make money, its my favorite show ever, but even I'm to the point where its like 'fuck it! I don't have time to sit and wait for it, I think its a slap in the face for us fans that have stuck with it since season 1
  6. I just have to give allot of respect to Tobias, Avantasia - The Scarecrow has takin some time to grow on me, but the more you listen to it the more you get over the fact its not Edguy and the more you can listen with an open mind, song #5, the ballad he does with that girl is far more mature and advanced then anything I would have ever given him credit for, I mean if somebody put that as a theme behind a major movie, it would be huge, One way or another I'm gonna get word out Tobias Samett is a icon and showman of this era, the DLR of this time x10.
  7. Which one had the hilarious Run Out Of Town on it? that song surely cracks me up to this day!
  8. it takes a very special person to listen to endless pain, for me its Coma Of Souls, When The Sun Burns Red is far away the tightest jam they ever did, followed by World Beyond, what's the cd from 2005 like? are they still thrash?
  9. If any of you know who Three Six Mafia are, theres a guy in that group that always has Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Megadeth shirts on, just kind of struck me as odd, you know, I didnt know they had Maiden in da hood!
  10. And that S\T has nothing to do with either of the other discs, you wouldnt even be able to tell it was the same band, that first album is poppy AOR, but I believe Gordon sings on it, my favorite by a longshot is Stranded, I think Mikes voice is shades above the other guy, Four Winds sounds more like a 38 Special album, who I love, but I just dont dig alot of that kind of southern tinged music, aside from 38 special, I think Stranded rocked a lot more then Four Winds.
  11. I was watching 21 Jump Street, and I was shocked to hear the classic B-52's song channel Z, it made my whole night, they a superb band, loaded with musical talent,, and are solid from guitar string, to drumstick,
  12. I had to go with VH, just for everything they brought to the table in 1978, I wouldnt say Van Hagar is my favorite, but since many people don't clarify that I will.
  13. This is kind of one of those loaded polls! on one hand the entire catalogue is classic, (Future World standing on top), but I was mighty Impressed when they unloaded Spooked on us out of nowhere, Die With Your Dreams was IMHO, the single most impressive song I think they ever did, so yes, I went with Spooked.
  14. Sic Vikki - Tough Enough, Her Body Compliments The Beat, Stop Breaking My Broken Heart Breaker - Black And White Pretty Maids - Die With Your Dreams White Wolf - She Jaded Heart - Dreams You'll Never See Cassanova - Burning Love Cry Wolf - West Wind Blows Prong - Detatched
  15. I liked In Through The Out Door most, but im biased, since my favorite Zep song by far is Fool In The Rain, I love the tone Paige gets on the solo, plus all the percusion just floors me, by far IMHO the most expansive Zep song ever done.
  16. Any of you guys familiar with this website? Oh Yeah! and it's a link to my hilariously gay cover, it doesnt look as funny as it did the other night, it's actually a concept cover, are they supposed to be standing around telling jokes, having a good time? Hence - "Loving Every Minute Of It" or was it just an album cover like Keep It Up, with really no thought behind it? http://www.rockforever.com/singers/reno/al...veryminute.html
  17. You mean this one? "Tim Tim" looks like Dee Snider's ugly little sister. Do his new bandmates in Marilyn Manson know he used to dress like that?? Yes they do! and thats what got him the job, now he wears anal beads around his neck, and has prop used tampons as hair extensions,
  18. Germany's really producing excellent bands, like EDGUY!!! Edguy Bitches, the main band.
  19. Perhaps gay was a bad choice of words, since gay's often would have a more well thought album cover, (R.E.M. Green) just got my Stryper poster framed, good call on that as well, but still not even as remotely stupid as Loving Every Minute Of It.
  20. I was recently stoned (tonight) and was unloading a box of my cd's that had been 3 years lost, but my uncle miraculously found them in his storage shed, and shipped them to me, but I was ripped and pulling each one out of the box individually, you know giving it a once over, when I burst into hysterical laughter, I don't know if it was the irony or sheer stupidity of it, but upon scanning Loverboys - Lovin Every Minute Of It album cover, I was bound to uncontrollable laughter, Im sure if I hadnt been blazed, it would have just gone right over onto the pile, but it struck me, could this be possibly the single most stupid, mindless, cheap, album cover, or do you think perhaps it was a concept cover? and I just didnt get it at first? what are some of your thought, and feel free to add to the list of excellent album covers, if I could think of more I would have just done a poll, maybe after you all pipe in, i'll have enough Ideas to do a poll.
  21. Hey Bro! you aint the first guy to ever get cheated on by his girl, you should always keep one thing in mind, If you werent fuckin her, somebody else would be, now stop being a snivelling pussy, and get in their and bang this bitch. The Animal.
  22. I always wondered, where was the cover of Night Songs shot at? it looks an awful lot like the alley behind my house!
  23. This was a bitch for me, anybody who knows me, will never bring up Bon Jovi unless they want to talk about 7800, ive long praised it as the one and only "Real" BJ album, and then to hear them just shred it and degrade it and talk shit on it to the dude on VH1, was kind of like my approval, that it really is the best thing they ever did, hearing the garbage they do now, it really put it into context for me, but I was torn on this, because you don't get much better then Bulletboys - Freakshow, that is to this day the one and only BB disc I own, and I still pull it out and jam it at least 3 times a year, so I went with Bon Jovi, but it was more or less by default, since it has the seniority!
  24. If you really want to get technical about it, how about G.G. Allin?
  25. C-Band, the other 2 are not even close!
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